How to improve your health? This question comes up more and more often and has been addressed by many health specialists. All Ergo summarizes for you ten simple and practical tips to follow daily!

  1. Watch your diet

Food plays a fundamental role in well-being and health. It is recommended to reduce your consumption of salt, refined sugar and saturated fatty acids (meat, dairy products) and instead favour unsaturated fatty acids (fatty fish, vegetable oils), whole grains and, of course, fruits and vegetables. A scientific review has shown that for each additional serving of 100 g of fruit and vegetables consumed, the risk of depression is reduced by 3%.

  1. Practice regular physical activity

Physical activity is known to help you stay in shape, but its benefits don’t stop there. Indeed, sport promotes longevity, helps reduce the risk of chronic diseases and improves mental health. According to the World Health Organization, physical inactivity is the fourth risk factor for death worldwide. Walking 30 minutes a day at a steady pace is advisable if you practice a sport sparingly. Consult our article Sports for seniors?

  1. Drink more water

The body of an adult is made up of 60% water. Every day, he spends, on average more than 2 litres. We all know drinking water is good for our bodies, but many people forget to drink enough. It is good to remember that certain foods (fruits and vegetables) hydrate the body, while others (alcohol) dehydrate it. Drinking at least 1.5 to 2 litres of water per day is recommended.

The feeling of thirst is already a sign of dehydration; remember to drink throughout the day.

  1. Sleep better

Sleep is crucial for many biological functions.

It turns out that sleeping too much or too little increases the risk of heart disease, diabetes and obesity.

An adult needs 7-9 hours of sleep per night. To help you sleep better, it is advisable to lower the ambient light before sleeping, eat light in the evening to facilitate digestion, avoid coffee and tea after 5 pm, practice physical activity during the day and have comfortable bedding.

Take time to relax

Modern life is a source of great stress for many people, which has an extremely harmful effect on health. It is therefore strongly recommended to take breaks in this rhythm of life. A nap, reading or watching a movie is good for your health. There are also adaptogenic plants to soothe the body.

Go out and see people.

We are social beings. Sharing moments with others allows you to create an identity and improve your physical and mental health. Seeing people means using your brain and body to talk, laugh, get some fresh air… This dramatically avoids the risk of depression. It is advisable, for example, to belong to a club, an association or a sports team!

Have a positive attitude

Keeping a positive attitude has a real impact on health and well-being. The brain must move forward and have goals, challenges… Having a plan or an activity that is important to us gives meaning to our lives, is excellent for morale and reduces the risk of depression.

Avoid tobacco

We are not teaching you anything; tobacco is very harmful to health. It is responsible for many disorders and increases the chances of declaring a severe illness. Life expectancy decreases drastically; the body becomes intoxicated and exhausted.

While quitting smoking isn’t easy, it’s a critical step towards better health.

Replace coffee with tea

Easier to do for some than for others, replacing coffee every morning with tea (especially green tea) is a simple and daily solution that is very beneficial for your health. Indeed, tea is much richer in antioxidants, which help prevent cardiovascular disease, certain cancers and other aging-related diseases.

Limit sitting at work

A sedentary lifestyle promotes health problems such as obesity or back pain. Office work often involves sitting for hours. Getting up during the lunch break, taking regular intervals, and moving around are essential. These breaks during the day not only limit the damage of a sedentary lifestyle but also improve concentration!

Six Habits We Can Adopt Every Day to Normalize Mental Health Issues

The most significant changes in my life usually come from small, consistent actions. These habits have a significant impact on my mental health and the work I do.

National mental health campaigns and days go a long way in raising awareness. But there are also many other ways to change perceptions and support everyday mental health.

Based on my experience as a mental health advocate with The One Project, I offer six ways to embed mental health awareness into your daily routines and local communities.

Get in touch with your friends and loved ones and try to find out more.

Members of The One Project community often cite that being listened to without being judged is the most beneficial form of support.

Haven’t heard from a friend in a while, or know a friend is going through an adamant time? Be proactive.

Contact the person and check in on them. Question her again if she brushes off what you say as if everything is fine. Drive her to her appointment or go with her doctor or mental health professional if it’s the first time and she’s nervous.

Talk more openly about your illness.

The stories about mental health are often extreme or condensed versions of a person’s account. How do depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues interfere with everyday life?

Regularly talking about your experience can help people better understand what people with mental health problems are going through and reduce stigma.

Remember to also talk about your illness’s more ordinary, humorous or positive aspects. This is not to downplay what you are going through but to provide a complete and balanced portrait of real life.

Correct (tactfully) people who spread prejudice or misconceptions

Speak up when a story, joke or phrase about mental health is stigmatizing or false. Approach the issue with tact and kindness. Speaking up can be difficult, especially if you’re feeling anxious. However, it is essential to do so.

We often incorporate stereotypes conveyed by films, books and other media. Explain that these perceptions can hurt those who hear them (including yourself, if applicable). Inform the person of research findings showing that the perception in question is false.

Seek to promote discussions about mental health in the workplace

Suggest in your workplace the creation and promotion of mental health awareness days for employees.

Ask your manager or the Human Resources Department if the company has programs dedicated to employee mental health. If there are none, tell them about the needs in this regard and the benefits of such programs. You can group up with other employees to request it if your company is initially resistant.

Are you a freelancer? Allow yourself to take a break and set boundaries with your clients in a way that puts your mental health first.

Host or join a community support group

Local or online support groups help build community spirit. If you participate, you will meet people going through similar problems. You will have an outlet that will consistently give you the support and encouragement you need.

Can’t find a support group in your area? Consider participating in creating a group or leading one, whether reserved for your friends and your close network or open to the whole community.

Help improve mental health vocabulary.

It is sometimes tough to find the right words. Unwittingly, it is easy to exert pressure or pass judgment on a person going through difficult times.

There are many valuable tips and guides online. Here is a quick guide that provides some tips to help you support someone with depression.

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