Ducted Air Conditioning – Advantages and Disadvantages

Ducted Air Conditioning – Advantages and Disadvantages

Is ducted air conditioning worth it?

Ducted air conditioning,  for example, in the Mitsubishi GPEZ-100 models and the Fujitsu ACY71 model, is an air conditioning system to take into account when we want to air-condition the house or premises completely, we want to have it centralized with a single air conditioner,  and we would like to have a uniform temperature throughout the house.

It is increasingly common that in the construction of new homes, developers have already taken into account the need for central air conditioning and have made a pre-installation for ducted air conditioning prepared for any brand (Fujitsu, Mitsubishi, Daikin, LG). , because with this solution, they leave the house prepared to satisfy their needs both in winter and summer.

Ducted Air Conditioning – Advantages and Disadvantages

Ducted air conditioning consists of an outdoor machine, which is normally installed outside on the roof, and a rectangular-shaped indoor unit embedded above the false ceiling of the auxiliary bathroom so that it is protected and does not damage the home aesthetics. It will never be seen with the naked eye. From here, above the ceiling, there will be a series of channeled ducts that are distributed throughout the bedrooms, living room, and sometimes in the kitchen, which distribute the air conditioning evenly.

In each room, we will find a grill through which the air is expelled, as there will be other grilles that will be what is called “return,” which is where the air conditioning through ducts collects the air for its correct circulation.

 It must be taken into account that all ducted air conditioning units include a control knob that acts as a thermostat, which is usually placed in the living room or the corridor of the house, where we control and operate the machine. Of ducts and mark the comfort temperature that we want to have. This command is generally programmable; you can set the desired temperatures for hours, 7 days a week.

Once we have seen how it works and what the duct air conditioning system consists of, we will see its advantages and disadvantages.


  •  It is one of the best options if we want to air-condition the house completely or if we have more than one room to air-condition centrally.
  • Unlike split air conditioners, ducted air conditioners are not visible in our home, so we will gain a lot aesthetically.
  •  By having the internal unit embedded above the bathroom ceiling, we gain a lot of comfort regarding the acoustic level. From the rooms, it is practically invisible, unlike Split air conditioners, which, although they are quite silent, you usually notice their presence.
  •  Energy saving. Energy savings are considerable by having a single air conditioning unit to heat the entire house. Ducted air conditioners have excellent performance and great energy efficiency.
  • Ducted air conditioners have the possibility of being able to place a thermostat in each room and thus be able to set different individual temperatures by zones; we can even close grilles in the rooms that we do not want to air condition and thus distribute the air at our convenience.
  • Unlike other systems,  ducted air conditioners meet the needs both in winter and summer, achieving air conditioning in our home for the whole year with only one air conditioning unit, offering us a complete solution.


  • If our house still needs pre-installation, carrying out the pipes and placing the machine requires work, probably expensive and sometimes complicated installation. Our home does not allow us to place the ducts, and we would have to reject this air conditioning system.
  • The investment in ducted air conditioning systems is usually high. Depending on the spaces and m2 to be heated, we would have to measure the needs of your home. The average prices of this equipment range from €1,000 to €3,000, not counting its installation.
  • Ducted air conditioners have a peculiarity: in very cold areas, their installation is not usually advisable since these air conditioning equipment suffer and lose performance when it exceeds -5ºC outside.

In conclusion, from  Expertclima, once the characteristics, advantages, and disadvantages of ducted air conditioners have been reviewed, we highly recommend these air conditioning units. Suppose you have the pre-installation done in your home. In that case, it is almost an obligation to opt for this air conditioning system due to its performance, energy efficiency, savings, and comfort.

5 benefits of ducted air conditioning

It is a system that distributes the air through grilles placed in the different rooms or rooms to be heated. Discover its benefits!


  • Benefits of ducted air conditioning
    • 1. Economic and consumption savings
    • 2. Energy efficiency
    • 3. Thermal comfort throughout the year
    • 4. Simple aesthetics
    • 5. Zoning

In recent years, in the construction of new homes in Spain, the pre-installation of air conditioning has been added as a general rule, leaving the route of the pipes and their conduits already prepared. An advantage is that it makes it easier for users to decide on installing ducted air conditioning. A centralized system that distributes the air through grilles placed in the different rooms or rooms to be heated.

Did you know that the air conditioning duct system is one of the most efficient and economical equipments on the market? And also, if we opt for its installation, the long-term profitability is greater, unlike air conditioning systems such as Split or multiple air conditioners.

Benefits of ducted air conditioning

According to data from the IDAE, 35.5% of homes in Spain have air conditioning and 10.4% in all house rooms. So, in this case, the duct system is a good option to have at home. Even so, to optimize the installation of ducted air conditioners to the maximum, it is advisable to have a zoning system above all if you want to air-condition multiple areas of the house or rooms.

Next, we give you 5 benefits of having a ducted air conditioning system:

How to choose the best air conditioning for your home.

  1. Economic and consumption savings

Ducted air conditioning systems have an independent thermostat regulating temperature and airflow. This system controls its use in the home. We can turn it off completely and even activate it in other rooms or rooms. So, since each room can be regulated independently, once the desired temperature is reached, the system controls the flow of hot or cold air, only re-conditioning the room when needed.

In addition, in the case of having rooms or rooms in the home where some are hotter or colder than others, with zoning, through the said thermostat, it is possible to control the possible waste of energy and promote responsible consumption at home.

  1. Energy efficiency

With this air conditioning system, you can obtain up to 50% annual energy savings. Some models have mechanisms that control energy. In addition, when installing ducted air conditioning, the correct insulation of the system guarantees energy savings and comfort in the home.

Another aspect that ensures good energy efficiency of ducted air conditioning is that, since 2015, all systems must be labeled with the seasonal energy efficiency factor, SEER for the cold mode and the seasonal coefficient of performance, SCOP for the heat mode.

  1. Thermal comfort throughout the year

It helps to achieve in the rooms the sensation of thermal comfort that we often need when we have, for example, high temperatures during the summer period. If you opt for this system for ducted air, it is easier to control humidity conditions, air movement in rooms, and temperature. And also independently. Quite a benefit for the home since each room’s needs differ depending on the type of use it has and the thermal sensation of each person wearing it at that moment.

In addition, unlike other systems that only generate heat, ducted air conditioners, thanks to the heat pump, satisfy the needs both in winter and in summer. With this, it is achieved that a single team air conditioning our home for the whole year, offering us a complete solution

  1. Simple aesthetics

Ducted air conditioning systems are installed in false ceilings, so they are not as visible as can be the case with other types of air conditioning equipment such as Split or Multisplit. Only the small grilles through which the air is distributed are visible in the rooms with ducted air. In addition, there is also the possibility of adding colored coatings to said grilles to improve the room’s design.

  1. Zoning

Undoubtedly, one of the great advantages of these systems is that they can be zoned. They can regulate the temperature and airflow in the rooms or each room space.

If a zoned installation is carried out, each room has its thermostat that is connected to the motorized grilles of said room. When the previously set temperature is reached, the grill is responsible for closing the air passage and reducing the machine’s power. In this way, the room or space does not continue to be heated, saving on electricity consumption.

When the room thermostat detects that the temperature is outside the configured ranges, the system starts working again automatically. Controlling, thus, that the ambient temperature is adequate. An advantage that allows maximum comfort in the rooms and energy savings.

Split or ducted air conditioning? Which one is right for me?

To combat the high summer temperatures, there is no better solution than having an air conditioning system at home, especially when the thermometer moves between 30 and 40ºC, and no fan can relieve the heat.

When choosing an air conditioning system, it is very common to consider these two options: Split or duct air conditioning. What is the best solution for my home? Which of these two systems comes out better? If you are also considering it, in this article we will tell you the main advantages of each one and their differences, so that you can choose the system that best suits your needs.

Ducted or centralized air conditioning

Ducted air conditioning is a centralized system that distributes the air throughout the house through a false ceiling and grilles. Some models allow you to regulate (and even program) the grilles that open into each room or room in the house according to the needs of that moment. For example, if you only want to air-condition the living room and kitchen, it is possible to close the grilles that lead to the rooms temporarily. In addition, if the ducted air conditioning unit has a heat pump, it is also possible to distribute hot air for the coldest months of the year.


Among the advantages of installing ducted air conditioning, we highlight the following:

– There are no devices in sight: The installation is fully integrated into the home, being more aesthetic or attractive.

– Allows air conditioning in different environments at the same time.

– The initial investment is not very high if the house already has a pre-installation of ducts.

– Maintenance is easy.

– The air distribution is better as long as the network of ducts and grilles is well done.


Ducted air conditioning also has its drawbacks and may not be the most suitable in some cases. These are its cons:

– A single temperature for the whole house: Generally, it is not possible to air condition rooms individually since the temperature of the thermostat is applied to the whole house unless we have a zoning system.

– If the pre-installation of the ducts is not done, it will imply making reforms, and the initial investment is quite high.

Split and multi-split air conditioning

The Split air conditioning system is the most economical option and the most common in homes in Spain. This type of air conditioning climates each room individually, either through a 1×1 Split system or a 2×1, 3×1 multi-split system, etc. On the one hand, the 1×1 Split systems consist of a wall-mounted indoor unit (evaporator) for an outdoor unit (condenser-compressor). On the other hand, multisplit systems consist of several indoor units that work through a single outdoor unit.


– The installation of Split air conditioning is usually quite simple

– It is possible to control the temperature of each room individually.

– It is more economical when you only want to air condition one or two rooms.

– Inverter equipment has good energy savings.


– The indoor unit is visible, so it is not the best option aesthetically.

– If you need to put splits in each room, the electricity consumption will be higher than in a centralized system such as ducts.

– In the case of having several independent split systems, the outdoor units will make more noise.

– If several units have to be installed to air-condition each room, the installation of the splits can be quite high.

– The difference in temperature between rooms can be uncomfortable, as well as a more direct and cold “air blast.”

Now that you know the advantages and disadvantages of each air conditioning system, you can get an idea of ​​what you need. However, we give you some tips to clear up any doubts.

What is the most convenient air conditioning system?

Each air conditioning solution responds to specific needs. Which the best option will be the one that best suits these needs, characteristics, or requirements, such as the type of home, the need to air-condition the entire home equally, or only some specific rooms, the budget, or the architecture? From the house The safest thing to do when choosing one system or another is to ask for advice from a specialized air conditioning technician. The technician will also be able to advise you on the necessary power of the device, its functionalities, and its experience.

However, below, we report the general cases where installing a ducted air conditioner or a Split air conditioner would be more convenient.

It is advisable to install ducted air conditioning when…

– You have the pre-installation of ducts done

– You want to air-condition all or almost all the rooms in the house equally.

– Aesthetics (leaving indoor units visible) is important for you.

– The house is large and spacious.

– You do not have enough space outside (facade, balcony, terrace…) to install more than one external unit.

It is advisable to install a Split air conditioner when…

– You do not have pre-installation of ducts, or the ceiling height is not high enough to include a false ceiling.

– The air conditioning needs in each room are different.

– Small and compact housing.

– You do not care that the indoor units remain visible.

As you can see, air conditioning can be of one type or another depending on various factors such as its use or the characteristics of the home. You can contact us if you have any questions when buying an air conditioner or another.

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Ducted Air Conditioning – Advantages and Disadvantages

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