Erectile dysfunction: Nonoral treatments 2023

Erectile dysfunction: Nonoral treatments 2023

Erectile dysfunction: Nonoral treatments

Oral medications aren’t the only way to treat erectile dysfunction. Know the full range of treatment options and how they work.

If you have erectile dysfunction and can’t take certain oral medications or if oral treatments aren’t effective, you have other treatment options.

Understand why you might choose a nonoral treatment for erectile dysfunction and how these treatments work.

Erectile dysfunction: Nonoral treatments 2023

When oral medications might not be safe

Not all men can safely take erectile dysfunction oral medications, such as Sildenafil (Viagra), vardenafil (Levitra, Staxyn), tadalafil (Cialis), and avanafil (Stendra). Medications for erectile dysfunction might not work or might be dangerous if you:

  • Take nitrate drugs commonly prescribed for chest pain (angina)
  • Have shallow blood pressure (hypotension) or uncontrolled high blood pressure (hypertension)
  • Have severe liver disease
  • Have kidney disease that requires dialysis

Some men might also choose another treatment option to avoid the side effects caused by certain oral medications.

Other types of medications

Nonoral medications for erectile dysfunction include:

  • Self-injections. Several medications are commonly injected directly into the penis to achieve an erection. The most often used drugs include alprostadil, papaverine, and phentolamine. With this method, you use a fine needle to inject the medications into the base or side of your penis.
  • The goal of injection therapies is to produce an erection that lasts about 20 to 40 minutes. If an erection lasts longer than one hour, you must adjust the medication or dose to avoid potential long-term complications. Because the needle is excellent, pain from the injection site is usually minor.
  • Side effects can include bleeding from the injection, prolonged erection (priapism), and formation of fibrous tissue within the penis or at the injection site.
  • Alprostadil urethral suppository. Alprostadil intraurethral (Muse) therapy involves placing a tiny alprostadil suppository inside your penis in the penile urethra. You use a unique applicator to insert the suppository into your penile urethra.
  • The erection usually starts within 10 minutes and lasts between 30 and 60 minutes. Side effects can include pain, minor bleeding in the urethra, and forming of fibrous tissue inside your penis.
  • Testosterone replacement. Some men have erectile dysfunction that low hormone testosterone levels might complicate. Testosterone replacement therapy might be recommended as the first step in this case.
  • Testosterone replacement therapy can be delivered via injection, patch, gel, gum, cheek (buccal cavity), intranasal, subcutaneous pellet, or oral medication. Talk to your doctor about your personal preference and the possible side effects.

Penis pumps, surgery, and implants

If medications aren’t effective or appropriate, your doctor might recommend a different treatment. Other treatments include:

  • Penis pumps. A penis pump (vacuum erection device) is a hollow tube with a hand-powered or battery-powered pump. The line is placed over your penis, and the pump is used to suck out the air inside the bar. This creates a vacuum that pulls blood into your penis.
  • Once you get an erection, you slip a tension ring around the base of your penis to hold in the blood and keep it firm. You then remove the vacuum device.
  • The erection typically lasts long enough for a couple to have sex. You remove the tension ring after intercourse. Bruising of the penis is a possible side effect, and the band will restrict ejaculation. Your penis might feel cold to the touch.
  • If a penis pump is a good treatment choice, your doctor might recommend or prescribe a specific model.
  • Penile implants. This treatment involves surgically placing devices into both sides of the penis. These implants consist of either inflatable or semirigid rods. Inflatable devices allow you to control when and how long you have an erection. The semirigid rods keep your penis firm but bendable.
  • Penile implants are usually not recommended until other methods have been tried first. Implants have a high degree of satisfaction among men who have tried and failed more-conservative therapies. As with any surgery, complications, such as infection, are risks.
  • Blood vessel surgery. Rarely erectile dysfunction is treated by bypassing obstructed penile arteries. This is uncommon, however, and is only recommended in a small percentage of men.

Psychological counseling

Open pop-up dialog box battery-powered penis pump for erectile dysfunction

If your erectile dysfunction is caused by stress, anxiety, or depression — or the condition is creating stress and relationship tension — your doctor might suggest that you, or you and your partner, visit a psychologist or counselor.

Pay attention to the underlying cause.

Getting proper treatment for the underlying cause of erectile dysfunction might help prevent related health problems and improve sexual function. Conditions that can cause or worsen erectile dysfunction include:

  • Heart disease
  • Diabetes
  • Obesity
  • Psychological issues
  • Alcoholism and other forms of substance abuse
  • Tobacco use

Erectile Dysfunction: Treatments

Home » Erectile Dysfunction » Erectile Dysfunction: Treatments

Erectile dysfunction is the persistent total or partial inability to achieve and maintain an erection firm enough for satisfactory sexual intercourse. This problem is a great enemy for couples since it affects 1 in 4 men in Spain.

Erectile Dysfunction: Treatments

Erectile Dysfunction: Treatments

The causes of erectile dysfunction are numerous and can be physical or psychological; you have to know how to identify them. Here are some of the most common causes of impotence.

Some of the causes of erectile dysfunction:

physical causes

  • Blood flow problems.
  • High cholesterol.
  • Tobacco, alcohol, and drug use.
  • Consumption of certain medications.
  • Poorly controlled diabetes

psychological causes

  • Anxiety, stress, and depression.
  • Tension or nervousness.
  • couple problems

When to see a doctor?

There are temporary erection problems that do not necessarily have to be erectile dysfunction and are usually caused by minor reasons such as lack of sleep, work stress, and relationship problems…

You have to know how to differentiate between a temporary problem and a real problem of erectile dysfunction. If you have been experiencing impotence for approximately three months and constantly, you are probably facing a confirmed case of erectile dysfunction. Conveniently, you go to a doctor so that they can carry out the necessary tests and thus be able to study your specific topic.

Shame and guilt are two psychological barriers that need to be overcome to address the dysfunction in the best possible way. No one is to blame for this problem, and the couple should stick together and support each other.

erectile dysfunction solutions

Medical treatments

  • Drug therapy. This treatment refers to the prescription (by a specialist in male sexuality) of drugs that favor the elimination of erectile dysfunction in various ways. Of course, the medicines used are authorized by the Spanish Agency for Medicines and Health Products (AEMPS).
  • Depending on the patient’s needs and degree of dysfunction, the most appropriate medications will be chosen, in the company and advice of their doctor, to guarantee the most significant probability of treatment success.
  • Low testosterone therapy. This treatment is focused on treating hypogonadism with testosterone supplementation in men to recover adequate levels.
  • Gel therapy. Administration of gels, previously prescribed by a specialist, to promote erection and combat erectile dysfunction. All the medical products we use at the test are authorized and approved by the Spanish Agency for Medicines and Health Products.
  • Intracavernous therapy. This treatment is administered by intra-cavernous injection or intraurethral route to relax the smooth muscle and open the blood vessels of the penis. In this way, the person gets a firm erection allowing him to have sexual intercourse.
  • Shock wave treatment. Application of linear shock waves that favor the formation of new blood vessels in the erectile tissue and the potentiation of the relaxation of the vascular endothelium.

surgical treatments

  • Penile prosthesis implant. Penile implants are devices inserted inside the penis to eliminate erectile dysfunction and allow satisfactory sexual intercourse.

psychological treatments

  • Psychological treatment for erectile dysfunction. Theresa has specialized psychologists to treat the psychological factors of erectile dysfunction. This treatment can be carried out in parallel with any medical or surgical treatment, or if no treatment mentioned above is necessary, it can be carried out independently. Each case is studied individually to ensure that the option chosen is the most appropriate.

A urologist indicates the best home remedies for erectile dysfunction.

  • Urologist Jamin Brahmbhatt shares the best home remedies for erectile dysfunction and solves the problem of erection supplements.

Do you have difficulty getting (or staying) hard in the bedroom? You and many other penis owners. According to the National Institutes of Health, about 30 million men in the United States suffer from erectile dysfunction, which is not rare.

Erectile dysfunction, or ED, is the inability to get or maintain an erection; according to urologist Jamin Brahmbhatt, it can be a temporary or chronic condition. The reasons erectile dysfunction can occur are multiple, including stress, aging, anxiety about sexual performance, and lifestyle habits; Recent research has even pointed to a relationship between Covid-19 and erectile dysfunction. Although it may seem like the end of the world when your penis doesn’t behave as you want it to, several treatments are available, including some home remedies.

home remedies for erectile dysfunction

But before we go there, let’s get one thing straight: Brahmbhatt recommends Viagra (or its generic name, Sildenafil) as the best medical option for treating erectile dysfunction, whether your problems are temporary or long-term. As well as relaxing your blood vessels to allow you to get an erection, the little blue pill can also give you a confidence boost if your erectile dysfunction is related to performance anxiety.

Brahmbhatt recommends talking with your doctor to see if your other prescriptions—such as antidepressants or anti-anxiety medications—are contributing to your ED. Although medication adjustment is not a home remedy, your doctor can adjust medicines for it so that you can stay healthy and maintain your ideal sex life. But we know it can be embarrassing to talk to your doctor about his sex life…

Healthy lifestyle

According to Brahmbhatt, exercising, improving your diet, and removing excess fat can improve erection quality. Studies show that regular exercise is linked to decreased chances of erectile dysfunction and improved prostate health in men. “get off the couch and dump that beer,” says Brahmbhatt.

The alcohol

Speaking of alcohol, you’ve probably heard of “whiskey dick,” the unfortunate phenomenon in which too much alcohol dulls your brain, preventing you from getting or maintaining an erection. Excessive alcohol consumption can also lower testosterone, making it more challenging to resolve erectile dysfunction. So drink in moderation.

Stress and mental health

If you’re relatively healthy, Brahmbhatt recommends considering whether any psychological stressors are preventing an erection. Feeling frustrated about work, your relationship, or your personal life can affect your ability to get an erection, as stress in other parts of your life can contribute to low libido.

According to Very Well Health, stress triggers the release of several hormones, including cortisol, which can decrease your body’s interest in sex. So even though your mind is in the game, your body may be telling you to deal with what’s bothering you first.

It’s also well-documented that mental health can make it challenging to get and keep an erection. Finding treatment through self-care, therapy, or medication can lower your stress levels and prevent you from going soft when you want to be ready for action.

The vitamins

Although a quick Google search might contain a list of vitamins and supplements that can be taken to maintain an erection, Brahmbhatt doesn’t recommend trying any non-FDA-approved substances. He says the science behind many of these products is dubious, and they can interact poorly with other medications you may be taking.

Cock ring?

For some of us, having sex in the same position and at the same pace every time can get boring. That’s why changing things from time to time is essential. Exploring fantasies and whims may be what you need to keep your erection. If you fancy trying a sex toy, consider a cock ring. Cock rings, or penis rings, are devices that are placed around the base of the penis, trapping blood in the shaft and helping you maintain an erection.

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Erectilee dysfunction: Nonoral treatments 2023

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