The 10 best ways to earn fast money online in 2023

The 10 best ways to earn fast money online in 2023

You have probably already found a lot of websites that explain how to do it. Most are not getting a penny (run away from anyone who tells you to fill out surveys or click on ads to generate income).

Not to mention the bloggers who only make money by selling courses where they teach how to make money. Paradoxical, right?

It is not my style. I have been living on the Internet for some time, generating thousands of euros and learning the ins and outs of online business.

In a week, I have managed to earn more than 8,000 euros.

First, you should know that earning money online takes work and effort. It has never been, despite what you read or want to sell you.

The 10 best ways to earn fast money online in 2023

I have had to put in much effort and sacrifice much of my free time. I have spent sleepless nights, invested hundreds of hours in learning, and given up my holidays while trying to earn my first euros.

But it was worth it.

The great advantage is that it is optional to have technical knowledge. Before, you had to know how to program to create a website, but nowadays, systems are so intuitive that even a child would know how to do it.

In this article, I will reveal the best ways to earn money online due to its economic potential, simplicity and ability to generate income stably. And, to be transparent with you, I will also show you my results.

Remember that you will not find high-risk systems or ridiculous income here, such as filling out online surveys or playing poker. If you want to make real money, you must work it.


Active vs. Passive Income

Before you start, you should know that there are two ways to earn money online: active and passive.

  • Assets require you to do something to generate income, such as selling handicrafts you have made, translating texts, or playing poker.
  • Passives are those that, once created, require virtually no further action on your part. Think about the advertising revenue generated by the readers of a website or the dividends you get from an investment. After the initial effort, you don’t have to do anything else.

The latter is the most desired.

Thanks to passive systems, you can continue generating income while you sleep, travel or dedicate your time to something else. They don’t just give you money: they also give you freedom.

And it’s not that active systems are bad, but the Internet is like a window that never closes. It is always on, and you can use it for a constant income stream.

10 proven formulas to earn money online

These are the best ways to earn money online for their economic potential, simplicity and reliability, and the results I have achieved with them.

Earn money with affiliate marketing.

Income Potential: High. On average, each of my affiliate websites generates 2,500 euros per month.

Investment required: Low-Medium. You only have to buy the domain and contract hosting if you write the content.

Difficulty: Medium-high. There is more and more competition, and you have to do things well to achieve results.

This is the system with which I earned my first euros, and it is one of the most affordable ways for any beginner who wants to generate passive income.

It hardly requires knowledge, the investment is almost nil, and its income potential is very high. In addition, you can practically forget about it once assembled: it will only require minimal maintenance.

Affiliate marketing consists of creating a website where you will publish analysis and product recommendations. In those analyses, you will put links to other websites where they sell the product. If you buy it, the seller will give you a commission for referring a customer.

Logically, you must first have reached an agreement with those websites. Luckily, today there are affiliate platforms (the best known is Amazon Affiliates ) where you only have to sign up to be part of that agreement.

Let’s say you are passionate about photography. You could create a web page where you post reviews of different cameras or lenses with a link to the product page on Amazon for readers interested in buying.

Your website would appear in search engines like Google when people search for reviews or comparisons of those cameras. They would go to your article, click on the affiliate link, and if they bought, Amazon would give you a percentage.

The 10 best ways to earn fast money online in 2023

Analysis of the Canon EOS 800D from two affiliate websites.

Do you see where the grace is? You create a web page, publish articles, and once they have visited, it becomes an automatic system you should only regularly attend to.

The income potential of this system depends on the market you have chosen (the more that category of products is sold on the Internet and the more expensive they are, the better) and the time you invest.

These are the tasks that you will have to do:

  1. Create a website. You can do it in 15 minutes with this tutorial.
  2. Write analysis, comparisons and recommendations. You will spend most of your time here. You can pay someone to do it, but I recommend writing it yourself initially to gain knowledge and practice.
  3. Position your website in search engines. Although in markets with less competition, your website can practically position itself, sometimes you will need to present your website in other places on the Internet to make it more visible.

Okay, but how much money are we talking about?

I like that you ask me this question. So that you can see what this system is capable of, this is what two of my affiliate websites generated during July.

This is the most veteran website (I am very fond of it) in a technology niche:

And this one is barely 11 months old, but it is already around 3,000 euros per month:

If I add the rest of the websites, the figure exceeds 7,000 euros per month on autopilot.

As if that were not enough, the income is multiplied by two or three when Christmas arrives. This is what I earned with a single website during December:

The 10 best ways to earn fast money online in 2023

Earning some money with affiliate marketing is relatively easy, but if you want to bill figures like these, you must put in a lot of effort.

So forget about anyone selling you that you can set up such a system on a Caribbean beach overnight. You must sacrifice much of your free time to earn more than a dozen monthly euros.

The good news is that, after the initial effort, you can dedicate yourself to reaping the rewards. You can keep the system remote, working from anywhere worldwide (something important for a travel lover like me).


  • Simple and easy to implement, even for inexperienced people
  • Passive income generation system: you should not manage stock or make shipments
  • High earning potential
  • It can be integrated into your blog if you already have one


  • The commissions of the best-selling products are usually low
  • The challenge is to position the web above online stores
  • There is more and more competition; the opportunity is now!

Create a website and monetize it with Adsense.

Income Potential: Medium. It depends on the theme of the web, but you will need many visits to exceed 1,000 euros per month.

Investment required:  Low-medium. If you write the content, you will hardly need to buy the domain and hire hosting.

Difficulty: Medium-high. The most profitable niches are usually highly competitive and dominated by professional SEOs.

The 10 best ways to earn fast money online in 2023

Another of the best ways to earn money online passively is by monetizing web pages with advertising.

The concept is similar to affiliate marketing: you create a web page on a topic, attract readers, and once they are there, you earn money when they take a certain action.

The great advantage of advertising is that you do not need the reader to buy to get a commission. The most common is that you earn money when the reader clicks on an ad (what is known as PPC -Pay Per Click-).

This is how the world’s largest ad network works: Google Adsense.

Adsense is popular thanks to its ease of use and number of advertisers. You sign up, and once your application has been approved, you can place ads on your website by inserting a small code.

With Adsense, you do not choose what type of ads appear: Google does it automatically according to your website’s theme and the reader’s profile. This way, you can display personalized ads for each reader, which has three benefits:

  • Maximize the money you can earn from advertising. The more relevant and specific an ad is, the more likely the reader will click.
  • It saves you from having to contact any advertiser directly. There are hundreds of thousands of companies advertising through Adsense.
  • The ads do not seem forced or personalized for the reader and the theme of the web; they integrate quite naturally into the pages.

Unlike affiliate marketing, the idea here is to create a web page that provides general information on a topic instead of publishing comparisons and analyses.

For example, you could create a website to post cooking recipes or information about dogs or dinosaurs. 

The potential of this system depends fundamentally on three things: the theme you have chosen, the number of visits to the website and the percentage of those visits that click on the ads.

Adsense ads on a dog web.

The first point, the theme, is fundamental because, according to that, you will earn more or less money per click.

For example, Adsense may advertise cat food on a website about cats. However, on a website about university courses, advertisements for postgraduate and master’s degrees that cost a fortune will surely appear.

Which one would you earn the most money when a reader clicked on?

Indeed, in the second. Since the advertised product is more expensive, the advertiser is willing to pay more.

To find out what potential a theme has with Adsense, use the Keyword Planner. Enter the theme there and see if it is searched for on Google and how much advertisers will pay you per click (a bid ).

A part of the bid (68%) is kept by you and the other (32%) by Google, so the higher the bid, the more money you can earn with a website on this subject.

For example, if you created a website with recipe information, each click from your readers would generate between 0.16 (68% of 0.24) and 0.19 euros (68% of 0.28). This is an average of 0.175 euros per click.

The percentage of readers who click on an ad is around 1.5%. Therefore, if you had two thousand page views per day, the calculation of monthly income with Adsense would be as follows:

  • 60,000 page views/month x 1.5% clicks x 0.175 euros = 157.5 euros/month

In this case, the click is paid little, so you need to have a huge number of visits to earn a good figure.

If you created a website with information about forex and currency trading, with the same number of visits, you would earn much more money:

The 10 best ways to earn fast money online in 2023

Each click would generate about 7.8 euros (68% of the average bids), so 60,000 page views per month would translate into:

  • 60,000 page views/month x 1.5% clicks x 7.8 euros –> 7,020 euros/month

In addition to what they pay you per click, the income potential is determined by the number of visits to the web. And that depends on the number of people who search for information on this topic on Google.

Fortunately, Google Keyword Planner offers a rough range of times a month, given the word or phrase searched for.

Calculate your income with Adsense.

I know firsthand people who bill several thousand euros a month with Adsense. In my case, I have used it as a complement to low-paid themes, and even so, it provides me with close to 2,600 euros per month:

Although this theme pays little, I make up for it with the volume of visits.

Monetizing web pages with Adsense is relatively easy, but the best themes are usually VERY competitive. To generate thousands of euros, you must choose a topic with high potential and work hard to create content and position it in Google.


  • With some effort, you can get a bonus per month
  • It hardly requires investment
  • Relatively easy to implement
  • It does not require constant content updating (unlike affiliate marketing)


  • High competition in markets where Adsense pays the best
  • Usually, you will need a very high volume of visits

Sell courses and services with your blog.

Income Potential:  Very high. I am not one of the bloggers that generate the most income, and even so, I bill around 4,000 euros per month for my courses.

Investment required: Low—only the expenses of a blog (hire the domain and hosting).

Difficulty: Medium. You will have to solve a need of your readers and master marketing tools, but the market is huge.

If the previous two were two of the best ways to earn money online, this is the BEST way to earn money online.

But like anything, the more money something can make, the more effort it takes.

It is about creating a blog on a specific subject, positioning yourself as an expert, and selling paid online courses.

Sounds difficult? It takes effort, but it’s simple. The key is to choose a topic that you master, where there are people interested, and build a reputation by publishing content.

The advantage of paid online courses is that they can become passive systems because once created, selling one as two hundred costs the same. You have to publish it in video or PDF format and sell it through an automated system to your subscribers.

This is what I do on my blog, As I am passionate about social psychology, a few years ago, I started a blog offering scientific and practical information to shy people looking to improve their social relationships.

At first, it barely had readers, but gradually, it became popular. Today I monetize it with online courses where he teaches to overcome social fears and achieve a more charismatic personality.

The 10 best ways to earn fast money online in 2023

Every time someone subscribes to the blog, an email sequence is activated that sends them valuable information. After a week, you will receive an email presenting the premium video course if you want to sign up.

In this way, I invoice an average of 1,000 euros per week on autopilot with something that makes me feel proud.

There are blogs and online courses on almost any topic you can think of. From courses to learn to read faster, manage family finances or Excel for students of letters.

The only requirement is to solve a problem your audience would be willing to pay for.

Generating money with this system is slow since you will have to work hard to earn readers’ trust, but you will be building a long-term, solid and differential online business.

The biggest obstacle is not technical (nowadays, it is tremendously easy to create a blog). Still, mental: many people believe they have nothing to teach, are afraid of exposing themselves to criticism, or spend months wondering which topic to choose.

You should know that most bloggers have started with these doubts. But they took the step, and as they created content for their blog, they gained more experience and knowledge.

So if you think you have something to contribute, no matter how small (there will always be someone who knows less than you), and you are fearless in exposing yourself publicly, this is your best option.


  • Anyone can create a course based on their knowledge
  • The process can be 100% automated
  • You make it difficult for competitors to copy you
  • It has the highest earning potential of all systems
  • you will feel more accomplished


  • You must create high-quality free content
  • Some people fear exposing themselves publicly
  • Preparing the automatic sales system requires a lot of dedication

Offer your services on specialized pages.

Income Potential: Low. On these pages, freelancers compete on price, so the rates are lower. You can reach 1,000 euros monthly, although most veterans multiply that figure.

Investment required: Low. Just sign up for the platform and create your profile.

Difficulty: High. If you have just started and are not very specialized, you will compete against many other profiles.

If you don’t have or don’t want to create a blog or a website (although anyone without technical knowledge can do it nowadays), another way to get a handful of euros online is by doing small online services.

The operation is very simple:

  1. You register on one of the online platforms that put you in contact with potential customers
  2. You publish your service and set a price
  3. You wait to get hired

A warm and cozy winter with blankets and plaids 2023

The jobs on these platforms are usually simple, such as translating text, editing a video, designing a logo, writing a resume or preparing a PowerPoint presentation.

Some even offer to write irresistible Tinder profiles; your imagination is limited!

Your income will depend on the number of hours and effort you can dedicate to it regularly. Some people earn a whole salary or several thousand euros a month, but it will be useful if you need extra income.

Currently, the most popular platforms and, therefore, with the greatest capacity to bring you clients are Upwork, Fiverr and Freelancer:

  • Upwork: it is only in English, but if you master it, it has enormous potential due to its many clients.
  • Fiverr: it is in Spanish and has many clients demanding services, but the prices are low.
  • Freelancer: it is in Spanish but has less volume of clients and is more challenging to use.

They usually keep around 10% of your billing and rely on customer reviews to increase or decrease your popularity. The better your reputation, the more attractive you will be to users interested in services like yours.

That is why the usual thing is to get a few jobs at the beginning or offer them at a lower price, but little by little, you will have more clients, and you will be able to raise your prices.


  • You do not need to create a website or build an audience
  • You can start earning money from the beginning
  • If you have a skill or are good at something, chances are someone is willing to pay for it.
  • Some platforms have a huge volume of clients.


  • You can’t turn it into an automatic passive income
  • Prices are usually low
  • There are services with a lot of competition
  • The greatest potential is in the English language

Work as a virtual assistant

Income Potential: Medium-Low. Virtual assistants usually charge between 10 and 20 euros per hour, although, for specific projects, they can exceed 40 euros/per hour.

Investment required: Low. However, you should train if you need to learn business management tools.

Difficulty: Low. There is a lot of demand for virtual assistants and several platforms where you can offer yourself.

Suppose you find earning money by offering online services interesting and want to ensure greater regularity and a more stable income. In that case, consider working as a virtual assistant.

The 10 best ways to earn fast money online in 2023

The virtual assistant is one of the new professions that the Internet technological revolution has brought, and its demand is expected to grow in the coming years.

It provides remote support to bloggers, digital entrepreneurs or companies in relatively simple or mechanical tasks, so it does not require highly specialized skills.

It is not a passive system, but in return, it offers you the freedom to work from wherever you want, a very attractive salary, and avoids creating a website. You could start working as a virtual assistant tomorrow.

A virtual assistant usually deals with the following tasks:

  • email management
  • Dissemination of content on social networks
  • Management and organization of the agenda
  • Billing management and income and expense reports
  • Design of images and banners
  • Management of communities in Facebook groups
  • Writing newsletters, pages and articles
  • Video and podcast editing
  • Support in online courses and webinars
  • Survey Analysis and reader feedback
  • Organization of face-to-face events

The key here is the trust you can earn from your client since he will delegate more responsible tasks to you.

The fees of a virtual assistant are usually established according to a price per hour that can range from 10 to 40 euros per hour worked. However, some specialized or highly reputable assistants may charge even more.

If you want to take the plunge as a virtual assistant, there are three ways to get your first clients:

  • Contact directly entrepreneurs, bloggers or small businesses and present your services. Try to provide a sample of your work so that they can verify the quality of your services.
  • Be attentive to requests for virtual assistants made to their subscribers by bloggers who are beginning to stand out.
  • Sign up for Freelancer, People Per Hour, Workana or Upwork because many entrepreneurs are looking for virtual assistants there. If they are satisfied, then you can propose a long-term collaboration. You can also post your profile on LinkedIn and start building your professional network there.


  • You do not need to create a website or build an audience
  • It does not require any specific skills, just responsibility and good management skills
  • You can do it from home and part-time


  • At first, your income will not be very high
  • It can become monotonous or unrewarding

Work as a copywriter

Income Potential: Medium. A professional editor usually invoices between 1,500 and 2,000 euros per month, depending on specialization.

Investment required: Low. For commercial newsrooms, some training may be necessary, but in general, it only requires the ability to write and manage.

The 10 best ways to earn fast money online in 2023

Difficulty: Medium. Currently, there is a large offer of editors and platforms that offer content at a low price.

Generating content that attracts and retains readers is a fundamental pillar of any digital strategy, and both large companies and small entrepreneurs know this well.

That’s why more than 3 million blog articles are published every day. There are posts about economics, animals, photography, food, health, marketing, video games, philosophy, and politics… Anything you can imagine.

This needs to create content has led to the appearance of another professional profile in high demand online: the editor.

Since constant demand exists, working as a copywriter is a fast way to earn money online. You don’t need great skills to do it either: you must like writing and be good at it.

How much money can a copywriter earn?

It depends on your experience, the quality of the texts and your speciality, but in general, the rates tend to be between 3  and 10 euros per 100 words, with which an article of 2,000 words can be perfectly paid for more than 100 euros.

I have been working with editors for my affiliate projects for years, and several of them, dedicating themselves full-time, generate a monthly income of over 2,000 euros. But some can earn much more!

Copywriters specializing in creating sales pages are usually the best paid since they are responsible for creating messages that convince people to buy. Thousands of euros have been paid for a page of this type.

If you are interested in starting to carve out a path (and some income) as a writer, I recommend that you sign up for platforms specialized in putting writers in contact with clients who need content, such as:

  • iWriter: one of the most popular. It could have paid better, but it makes up for the number of customers needing content.
  • LowPost – Pays somewhat better and has decent customer volume.
  • Textbroker – This lets you negotiate the price directly with customers, but you won’t find much demand.


  • You need to know how to write well (and that you like it)
  • You can start earning money today with writer platforms
  • If you’re good and put in the work, the long-term earning potential is high.


  • There is more and more competition, and it isn’t easy to stand out
  • As the supply of writers increases, the rates are falling
  • It is not a passive income at all

Translate content

Income Potential: Medium. The income of a professional translator is around 2,000 euros per month, but technical translators tend to have higher rates.

Investment required: Low. You need in-depth knowledge of a language and good organizational skills.

Difficulty: Medium. There is starting to be a lot of competition between translators, platforms that offer translation services and free applications like DeepL.

Suppose you need more creativity or prefer something more mechanical than working as a writer. You have a good language level; in that case, you can make your knowledge profitable through online translation services.

Many companies need to translate texts from their blogs, websites or posts on social networks and are looking for native speakers to do that job. In addition, it is usually quite well paid.

In fact, at the time, Netflix opened some applications to find people who would translate their online series through their Hermes program.

Regarding the translation from English to Spanish Castilian, they came to pay 12 dollars per translated minute, which is okay!

Now they no longer require this service, but there are also online platforms that put translators in contact with companies that need translation services, such as Gengo.

Gengo is an online platform that has provided translation services to YouTube and Sony, among others. You have to register on their website and pass their level test. From there, you will work your way up the ranks and into better-paying jobs as you translate.

The great advantage of Gengo is that you can choose what jobs you do and organize the schedules to your liking, which gives you enormous flexibility to earn money from anywhere.

Other interesting options are One Hour Translation (they also ask for a level test) or Textmaster.

And now the key question: how much money per month can you earn translating?

According to Gengo’s calculations, if you regularly translate from other languages ​​into Spanish, you will achieve an average monthly income of $435.

The 10 best ways to earn fast money online in 2023-

It’s a nice extra, but it won’t give you a full salary either. The great advantage is that you can do it from anywhere in the world, it doesn’t force you to do anything, and you can go at the pace you need.


  • You need knowledge of some other language
  • You can start earning money almost immediately
  • Great flexibility to organize your work


  • It is not a passive income: the more you translate, the more you will earn
  • It can become monotonous
  • Its economic potential is not too great

Create a YouTube channel.

Income Potential: Low. Successful YouTubers earn tens of thousands of euros but are a minority. The usual thing is to be at most 300 euros per month.

Investment required:  Low—just the video’s cost of recording and editing.

Difficulty: High. There is more and more competition, and it requires creating videos constantly.

With the purchase of YouTube by Google and the exponential growth in the consumption of video content, there were people who, overnight, began to earn a lot of money with their video channels.

Yes, there are more and more competitors, but YouTube is the second Internet search engine, only behind Google, and it is expected to become the first in a very short time. That means its economic potential is booming.

It is difficult for it to replace a real salary. Still, if you can provide knowledge or fun to users and have grace in front of the camera, generating some extra money with a YouTube channel in the medium term is possible.

How much money are we talking about?

Surely you have heard that some Youtubers bill millions of euros a year. But you can count them on your fingers. For you to do your calculations, you should know that YouTube advertising pays between 0.20 and 3 euros for every 1,000 views of a video.

This figure depends on the channel’s theme since Forex or health content is usually better paid than the channels on video games or curiosities.

Suppose that after 18 months, you build a YouTube channel with 100,000 subscribers, which is okay.

If you uploaded a video weekly with 75,000 views and YouTube paid you 1 euro for every 1,000 views, your monthly income would be approximately 300 euros.

As you can see, you’ll need to post videos to make money with YouTube consistently, so it’s a very active system if they go viral or have thousands of searches a day.

Fortunately, there are also alternative ways to increase income:

  • Contact companies and offer to put their advertising on your videos
  • Sell ​​custom merchandise, such as t-shirts and hats with your channel logo (when popular)
  • Accept donations with Patreon

If you already have a stable income through some other means, betting on a YouTube channel will not involve too much investment, and over time, it can give you more than one pleasant surprise.


  • YouTube and the video format are in full growth
  • There is still relatively little competition
  • It is hardly necessary to invest (you only need a camera and micro)


  • YouTube doesn’t pay too well, and it’s hard to make a decent income
  • You will need time to build an audience
  • You are subject to their policies, and they may close the channel

Sell online through dropshipping.

Income Potential: Medium. It depends on the product and your profit margin. Billing between 500 and 1,500 euros per month is successful, although I have seen cases of 4,000 euros per month.

Investment required:  Medium. To the cost of the domain and hosting, you must add the investment in advertising.

Difficulty: High. You will have to find a product that is in demand, a reliable manufacturer and get cheap traffic with advertising.

Another good way to earn money online is by selling products online.

I know people making more than 4,000 euros a month in profit with very simple but specialized products, so if you do it well, it is possible to generate a good income.

You should know that, mainly, there are two ways to sell online:

  • Create your website (again, it is easier than it seems) and sell your products there
  • Sell ​​your products on third-party platforms (such as Amazon)

If you don’t make products, don’t worry. It is as simple as finding a manufacturer with little popularity, buying the product and, selling it to the final public through your website or the platform, adding your margin to the price.

For this reason, most tend to look for Chinese suppliers. Although you must carry out the import procedures, you will have a greater margin.

The main drawback is that you must carry out billing and product shipping tasks, which can take time and effort. To avoid this hassle, you should look for suppliers that work through dropshipping.

The dropshipping system will allow you to turn your online store into a passive business. With it, you do not keep stock or take care of shipments; you only send the order data to the manufacturer (there are very simple automated systems), and he gets the product to the customer.

Note: websites like Oberlo already put you in direct contact with manufacturers that work with drop shipping.

The profit margin is usually between 20 and 50%. The inconvenient? If the shipment does not arrive or a return must be attended to, customers will complain, and you will have to resolve the incident with the manufacturer.

The keys to the success of this system are:

  1. Finding a product with more demand than supply
  2. Get a serious and reliable supplier
  3. Have a good profit margin
  4. Bring traffic to the web with organic positioning, Google Ads or Facebook Ads

It is also possible to earn money by selling your handmade products. If this is your case, I recommend you look at Etsy.

Etsy is an online store where only manufactured goods are sold. You can sign up and create a store where users can buy your products.


  • It does not require an initial investment in stock
  • With drop shipping, you can generate income on autopilot
  • good profit margin
  • If you sell crafts, you have a lot of freedom to mark the price


  • For third-party products, you are dependent on the manufacturer/distributor
  • It is not a fast system (unless you invest in ads)
  • If you are successful, in the short term, competitors will appear
  • There may be a price war in highly competitive markets

Sell courses on online platforms.

Income Potential: Variable. It depends greatly on the theme — most courses bill 100-200 euros per month, but some generate several thousand.

Investment required: Low. You need to create and record your course.

Difficulty: Low. You don’t need to build your audience because you use the platforms.

If you don’t like the idea of ​​selling products online, having to look for distributors and create a website, an excellent alternative is to sell your knowledge on online platforms.

The concept is simple:

  • Create a video or text course on a specific topic.
  • Upload it to platforms like Udemy.
  • Set a price.

To create the course, you can record yourself on video, record a presentation on your screen, or do it in text format (in pdf files), just as you would do for your blog.

These platforms receive thousands of daily visits from users looking for courses on a topic, so if yours meets demand and meets users’ expectations, you can earn a lot of money.

Okay, but how much money can you earn?

These courses are generally inexpensive (according to Udemy, 90% of the courses sold are priced at less than 50 euros).

Udemy also has a calculator, the  Udemy Marketplace Insights, that allows you to calculate the potential of your online course based on your theme.

For example, if you created a course on photography for beginners, this would be the potential:

As you can see, most photography courses generate just over 30 euros per month, while the most successful courses exceed 400 euros per month.

Of course, some instructors generate thousands of euros a month, such as this web design course that sells for 10 euros and has almost 20,000 enrollees. These cases are a small minority, but calculate what their author has earned!

If you want to build a successful course on Udemy, I recommend this strategy:

  1. First, list topics you consider that you know more than the average population.
  2. Create an instructor account on Udemy and enter your topics in the Udemy Marketplace Insights to calculate the potential of your course.
  3. Stick with the theme where the monthly revenue of the popular courses is higher.
  4. If the demand is also HIGH and the number of courses is MEDIUM or LOW, you are facing a good opportunity.

Creating a course is laborious, and only a few instructors achieve large numbers. Still, if it is of quality and the evaluations are positive, little by little, you will increase your billing.


  • You do not need to capture visits or create an audience
  • There is still little competition in the Spanish


  • Most courses do not reach 100 euros per month of billing
  • The price of the courses is low (Udemy sets a limit)
  • The platform is not yours, and you can change the conditions at any time
  • There is less demand for courses in Spanish

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