Free Legal Advice from Top Lawyers in India

Free Legal Advice from Top Lawyers in India

If necessary, it is possible to benefit from legal aid, which can take the form of free legal advice. They are provided by organizations, the courts, and your insurance contract.

They offer the possibility of consulting a lawyer free of charge during duty. Each department has a free public service for access to the law.

This allows everyone, especially those with low resources, to obtain general information on their rights and obligations, free legal assistance and free consultation with a lawyer.

We detail in this article the organizations that allow you to obtain free legal advice (house of justice and law, the courts, etc.), but also through your insurance contracts (home, car, etc.).








Where can I get free legal advice? Legal aid organizations

Each department offers solutions to benefit from the free consultation of lawyers and legal advice. They are organized to allow everyone access to rights. For this, three public institutions offer hotlines:

  • The houses of justice and law
  • Departmental centers for access to law
  • Access points to the law

Apart from the three institutions for justice set up for access to the law for all, it is possible to consult a lawyer for free:

  • In some town halls and courts
  • Using certain insurance contracts

The courts have been clogged for many years. This is why relay points for listening, local advice, legal assistance and assistance to victims have been set up in the departments. They guide people who encounter legal and administrative difficulties to promote amicable conciliation. Finding a free lawyer is possible.

But beware, this is advice in all cases, and it does not replace the follow-up of a case by a lawyer. You should seek legal aid if you are in financial difficulty but need a lawyer.

You can also consult a lawyer by telephone on 01 75 75 63 68 (the price of a local call from €2.80 per minute). Read the article on contacting a lawyer by email or telephone to find out more. Moreover, depending on the nature of your problem, do not hesitate to use our forum, where a community member will try to help you for free.

Consult a lawyer for free: how to benefit from free legal advice?

Houses of justice and law: get free legal advice.

The MDs were created in 1998 in the districts of the big cities to allow judicial proximity. They guarantee everyone accesses to justice. Consult the coordinates of the MJD.

They are under the authority of the public prosecutor and the president of the High Court where they are located. More than 130 houses of justice and law are present throughout France.

It coordinates the various partners to participate in preventing delinquency and assists victims if necessary.

It connects several partners :

  • The magistrates
  • Local elected officials
  • The policemen
  • Local associations
  • Social workers

It offers “alternative” methods of settling disputes, i.e. favouring amicable settlements without systematically going through the legal system.

  • At the penal level: implementing action to prevent delinquency and alternative measures to legal proceedings such as penal mediation and a reminder of obligations.
  • At the civil level: it allows amicable mediation of everyday conflicts such as neighbourhood problems, housing problems, etc.

The MDs provide free legal advice services, which legal professionals provide with lawyers and legal advisers.

Departmental centers for access to law: free legal consultation

The departmental centers for access to law (CDAD) are public bodies in each department. Their purpose is to inform people of their rights and duties and to guide them through administrative procedures.

They are chaired by the president of the Tribunal de Grande Instance (TGI). 

They bring together different partners from local life :

  • Legal professionals: lawyers, notaries, bailiffs
  • The General Council and the Regional Council
  • Associations in the field of justice: assistance to victims, right to housing, defence of the rights of foreigners
  • The prefect of the department

The departmental centers for access to law aim to provide information on the different mediation places and direct people towards the different organizations. They allow :

  • Assistance in non-judicial proceedings: if it is a judicial procedure, you can apply for legal aid. It allows it to cover all or part of the legal costs incurred.
  • a free legal consultation
  • Assistance in legal acts: drafting of acts

A free legal service is organized in each department. To find out the days and times, check with the CDAD on which you depend.

Rights access points (PAD): free legal advice

Access points to rights are located in neighbourhoods and rural localities. They welcome the public anonymously and free of charge during permanence. Noting that an area of ​​the department is not suitably served, the departmental council can decide to create a PAD.

The free hotlines are held by :

  • Lawyers
  • Associations
  • justice conciliators
  • Delegates from the Mediator of the French Republic
  • Representatives of the City Mediator

The PADs can be placed under the responsibility of the CDAD or be located in places open to the public, such as town halls, hospitals, etc.

The missions of the access point to the law :

  • Awareness-raising actions: particularly among young people
  • Permanences of public writers
  • Wide dissemination of information with the establishment of “Minibus,” for example, which goes to meet the inhabitants
  • Reception of people who encounter legal or administrative problems

 Hotlines offer free legal advice or inform you about your rights. If you wish to benefit from it, contact the access point to the law on which you depend.

Free legal advice in courts and administrations

Apart from the houses of justice and the law, the departmental centers for access to rights and the PADs, the administrations and the courts can offer a free consultation with a lawyer.

  • Town halls: some town halls offer the possibility of consulting a lawyer free of charge. You should inquire directly to find out if this is the case in your city. You can consult the contact details and practical information of Metropolitan France’s mayors and the overseas departments here.
  • District courts (TI): their role is to deal with civil cases for which the claim relates to sums less than or equal to 10,000 euros. Find the IT directory on this page.
  • The high courts (TGI): handle civil cases for sums greater than 10,000 euros and those relating to cases not allocated to another jurisdiction (trade, industrial tribunal, etc.). All TGI addresses are available in this article.

Depending on where you live, it is possible to find a lawyer for free and benefit from legal advice. However, it is worth inquiring directly to determine if you can benefit from it.

Free legal assistance through the insurance contract

In most insurance contracts that are taken out, such as car insurance or even home insurance, legal assistance is provided in the contract. It allows you to have advice from a specialist in case of a problem or dispute.

Free legal assistance is generally given by telephone but can go as far as setting up amicable or legal procedures.

Here are some examples of legal assistance with your insurance contracts :

  • You have ordered an item on the internet which has not been delivered, and you cannot get a refund: a free lawyer can guide you in the steps to take. Your civil insurance can provide this help.
  • Your accommodation is unsanitary, and your landlord refuses to do the work: a free lawyer will inform you of your housing rights. Your home insurance will provide this help.
  • You encounter neighbourhood problems (nuisance, delimitation of land, etc.): your home insurance informs you of your rights and the steps to take.

The legal service is free, without any additional costs. The precise terms and conditions are specific to each insurance. It is advisable to read the contract details to know the guarantees. If you want to know more about your coverage, contact the organization you subscribed to directly. They will be able to advise you.

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