How to Hire React js Developers: Step-by-Step Guide – 2023

How to Hire React js Developers: Step-by-Step Guide – 2023

Are you passionate about web application development? Do you want to develop single-page applications? Or do you just want to improve the front-end aspect of your career as a full-stack developer? So, you absolutely must learn React JS.

This comprehensive tutorial will teach you how to develop single-page front-end web applications in React native with the react js framework.

Let’s start by seeing in the following lines the reasons that led to the creation of this Framework.


  • ReactJS: what is it?
  • React JS History
  • React Architecture
  • The best tools for developing with React JS
    • reacted
    • Bit
    • Storybook
    • React Developer Tools
    • React Cosmos
    • Beautiful
    • React 360
    • rekit
    • React Testing Library
    • Plasmic
  • Installing ReactJS
  • What is create-react-app?
    • Babel
    • Webpack
  • Build your very first React.js app
  • How to add ReactJS to a website?
    • Step #1: Adding a DOM Container to Your HTML Page
    • Step #2: Add script tags
    • Step #3: Creating a React.js Component
  • The best databases to use with React Native
  • The benefits of ReactJS
    • The content is referenceable
    • The rapidity
    • Components are the future of web development
    • The Community
    • JavaScript is simple with React.js
    • Intelligibility
  • Cons with React JS
    • No native solution which slows down the application
    • Difficult to debug
    • React JS moves away from OOP
    • We need a native developer
    • React.js constantly depends on Facebook
How to Hire React js Developers: Step-by-Step Guide – 2022

ReactJS: what is it?

React, or ReactJS or React.js is a free and open-source tool. It is a front-end JavaScript library used mainly to create user interfaces. It was created by Facebook and is still maintained by the latter with the collaboration of a community of companies and individual developers.

React is known to be the code base for SPAs. These are single-page applications. That is to say, with each action requested, there is no question of opening a new page, but everything happens on a single page. The purpose of this method is to make the user experience pleasant.

React.js is currently ranked among the best tools used by web developers. But where did React start? What problem did she come to solve? And how did it become popular and more used?

React JS History

In 2011, the number of Facebook users grew, and the platform is gaining momentum worldwide. The code is being updated more and more frequently, and team members are struggling to manage it all. 

So Jordan Walke created FaxJS to be able to solve this problem; it was this prototype that evolved into today’s React.

Instagram, which had 13 employees in 2013, was acquired by Facebook for $1 billion. The developers wanted to adopt the new technology from Facebook to Instagram. It was a big challenge for Facebook to decouple React and make it open-source. So in May 2013, Jordan Walke introduced React. We then used and experimented with it within Facebook during this year’s remaining months.

In 2014, new features like React developer tools popped up and became available as an extension on the Chrome browser, which made it all the more popular.

In 2015, ReactJS was finally considered stable. During this year, many new milestones have helped push React even higher. In March and September of that same year, there was the opening and availability of React Native for iOS on Github and the rollout of React Native for Android. 

Communities that form and engage on React find new improvements and optimizations, giving it more momentum as an integral part of several software products.

Its use of React components, virtual DOM, JSX, lifecycle methods, and hooks has made developers increasingly opt for React.

The big companies that use React are Facebook, Instagram, Netflix, Airbnb, Reddit, Dropbox and Postmates. The simple fact that these large companies use React demonstrates how valuable it is and is the most demanded in the job market.

How to Hire React js Developers: Step-by-Step Guide – 2022

React Architecture

Unlike other UI libraries and frameworks, react does not have a predefined architecture model. It is simply a view dedicated to the user interface.

After the UI, there are different building blocks of React. By definition, a React element is the smallest central structural unit. It can be something smaller, like a button, or more complicated, like a user profile, registration form, etc.

You should know that all the constituent elements of React have the possibility of taking a state or not. The set of data needed to run an application is called a state with each user action, and the state of the application changes. Only the data state can determine what is displayed on an application’s user interface.

Local state is a mechanism that Reacts offers and is ready to use. But this is not enough to run an actual application. This is why libraries such as Redux provide management.

To write good code, the React library offers concepts like higher-order components, context, rendering props, references, etc. React Hooks is used to get large projects managed. Let’s examine the architecture of a React application:

Figure: Basic architecture of React

  1. The React application starts with a single root component;
  2. The root component is created using one or more elements;
  3. Each piece is formed as a component of smaller pieces instead of depending on another part;
  4. Most of the features are user interface components;
  5. The React application has the option to add a third-party part for specific purposes like routing, animation, state management, etc.

The best tools for developing with React JS

Whether you’re new to computer programming or familiar with React, there are several free and paid tools to help create projects. To make coding and working more accessible, here is a list of the ten best possible tools to use:


It is an IDE designed for developing web applications with React JS. This tool allows you to code only with React. It is the very first IDE created especially for developing React web applications.

Reactive has several strengths:

Extensible: It launches an embedded Node server and also a custom browser simulator;

Easy configuration: With a simple command, you can start a universal design;

Component visualization: you can see you live the architecture of your application.

Open source: React is available on GitHub.


The bit is compatible with components for developing web applications and micro-front-ends. It has just about everything you need for the job.

Its main beneficial features are:

Application development: no need for monolithic development with a bit. The work is done on modular applications;

Hosting and reuse: you can create your components and host them in clouds;

Ongoing component and release upgrades: you can update your details;

Document management: documents are organized and visible to everyone.


Storybook is open source and allows building UI components and pages separately. It is the best tool for component testing and documentation.

It offers many advantages, which are as follows:

Durable interface: it allows you to create user interfaces that you will need in isolation;

Easy user interface testing: for each scenario carried out; you have an appropriate test. Next to that, you can use methods again in your unit tests;

Documentation and user interface sharing: you and your collaborators have access to each scenario to obtain the same information;

Available for multiple technology stacks: Storybook is compatible with Vuejs, Angular, Ember, and HTML.

React Developer Tools

It is a Google Chrome extension that allows you to add development tools to it. It is recommended for any beginner to use this extension, as it helps to fix bugs during the development process. 

Here are the features of React Developer Tools:

Inspection: you can see the order of individual React components from Google Chrome;

The components tab: thanks to this tab, you can see all the root components that are on the page as well as the available sub-components;

The Profiler tab: it is with this tab that you can record performance information;

More in-depth inspection: you have the possibility with this tab to inspect and edit the properties of the component in use.

How to Hire React js Developers: Step-by-Step Guide – 2022

React Cosmos

It is the perfect tool for developing and testing UI components separately. With this tool, you don’t have to bother with the localhost:3000 development environment; you can directly try and set all the components individually.

The features of React Cosmos are as follows:

Visual TDD: By using the Visual TDD (Test Driven Development), you don’t need to reload the application with each new modification;

Component Library: With this library, you can organize everything you do;

Open platform: React Cosmos is not only used to develop and test UI components but also to perform visual and instantaneous regression testing; Maintainability: apart from the creation of interfaces, you have the possibility of maintaining its quality.


It’s not easy to doubt the overall experience of your components when using Belle. Indeed, it offers frequently used React components such as Toggle, ComboBox, Rating, etc. 

One of Belle’s features is that it is versatile and customizable. The various components are efficiently optimized to work on both mobile devices and desktop machines.

React 360

It is a framework for creating interactive experiences that run in a web browser. Facebook created React 360 and its VR version. It uses three.js to help low-level WebVR and WebGL APIs to achieve an in-browser VR experience. 

The main features of React 360 are:

Cross-platform development: you can work on different platforms without making too many changes;

3D media: it has a feature allowing it to manage all press with their configurations; Surfaces by React 360: you can put user interface panels in your applications thanks to creating 2D interfaces that easily integrate into 3D spaces. 


It’s an all-in-one solution. It allows the development of modern and extensible web applications with React, Redux and React-router. This tool promotes productivity rather than the obligation of the developer to work with large libraries and complex configurations.

Reckitt is a production-ready solution, i.e. it is usable as soon as it is started without having to carry out additional configurations.

React Testing Library

Many utility functions in React Testing Library help to test the various React JS components, which do not require implementation details. With this tool, your tests can be based on how your users will use your application.

This is a simplified solution; react components are quickly tested with this tool. It also performs a very realistic test; the tests you can pass are very close to how the user uses your application. 


If you want to design your user interfaces, React Plasmic is well placed to help you. To do this, you will start the design with Figma/Sketch and then integrate it into your React code.

It has a universal page builder so that one can use it for everything. It is extensible; you can use your components, data, effects, and more. The images are optimized, and the generated code is error-free, which provides performance and quality to the interface.

How to Hire React js Developers: Step-by-Step Guide – 2022

Installing ReactJS

To work with React, you will need Node.js installed on your system. This gives you access to Node Package Manager (npm), which will allow you to install the JavaScript libraries useful for your project the npm, which is the official Node.js package manager. 

You can follow the steps we gave in our Node.js article to install this tool. Make sure you have your system’s latest versions of Node and npm. Use the following commands to check the current versions you have: 

node -v 

npm –v

Your npm must be at least version 5.2.0. Otherwise, update it with the following command: 

npm install -g npm 

Now let’s move on to the configuration, but first, it is necessary to understand a concept: create-react-app.

What is create-react-app?

Manually installing and configuring React is not easy and time-consuming. You should configure Babel or Webpack and several other configurations like babel-loader and babel-preset-react modules, which are related to Babel. But first, what are Babel and Webpack?


It is a JavaScript compiler that transforms JSX into regular JavaScript. Babel’s npm module name is babel-core.


It is a “Bundle” module whose role is to take all the JavaScript, CSS or HTML files and assemble them into one or more modules to avoid problems related to the modularity of JavaScript. 

The Webpack launches a call for loaders which will take care of the management of each aspect of the application to compile them into JavaScript interpretable by the browser.

 To give a brief overview of what Webpack does, you must remember that it acts as a harmonizer by changing the various codes into native and static code interpretable by the browser.

So, by using create-react-app, you won’t have to configure Babel or Webpack because everything is done automatically.

Build your very first React.js app

As we said, you must use the creat-react-app utility to launch your React application. 

To do this, create a folder and go to it from your command terminal and then run this command:

npx create-react-app mon-app

How to add ReactJS to a website?

Not all websites are single-page web applications. So, if you want to transform your existing website into a single-page web application, it is quite possible. It only takes a few more lines of code to have to React on your site.

How to Hire React js Developers: Step-by-Step Guide – 2022

Step #1: Adding a DOM Container to Your HTML Page

Open the HTML page to modify, then add a new empty div tag:

<!– … code HTML existant … –>

<div id=”like_button_container”></div>

<!– … code HTML existant … –>

This code allows you to manipulate this empty tag from your JavaScript code.

After execution, this is what we get: 

Step #2: Add script tags

Just before the </body> tag of your HTML page, add these three <script> tags:

<!– … autres contenus HTML … –>

   <!– Charger React –->–>

<!– Remarque : pour le déploiement, remplacez “development.js” par “production.min.js” –>

   <!– Charge notre composant React –>

The first two tags are for loading React, and the last one is for loading your component code.

Step #3: Creating a React.js Component

In the same directory where your HTML page is, create a file and name it like_button.js  : 

Next, copy and paste the following startup code:

‘use strict;

const e = React.createElement;

class LikeButton extends React. Component {

  constructor(props) {


    this.state = { liked: false };


  render() {

    if (this.state.liked) {

      return ‘You liked this.’;


    return e(


      { onClick: () => this.setState({ liked: true }) },





After the startup code, add the other two lines of code below:

// … le code de démarrage que vous avez collé …

const domContainer = document.querySelector(‘#like_button_container’);

ReactDOM.render(e(LikeButton), domContainer);

These two lines will take the empty place of the content div added in the first step. Your React component will be displayed as a “Like” button.

After execution, we have the following display: 

The best databases to use with React Native

There are several database management systems, but only a few integrate perfectly and easily with the Framework. Here is a list of the best databases that best match React:

  • Kingdom;
  • SQLite; 
  • Firebase;
  • PouchBB;
  • Watermelon DB;
  • vasern;
  • BerkeleyDB;

The benefits of ReactJS

React JS brings a lot of benefits to the developers who use it. Here are the main highlights of this JavaScript library:

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The content is referenceable.

It is this function that makes the difference from other Frameworks. With the Node server, one generates the code on both the client and server sides. On the other hand, other Frameworks like AngularJS and Ember.js generate code only on the client side.

The rapidity

All components are attached to React JS’s DOM that it will create. This brings more performance and flexibility because React performs a calculation each time and tries to find the part that needs to be changed in the DOM to update the concerned region. This process saves React from doing costly calculations.

Components are the future of web development.

React JS has adopted the Shadow DOM and Polymer JS Framework method and improved it to take it to the next level. ReactJS does not use the Shadow DOM method but allows you to create your components. The goal is to enable you to reuse them later or include them in your content. This feature alone proves React JS’s productivity and makes it easier to manage your components.

How to Hire React js Developers: Step-by-Step Guide – 2022

The Community

The community is growing and never stops developing native iPhone and Android applications. This saves development time. Just use these code snippets to advance in the development of your application.

JavaScript is simple with React.js.

The syntax used by React JS is JSX, a mix between HTML and JavaScript. It is not a requirement to write your application with JSX, but if you want to move quickly and be more productive, it is a good idea to choose JSX.


React JS code is simple to read. It is easy to determine the different functionalities of your application, and it is beneficial for the maintenance and expansion of your project over time.

Cons with React JS

However, despite all its advantages, it also has some disadvantages. Here are the points we noted about it:

No native solution which slows down the application

React native is a cross-platform JavaScript framework. We had to create a link between the Framework and the native world. This explains the slowness and the large side of the space occupied by a web application using the Framework.

Difficult to debug

It is difficult to quickly analyze bugs with the platform because it uses several languages: JavaScript, Objective-C, Java and C/C++.

React JS moves away from OOP

React JS is not class-based, which is an obstacle for some developers who often work in object-oriented programming (OOP).

We need a native developer

Depending on your project, there are always a few features that require a native developer to implement these different features.

React.js constantly depends on Facebook.

Being created by Facebook is impressive, but it prevents React Native from adapting to certain companies like Airbnb. The latter had to resort to native application developers.

In conclusion, it should be remembered that ReactJS is the most recommended tool for all your Monopage web application creation projects. The world of React and web development is changing day by day. 

Well, this article ends with this conclusion. You can now use React JS to create Monopage applications or improve the front-end part of your applications. To go further in the world of Big Data and your learning, we invite you to download this free training on the Hadoop ecosystem.

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How to Hire React js Developers: Step-by-Step Guide – 2023

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