Who hasn’t been afraid to go to the dentist? A fear that is among the most common among the French. Or to go for surgery? Even knowing the details, an operation can remain a source of stress before, during, and after (possibly in the event of waiting for a result). We are often faced with the unknown.

Many see doctors as all-powerful, but managing preoperative fear makes their practice more accessible.

Have confidence and find out beforehand

Some doctors announce the protocol precisely to lower the pressure. Therefore, the patient is less in the unknown and can have some answers to his situation.

Dare to ask questions! A doctor will gladly answer your questions as best he can and according to your situation.

We must rely on their vocation to treat above all. Rest assured that the medical staff is there to provide you with the best care at the time, Mr.

Put yourself in a positive and realistic condition to break these continuous loops of rumination, procrastination, or other brain knots often linked to the rise in stress.


Embrace your stress instead of repressing it

Like many emotions, acknowledged stress is half-tamed. There is no point in lying to yourself at such times. On the contrary, look for resources around you to help you during these delicate moments. There is no shame in being vulnerable. The objective is to promote the conditions of care at best.

Relax as much as possible by breathing

Once the date of his intervention has been announced, it seems reasonable to prepare for it if we are subject to stress. How? By using relaxation techniques that will teach us to regain our calm and to calm the very natural runaways of our physical and psychic systems.

Breathing can be an undeniable source for lowering pressure, slowing our heart rate, and calming our mindsTrain with cardiac coherence (5 minutes of 6 synchronous breathing cycles: 5 beats on inspiration, then five moments on expiration, ideally breathing through your belly).

Otherwise, take the time to focus on your breathing and be in the moment.

Persevere even when stray thoughts “bombard” your mind with unpleasant ideas. Do not be in denial but welcome them and let them pass by returning to your breath.

Eliminate tension and tension by practicing dynamic sophrology relaxation exercises because they invite movement and release tension by allowing you to refocus and regain strength through anchoring and calm through centering at the same time.

Exercises such as the polichinell e, the pumping of the shoulders or the reels will evacuate as much as possible any source of stress and this in conscience.

Unload yourself emotionally

In addition to physical tensions, remember to evacuate any negative emotional charge such as fear which is just there to mobilize us in the face of this situation. If you need to cry, cry. If you need to shout, shout (in a good cushion, which will make those around you happy). The idea is to “bring out” this emotion to lower its intensity.

In sophrology, we work to be in a bubble of softness or to “clean up,” that is to say, to drive out the negative to remain in a more serene space. And this with the axial rotations, which consist in filling oneself with gentleness and benevolence towards oneself with an exercise of prana and fixing it by the movement of tra-tac.

Prepare yourself mentally with positive visualization.

Preparing for childbirth is well-known in our customs. Why would it be any different from other interventions?

Indeed, undergoing a surgical operation, except in the event of an accident or emergency, can be scheduled in time and therefore give you time to prepare for it.

Having a sophrologist accompany you is a good omen if you want to learn how to manage the apprehensions inherent in this event and to prepare yourself mentally to experience this intervention as well as possible.

Several sessions will follow to make life positive and safe before, during, and after the event. Just as an athlete would prepare for the next step, the method is of the same ilk; only the subject varies.


Preoperative stress: Testimony

A person claiming to be very anxious who was to undergo a minor but delicate surgical operation prepared for his process before D-Day by practicing controlled breathing and dynamic exercises learned with his sophrologist and by establishing break times to reduce stress and daily pressure.

D-Day was scheduled late. Instead of stressing out, she took advantage of this time to breathe as calmly as possible. She knew it would act on her body and mind by soothing her. But also by preparing and repeating that everything was going to be okay. Whatever happened to her, she was in the best condition for the operation to go well. She installed trust in her surgeon, her body was relieved of stress, and her mind calmed.

She did not deny her stress, but she could control it to optimize the conditions of the operation.

Apprehending a surgical operation is favorable for you and the doctors who receive stress from the patients. Stress that it is good to evacuate to let them profess their art of medicine.


How to mentally prepare for surgery

The best way to mentally prepare for surgery is to take care of your body, work on your emotions, and fill yourself with positive stimuli. This way, everything will be much easier.

Surgeries are extraordinary and potentially stressful events that require mental preparation. Surgical intervention almost always generates some nervousness. This varies depending on the type of operation, risks, history, or coping strategies the person has.

Most experience anxiety before a procedure of this type. While it is impossible to eliminate this anxiety, it is possible to reduce it and better cope with it significantly. This is why it is so important to prepare for surgery mentally.

You don’t have to do anything fancy. Getting into a few healthy routines before the procedure and using some relaxation techniques can significantly help. How to mentally prepare for surgery?

Your body first

Mind and body are indivisible units. Therefore, when we prepare ourselves mentally for surgery, we have to start with the body. If your doctor allows you, do not give up physical activity in the days before resuming. Getting the body used to responding to specific physical stresses can go a long way in helping you recover.

For the same reasons, you should also improve the care you take with your diet. Eliminate fats and reduce flour and sugar. Focus your diet on proteins, fruits, and vegetables. Increase your intake of foods containing iron, such as liver, legumes, meat, and tofu. Also, consume plenty of vitamin C in natural juices. The ideal in these cases is to have a reference analysis and to get help from a nutritionist.

Before preparing mentally for surgery, it is essential to have the body ready. For this, it is best to talk to the doctor.

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Mentally preparing for surgery: emotions.

Information is an essential aspect of the process of mental preparation for surgery. It would help if you cleared any doubts with the doctor. Avoid leaving questions behind, and don’t settle for vague answers you don’t understand. Having enough data about the procedure will help you increase the feeling of control.

This is also an excellent time to practice relaxation techniques. You can start with essential breath control, practice yoga, or take a leisurely walk. Get in touch with green spaces, as they are very soothing.

The most relaxing song in the world

Numerous studies indicate that music plays a huge role in emotional well-being and relaxation. Regarding surgeries in particular, there is a survey conducted by the University of Pennsylvania and published in the BMJ Journal.

One hundred fifty-seven patients were given the option of receiving the sedative midazolam or listening to the song Weightless by British band Marconi Union while having part of their body anesthetized. The level of anxiety in both cases was reduced in the same proportion, with the advantage that those who listened to the song did not have to receive medication.


Three healthy practices

Another way to prepare yourself mentally for surgery is to do three simple relaxation practices. They are used to apply before, during, or after surgery. The first of these is the so-called “breath meditation.” It consists of taking deep inspirations and exhalations, keeping the mind focused only on the airflow.

The second is the “body scan.” It consists of reviewing the body, or an area of ​​it, focusing exclusively on detecting the sensations that occur there. It is not necessary to judge or try to interpret them, but only to see and perceive them.

The third is anxiety and fear meditation. It consists of concentrating, while breathing slowly, on the emotions of anxiety and fear. Try to identify how they manifest without trying to fight them. The goal is to accept these emotions as a natural part of this process and learn to be a serene witness to one’s suffering.

Breathing and relaxation exercises help restore emotional balance and relieve stress.

Prepare everything in advance.

Try to have everything ready a day before surgery, especially if you need special care for recovery. In addition to blocking the tension that can be generated by the appearance of certain unforeseen events, with this mental preparation, it is as if you are already beginning to recover how much this idea can bring us to our state of mind.

Plan who will accompany you, how you will get to the clinic, what clothes you will wear, what you need to bring, etc. Likewise, who will pick you up next, and how should you organize things in your home so that you are comfortable when you return?

It is a tense time, and therefore, there is a better time to make crucial decisions that are not necessary at this time. Now is not the time to experiment either; use your safe spaces: those in which you know you will be protected.

Mentally preparing for surgery is worth it: it will help everything run more smoothly. Give lots of hugs to the people you love, receive the affection they offer you, and believe that the procedure will help you get better.

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