Improve your social media engagement 2023

Improve your social media engagement 2023

What is Engagement Rate

While it is essential to mark one’s presence on social networks through a recurring publication of such rich and varied content, it is equally necessary to be able to identify the impact of this content or these publications. Indeed, with each publication, you must seek to answer the following question: how many interactions has your content generated?

The number of interactions generated by a publication makes it possible to understand better the commitment caused by your publication within your target group. Faced with the increasingly increased digital and digital demands, the engagement rate has a special meaning.

Indeed, the engagement rate is the quotient of the number of interactions obtained on the number of people benefiting from your publication. In other words, the engagement rate on social networks is the quantification of users’ propensity to react to the various publications of a company or brand.

Improve your social media engagement 2023

Why Engagement Rate Matters

By carrying out actions and activities on social networks, it is essential to ask yourself to assess the impact brought by each digital step. Thus, the engagement rate is critical because it is a performance indicator that allows you to know precisely the effect of your media content on social networks.

Indeed, your presence on social networks must bring a measurable impact. Happy that your publications generate interactions, but what is the possible interpretation of these interactions?

It is necessary to interpret the results from a performance indicator. In the digital context, the engagement rate is a significant indicator used in strategic decision-making to correctly analyze each interaction generated by your content.

In summary, the engagement rate of social networks gives value to your content. The engagement rate makes it possible to orient and redefine the actions and digital marketing strategies to be put in place to satisfy the customers’ requirements better and offer a better experience/customer journey.

For each type of social network, algorithms are set up with well-targeted criteria to calculate the engagement rate and engagement generated by your content.

For example, according to Facebook’s Edgerank algorithm, the Facebook follower who is likely to benefit from your upcoming content is that follower who interacts regularly. Facebook interactions are nothing more than “likes”, “comments,” and “shares”.

Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin and other algorithms are in place to allow you to offer your community qualitative content but also to improve the engagement rate by facilitating more healthy and natural interactions.

Improve your social media engagement rate

Do the people who follow you on social networks interact with you? Do you want to increase this interaction and have greater engagement? While it’s relatively easy to get new subscribers, fans, and followers or share posts, on the other hand, it takes creativity to get feedback and set up a dialogue.

Here are ten ways to get your audience to communicate with you on social media.

  1. Ask questions creatively

If you ask your audience a question, you can get answers from them. But if you want higher engagement, you will have to take matters into your own hands and come up with something else.

Let’s say you are in the food industry. If you ask a question like “What is your favourite dish?” it is a fundamental question that everyone has already seen. Your audience might not respond to it. But if you offer several possible answers and illustrations, the result could be different.

Zomato, a restaurant search app, writes excellent social media posts. Managers ask questions to get to know their audience. They accompany the whole thing with very good-quality graphics. In the end, their publications get many reactions.

Ask questions that your audience will want to answer. Remember that images and a bit of humour are very effective ingredients.

Include test customers in the launch of a new product.

  1. Organize contests

Social media contests are widespread these days, so it’s essential to stand out from the crowd and do something different or unusual.

TurboTax is tax software that could be more appealing to most people. To add some fun to tax time this year, they launched an Instagram contest to promote their product.

People were invited to follow the brand on Instagram and post a photo under certain conditions to win $500. In the end, the competition collected more than 730 participants.

Don’t just create a contest. Try to find something that will make people want to participate, share and comment on this operation.

  1. Set up a Q&A event

Your customers may have more questions about the company, products, or services you sell. Do not hesitate to set up a forum where they can express themselves.

For this, you can use Google Hangouts or Twitter or post a message on Facebook asking the question directly to people.

For example, NASA occasionally organizes sessions with astronauts and scientists with Google Hangouts. They then respond to people interested in the space or the work carried out by the agency.

No matter what your business does, there are things your audience will want to know. Please allow them to ask questions and improve your social media engagement.

  1. Identify people in content curation.

There are two ways to practice content curation to increase your engagement.

First, whenever you share someone else’s content, remember to identify the original publisher. This is the best way to attract these people to your page to discover your content. The likely scenario will have the editor post a comment thanking you.

The other method is to write articles that link to other articles.

Choose a subject and reference several articles, specifying the authors and creating links to the source. Then, tag all those authors when you post your article on social media.

For example, Andrea Beltrami created a blog with the best articles about visual social media marketing. When the article was published, she shared the link and mentioned the names of all the authors present. The success is with go since it obtains many comments from these same authors.

The people identified in this type of publication will likely comment to thank you. The more people you tag, the more likely you will get many comments and start a conversation. They will also be able to share your post with their audiences.

  1. Encourage user-generated content

User-generated content (UGC) is a great way to get interaction from your fans and improve your engagement.

If you don’t write the template carefully, it might go unnoticed. You can take inspiration from brands like General Electric, Belkin, Target, Warby Parker, Pepsi or even Starbucks, which are at the forefront of creativity.

The #WhiteCupContest hashtag launched by Starbucks is an excellent example of a successful UGC contest. The coffee giant noticed customers scribbling designs on the cups.

In 2014, they launched an operation where people were invited to design their cup, take a photo and share it on social networks using the appropriate hashtag.

The campaign received more than 4,000 entries in just three weeks. Building on its success, Starbucks repeated the operation this year.

When your fans contribute content to your page, they will likely engage and invite their friends to do the same.

  1. Connect to a social cause

Even if a social cause doesn’t directly relate to your brand, you can still talk about it and promote it on your page.

It is always nice to do things for others. In addition, this action improves your brand image.

Estée Lauder is a world-renowned beauty products manufacturer. The brand has become a citizen and sensitive by leading an awareness campaign against breast cancer. To make the public react, they opted for the phrase, “Listen to our stories. Share yours”. The crowd responded quickly.

The brand asked people to visit to hear testimonials from former sufferers and share their experiences. When the operation was launched, hundreds of people spoke out.

If your business supports a social cause, feel free to create a specific campaign or post a message on social media. Your audience will then be very receptive to socially responsible content.

  1. Talk about current events.

Keeping up with the news will always bring traffic to your page, especially if it’s about a holiday, vacation, event, or show.

For example, Papa John’s Pizza posted about the March Madness basketball finals on its Facebook page. They asked their fans to choose which team would win the game—fifty comments in a few hours for this simple and influential publication.

When you create content that relates to the news that is successful on social media, you have a high chance of getting your audience to react.

You can do many things to get people to react on social media. You must get creative and create original posts that make people want to participate and talk with you.

  1. Create lives

Live or live streaming on social networks, whether Facebook, Instagram or Twitter, is increasingly used to arouse more subscribers and other users’ interest. The lives are often hosted by the brand’s Community Manager or known influencers. Before launching a life, indicate its date, time and theme to ensure that the audience will be there. Take advantage of these lives to discuss with your subscribers about your company, your products, your events, etc.

  1. Use hashtags

The use of hashtags on social networks has become frequent. They allow you to reach a wider audience beyond your current community. Indeed, associating hashtags describing the image on Instagram or the post on LinkedIn will enable you to get the news feed of users who have indicated their interest in one or more specific hashtag(s).

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  1. Associate with influencers, well-known personalities

These days, brands are increasingly partnering with well-known influencers (over 5,000 followers) on social media.

Indeed, influencers are generally micro-opinion leaders who share most of their daily experiences with their community. This is how brands find their interest in it. Influencers present their products, use them and give their opinion. In this way, community members discover the effects of the associated brands and their advantages and are encouraged to buy and test them for themselves.

Communication objectives

First, before jumping directly into creating your social networks, think about three main principles.

The goal

Even if it seems obvious to you, you have to ask yourself for what purpose you want to create and attract your audience. Do you want social networks to communicate with your customers, prospect, transmit information and news, or advertise and sell your products? You will target a different target for each use and not create the same publications and content on each selected network.

Improve your social media engagement 2023


The main thing is not to have the most crucial target because a good or a service that corresponds to everyone is good, and a service that does not compare to anyone. Pick a specific target. It should be a manageable length. Your content will be less impactful and too restricted because, on the contrary, only a few people can see your work. Clearly define your target: gender, age, passions, places of residence, socio-professional category… Why not create personas? Personas allow you to represent the target you want to reach. It will be easier to carry out communications if you know your prospects and customers perfectly. In summary, organize your digital strategy around your audience! 

The commitment

It is essential to have objectives to achieve and main goals in terms of commitment. For example, determine the number of people you want to reach or the number of subscribers. A precise figure and a deadline will allow you to optimize your actions and publications to develop a successful strategy

Interaction and exchange

On social networks, communication is different; an Internet user will more easily dare to ask questions, put a like on your publication or even a comment. For you, the goal is to encourage maximum exchange and interaction with your target. To do this, be available and present so that Internet users have direct answers to their questions or requests. 

  • Do not hesitate to answer each of the comments left under your publications.
  • When you notice that a client often posts under your posts, reach out to them privately to build an even more significant relationship. He can become a client ambassador. 

Improve your social media engagement 2023

• Optimization actions

It would help if you took action to increase Internet users’ exchange, visibility, and participation on your accounts. These actions are intended for your community and all your prospects; they must be attractive. It is essential to exploit each format, so your community finds itself in one of them. Be creative; the more original your actions are, the more they will arouse the interest of your Internet users and, therefore, commitment! 

Organize contests

Contests are one of the publications with the most engagement. This type of publication allows you to give visibility to your account, brand, or products. The gift, often generous, attracts all kinds of people, making your community grow. To enter the contest, ask your subscribers to: 

  • Like the post 
  • Subscribe to your profile
  • Mention 3 friends 
  • Publish in his story, be careful, and refrain from putting this mandatory mention. Some people want to wait to post their story as soon as they enter a contest. 

These three mandatory mentions to participate in the contest allow you to give visibility to your brand or product, but above all, to increase your community and, therefore, your commitment. 

Improve your social media engagement 2023

Create partnerships with influencers

E-influence has become an essential lever to increase the commitment of your community but also your visibility. E-influence makes it possible to: 

  • Get closer to your customers by using an influencer’s community 
  • Increase your notoriety 
  • Create a positive image of your brand or product 
  • Increase your sales 

Combining a contest with an influencer strategy is one of the best ways to deploy your community on the networks. 

Write articles

On LinkedIn, for example, writing articles or sharing them can be interesting. This will show your community that you are active and ready to share your advice with them. The availability and presence of a brand on the networks reassure its community. 

Improve your social media engagement 2023

Follow the trends

Mainly on Tik Tok, using the challenges or the music of the moment can increase your commitment but, above all, your community. 

They allow to: 

  • Generate views 
  • Generate comments and shares 
  • Appear in the newsfeed of people not following your account 

Indeed, on TikTok, your #foryou news feed is built according to the videos you like, comment on, and the profiles you consult.

Know the platform codes

Knowing the platform, how it works, and its audience is essential. The same content may need to be adapted depending on your social network. In the same logic, some content is unsuitable for specific social networks (link to a site, image or video format, use of hashtags, etc.)

Improve your social media engagement 2023

• The visibility of your publications

After determining your target, your objectives and the action you want to take, you must optimize the visibility of your publication.

The stories

Created on Snapchat, little used on Facebook and already forgotten on LinkedIn but very frequent on Instagram, they are also a way to optimize the visibility of your account. Indeed, when you post a story, you appear at the top of the application’s home page. By opening the social network, the Internet user sees your account directly in the “bubbles” of stories. This allows you to reach people who watch stories more and those who stay on the platform for a short time and do not have time to see your publications. In this story, you can, for example, add CTA (Call To Action) elements such as voting, polling or linking to your site, which will encourage the user to interact. Example: discover our latest article + website link). The more you use the platform’s features, the more it will highlight your content.

short videos

Created on Tiktok and called reels on Meta (Facebook and Instagram) or even shorts on youtube, short video formats have become essential. Gone are the days when you had to dance for fifteen seconds to modern music. Today, short videos can last up to 90 seconds, long enough to convey information, show the life of your company or even warn your customers of the arrival of a new product.


Very common on Instagram and Twitter, and TikTok, they are essential. Everyone who follows or searches for a hashtag you’ve embedded in your post will have it in their newsfeeds, even if they’re not following you. They allow you to categorize and centralize your content. 

Create groups

Facebook and LinkedIn are good platforms for creating a group to allow Internet users to discuss and share on a theme related to your brand. This makes it possible to create a real community and, thus, to communicate within a framework around the centres of interest of the members of the group. The engagement rate within a group is much higher than on a classic page because the users are much more targeted.

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Improve your social media engagement 2023

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