Myths and beliefs about air conditioning

Myths and beliefs about air conditioning

Air conditioning has always generated multiple myths and wrong beliefs about its use. Many homes do not install an air conditioning system for fear of what they have hated to talk about these air devices. Are they substantiated? To what extent are they true? We help you clear up your doubts so that you can make the most efficient use of your system.

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Ten myths about air conditioning

With the arrival of changes in temperatures, whether hotter or colder, we felt the need to install an air conditioning system to achieve greater comfort. To face it, there is nothing better than having a good air conditioning unit that helps you withstand low and high temperatures inside the home. But, as always happens, you have heard of air conditioning legends and wonders of these heating systems, although many opinions are heard that throw you back. We clarify all those myths:

Myths and beliefs about air conditioning
  1. Is air conditioning bad for health?

According to false myths, the air conditioning produced by these air conditioning devices harms the house’s inhabitants. But, despite this, today we want to tell you that, on the contrary, the air generated in the air conditioning can be even better than the environment due to its filtering quality. The air quality that comes out is constantly regulated and contains a filter that expels a quantity of healthy air for living beings. It happens the same when we install filters to improve the water quality we ingest.

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  1. Can the continued use of air conditioning make you cold?

This is like everything; you can get hurt if you do an irresponsible practice, But the same thing happens to you if, for example, you get sick of eating sweets and your stomach feels sick. Well, it’s the same with air conditioning. The key is to adjust the temperature to comfort each time and place it strategically in the room so that it reaches everywhere without affecting specific areas.

It is a very common question, but the reality is that moderate or controlled use at an optimal temperature can purify the air, creating a healthier environment. It also adjusts humidity levels, helps reduce the causes of allergies, and reduces headaches and colds. If you keep the filters clean, avoid direct exposure to the main airflow, and set the thermostat to a temperature between 21 and 25ºC, there is no reason to fall ill for this reason.

  1. Is sleeping with the air conditioning on bad for your health?

We recommend that you make rational use of the operation of the air conditioning. At night our body temperature drops, so it is advisable to raise a degree or two compared to the comfort temperature during the day. But in any case, improving the air in your sleep room cannot harm your health.

You can also inform yourself and consult the documentation on the air conditioning operation since if it has the SLEEP function, you only have to configure it so that it turns off when it reaches the optimum temperature, avoiding unnecessary consumption. This programming can give us another reason to buy an air conditioning system for our home.

  1. Does lowering the temperature make it cool faster?

Mistake! We want to dismantle one of the false myths of widespread air conditioning. With this, the only thing we will achieve is to spend more energy and, therefore, more money at the end of the month. What cools is the flow of air and not the temperature itself.

It is one of the possible legends of false air conditioning. Lowering the thermostat degrees so that the room cools down quickly is inefficient since a comfortable temperature is not achieved and forces the equipment to spend more electricity since the compressor will always be trying to reach the temperature indicated by the equipment. It is more effective to cool the house progressively, maintaining a stable comfort temperature of around 25ºC, allowing you to save on your electricity bill.

  1. Is it better to turn the air conditioning off and on constantly?

Another of the legends of air conditioning is not real at all. If we go in and out of a room for a short time, it is better to leave it on than to turn it off and on every 5 minutes. In the case of the air conditioning operation, the studies carried out based on this question reason that the electrical cost is greater if the equipment is constantly turned on and off. Starting up the equipment to condition the space consecutively, as if it were a performance test, does not improve the efficiency or the consumption of the air conditioning.

We have a clear example of air conditioning systems with inverter technology. You can see and verify that efficiency and prolonged consumption improve without constantly turning the air conditioning on and off.

  1. “Air conditioning with inverter technology is more efficient.”

This is another of the air conditioning myths that is true. The inverter technology to control the speed of the compression equipment is more efficient and improves both energy consumption and the thermal sensation of the rooms where it is installed. Since the compressor doesn’t turn off, it prevents power surges and temperature fluctuations, which later significantly impact your electricity bill.

  1. “The device works the same regardless of its location.”

This is another of the widespread air conditioning myths. However, the location of your air conditioner influences its operation of the air conditioner. You should avoid exposing the equipment to direct sunlight and ensure nothing obstructs the unit’s airflow. In addition, installing the thermostat near other electrical devices that emit heat is not convenient since the equipment will need to work longer than necessary.

  1. “A team with more power consumes more.”

The choice of power is indeed very important. You will consume more energy if you install a unit with a higher wattage than you need. To ensure you know what you need, get in touch with a professional who will advise you on the optimal size and power for the space you want to air condition.

  1. Are there more possibilities of contagion Covid-19 if I install an air conditioner at home?

The possibilities of contagion by Covid-19 are not directly influenced by installing a new air conditioner or one already in use. If the security measures set out by the Ministry of Health and the steps set out in the maintenance guide for air conditioning systems presented in recent months by the Government are carried out, the rate of direct exposure to the virus can be lowered. You can download the guide in our article dedicated to preventive maintenance of air conditioning systems.

One of the recommendations is that the air is renewed with a flow rate of 8 liters per second and per person. You can calculate your premises’ capacity, depending on the volume and the capacity to renew the air. Another idea is to limit the time customers stay on the premises, as this also reduces the chances of contagion.

Although the ideal is to have a HEPA (High-Efficiency Particle Arresting ) filter, not all air conditioning systems accept it because, for example, this type of filter needs more power, but what could be done is contact the manufacturer and conduct a study to find out which is the most efficient filter the system allows, which is already installed at home.

The Spanish Technical Association for Air Conditioning and Refrigeration has also published a document of recommendations regarding the proper use of air conditioning during this unusual summer. Before the reopening of premises, for example, a general review of the air conditioning and ventilation installation is recommended, in which cleaning and disinfection operations of grilles, diffusers, filters, and batteries are carried out, as well as the changes in the operation that necessary to minimize the chances of contagion.

  1. “Air conditioning dries out the environment.”

Finally, we want to point out that, despite the proper functioning of the air conditioning, it is said that “air conditioning dries the environment” where it is installed. Although the machine absorbs moisture from the air where it is located, it does not cause it to dry out. The current air conditioners are constantly advancing and adjusting to users’ needs.

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Myths and beliefs about air conditioning

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