Ten ways to increase the value of your home 2023

Ten ways to increase the value of your home 2023

The price of housing in your area has dropped, but if you intend to sell your house, do not forget a series of tricks you can rely on that will help you attract a buyer without only resorting to price as a weapon of seduction. The Zillow portal presents you with a list of the ten easiest ways to increase the value of your home, among which are fixing small damages that can capture the potential buyer’s attention.

1. Create space

Removing that wall that does not contribute anything or moving the furniture, any idea is good to try to give space to the different rooms of your home and create a more comfortable environment. It is a small investment that will create a better impression among potential buyers of your house.

2. Improve the lighting inside the house

The better the lighting in a home, the better it will look. Changing the bulbs to put others that give more light or even provide a lighter tone to the interior are some tricks that do not require a large investment. Other small tweaks when receiving visitors consist of opening the curtains and blinds or installing presence detectors so that the lights turn on as the visitor enters the house.

Ten ways to increase the value of your home 2023

3. Undertake small maintenance tasks

Repairing a leak, removing that piece of furniture that has scratches or repairing a damaged glass are those small details that can greatly improve the visitor’s impression. And it is that any small scratch can focus the attention of the person interested in the house and become exactly what they remember the most from the visit. A small investment in this type of repair will have a very beneficial effect.

4. Install elements that allow savings

Without actually installing solar panels, for example, which would already mean a higher cost, there are small options that allow us to reduce our energy bill each month and, at the same time, contribute to caring for the environment. The potential buyer will value both aspects, so some ideas to make the house more interesting are to install presence detectors for lighting, put energy-saving light bulbs, a more efficient boiler or even better windows that insulate more and save on costs. heating

5. Remember that the house begins at the front door

And therefore, the appearance of the entrance is vital. Some point out that a potential buyer decides on a home during the first seven seconds they spend in it, so the first impression must be impeccable. Repairing imperfections in the door, a coat of paint or varnish can be the best investment

6. Attention to the soil

Spending a small amount of money on improving the state of the soil is recommended. The return can be twice the amount invested, according to experts.

7. A lot of attention to the bathroom

The kitchen and bathroom are the critical points of a home, and although a thorough update of them can be expensive, a facelift is essential and quite cheap. Changing your shower curtains, curtain rod, or toilet bowl can create a different image of these key points.

8. Paint neutral colours

Painting the walls in bright colours can be a good idea for the owner of a flat, but not everyone has the same tastes and, therefore, the best thing when you want to sell a house is to choose neutral tones for the walls, which provide warmth and are more impersonal.

9. Eliminate all questions about your home

Ask a friend for advice so he can go around your house and remove all the “buts” that occur to him. Work on those weak points because they are the same ones that will capture the potential buyer’s attention.

10. Arrange the plants

If you live in a house with a garden or a terrace and you have plants in them, make sure they look good. A well-kept garden will help to generate in those who visit the house the feeling that the house as a whole is better cared for and in better condition

Inexpensive ways to increase the value of your property

Table of Contents

  • 1 Five tips to improve your home and increase its value
    • 1.1 More space and good lighting
    • 1.2 Renew the bathroom
    • 1.3 Make small repairs around the house
    • 1.4 Fix or change the door of the house
    • 1.5 Use plants and neutral colours

Few values ​​are safer today than owning a home. Regardless of supply and demand, which can lead to price fluctuations, housing prices generally always tend to increase, especially in large cities.

When putting a house up for sale or rent, we must be realistic to adjust to the market and therefore set the price based on factors such as the prices of the area, the size of the house, or the additional comforts that we can offer . . It is also common for many owners to carry out some reform or renovation of the home to revalue it and thus be able to ask for a higher price.

Beyond these big reforms that require a strong investment, there are also small changes that we can make to our real estate to increase its value simply and economically.

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Five tips to improve your home and increase its value

More space and good lighting

Having large interior spaces is one of the aspects that potential buyers or, where appropriate, tenants like the most. Perhaps this is not easy for you when your apartment does not have exactly the square meters left over; however, a spacious feeling can be created simply by removing a wall or clearing an area of ​​​​unnecessary furniture.

The lighting of the house also plays a fundamental role. Placing bulbs that provide more light is cheap and will show the new spaces you have created better. If you decide on low-consumption light bulbs, remember to indicate this when selling or renting the property since it is a way of saving that will be highly valued.

Renovate the bathroom

This can be one of the most expensive renovations in a house, but a good bathroom is a key factor if we want to increase the value of a home.

If you want to avoid undertaking a major reform, an economical alternative is to make small aesthetic changes that will significantly improve the appearance of your bathroom. Some can be changing the shower curtain, changing the mirror for a bigger one, or putting on some new furniture. The toilet and taps must be, in any case, in perfect condition, so if they are cracked or deteriorated, it is convenient to replace them so that your bathroom looks clean and renewed.

A renovated bathroom is a guarantee to increase the value of your property.

Make small home repairs.

We often do not fix a broken socket or do not give a new coat of paint to a wall out of laziness. When it comes to our home, the decision is ours, but if we want to increase its value, it is important to make these small repairs before putting the house up for rent or sale. The first impression a potential renter or buyer gets is often the most decisive, and the last thing you want to see is a neglected home. 

From changing a plug or varnishing a scratched piece of furniture to painting a room, most of the house’s small repairs and maintenance tasks can be done very easily and require little money or special knowledge. In any case, you can always hire a professional to do them.

A new coat of paint is effortless and cheap.

Fix or change the door of the house

The first element to guarantee the security of any house is a good door, but not only do we need to have a robust or reinforced door that fulfils this function, but it must also be in perfect aesthetic condition.

Check that the door has no scratches or bumps and, if necessary, repair it or apply a coat of varnish and paint to make it look new. You may even have to buy a new door and hire a professional to install it, but the investment will be well worth it.

Use neutral colours and plants.

Vivid and striking colours are usually very pleasant in a house, but you must remember that only some have the same tastes. The idea is to paint the walls with neutral colours, bringing warmth and making the home more welcoming.

To add the perfect touch of colour and add more life to the house, a good idea is to use plants, whether indoor plants for the living room or in a room or pots with outdoor plants or flowers if you have a terrace. If your house also has a garden, in addition, to conditioning it, it is advisable to install automatic irrigation.

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Ten ways to increase the value of your home 2023

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