What happens when somebody couldn’t pay off personal loan

What happens when somebody can’t pay off a personal loan

Carrying out work, preparing for a wedding, buying a car, financing your child’s studies, or even dealing with the unexpected… There are many reasons for wanting to take out a personal loan! And the market has understood this. The offers are multiplying, offering cheap personal credit, fast and without proof. But how do you know which personal loan to choose? What is the best personal loan interest rate? Is early repayment possible? We’ll tell you everything!

What happens when somebody can’t pay off a personal loan

What is a personal loan?

A personal loan is a consumer loan granted by a bank or a credit institution. The borrower can use the amount lent to him as he sees fit. The personal loan can be used for:

  • the purchase of real estate;
  •  the financing of a benefit or service, such as work, studies, or even a marriage loan ;
  •  the purchase of a consumer good (car, household appliance, computer, etc.);
  •  face financial difficulties or an unforeseen event.

Personal credit is said to be “unallocated,” unlike “allocated” credit, which must be used for a specific purchase covered by the contract.

What happens when somebody can’t pay off a personal loan in 2022?

Among the characteristics defining the personal loan, we also find the following elements:

  • You must be an individual of legal age to take out a personal loan;
  •  In the case of unallocated credit: the use of the funds is free;
  •  The repayment period of the personal loan is a minimum of 3 months and a maximum of 7 years;
  •  The minimum amount borrowed is €200, and the maximum borrowed is €75,000 (formerly capped at €21,500 but revised upwards since 2010 and the Lagarde law on consumer credit );
  •  The terms of the personal loan are fixed: you know your monthly payments in advance;
  •  You have a withdrawal right 14 calendar days after signing the loan. You will only begin to repay your loan after this period has expired;
  •  Early repayment of your loan is possible (but sometimes paying);
  •  If no proof of using the loan can be requested, the lender may, however, require guarantees relating to one of your goods or assets (pledge of the term account, mortgage) or request the guarantee of the loved one, as well as loan insurance.

What happens when somebody couldn’t pay off personal loan

How Personal Loans Work

Here’s what you can expect if you’re thinking about taking out a personal loan.

Information to provide to a lender

Generally, lenders ask you to prove that you have the following:

  • regular income
  •  a bank account
  •  a permanent address

Most lenders do a credit check when you apply for a personal loan. Your credit report helps lenders assess your ability to repay your loan. They will likely consider your debts. Your credit history, credit rating, and debts can affect your borrowing options, including the interest rate and type of loan you qualify for.

Get a loan from a lender.

Your lender will usually return the loaned money to you in one of the following ways:

  • in cash
  •  by depositing the funds into your bank account
  •  by electronic transfer
  •  sending the funds directly to other lenders, if you are consolidating other debts
  •  on a prepaid card

If you decide to take the loan on a prepaid card, there might be a cost to activate and use the card.

What happens when somebody couldn’t pay off personal loan

Repay a personal loan.

You agree to make regular payments when you take out a personal loan. Most lenders will ask for your banking information to take payments directly from your account. This is called a pre-authorized debit.

Ask about pre-authorized debits.

Some lenders will send information about your loan payments to the credit bureaus.

If your lender reports to the credit bureaus, you can improve your credit rating by making timely payments. If you make your payments on time, it can positively impact your credit rating.

You can make additional payments or pay off your loan before the end without penalty. This will help you reduce interest charges and repay your loan sooner than expected. Some lenders may charge a fee if you repay your loan early.

You can renegotiate the terms of your loan agreement with your lender. It can help you manage your budget if your financial situation changes. A fee may be charged for this service.

Make sure you understand the loan agreement.

Make sure you understand the terms of the personal loan agreement before signing it. Ask questions if there is anything you need help understanding.

Federally regulated lenders, such as banks, must provide you with the following information when you take out a personal loan:

  • the amount of the loan
  •  the interest rate, and whether it is a fixed or variable rate
  •  the duration
  •  the number of payments
  •  other fees and service charges
  •  the optional services you have accepted

Other lenders, such as some credit unions, are subject to provincial or territorial regulations and may not be required to provide this information.

What happens when somebody couldn’t pay off personal loan

Types of personal loans

There are two types of personal loans.

Secured loans

A secured personal loan uses an asset, like your car, as a promise to your lender that you will repay the loan. This asset is called collateral. If you can’t pay, the lender can take the asset from you.

There are different types of secured loans, including:

  • secured personal loans
  •  securities loans
  •  pawnbrokers

Unsecured Loans

An unsecured personal loan is a loan that does not require collateral. If you don’t make your payments, the lender can sue you. They also have other options, such as the right of set-off.

Many non-traditional lenders offer unsecured personal loans. These loans can be called installment loans or high-cost installment loans. The interest rate on these loans is usually much higher than for unsecured personal loans offered by banks and credit unions.

How to get a personal loan at the best rate?

You only naturally want to find the best personal loan rate. Indeed, the higher this rate, the greater the amount to be reimbursed in fine!

The rate of a personal loan is called APR for the Annual Effective Annual Rate (same name for all consumer loans). This APR is one of the main criteria for choosing the loan because it determines its final cost.

To find a cheap personal loan offering the most interesting APR, we recommend that you compete with market offers, mainly through a personal loan broker. More and more banks and credit institutions are offering this consumer credit, with a more or less attractive APR, depending on the players. From one lender to another, you can go from simple to triple for the same amount borrowed and the same duration.

Comparing the different offers will help you choose a personal loan. However, this can be a time-consuming process. This is why we have developed – as a personal loan broker – our ranking of the best lenders (to be found at the top of this page). In a few clicks, you will have an overview of the best offers currently on the market and can obtain a quote at a reduced rate from one of our partners.

What are the conditions for granting a personal loan?

A personal loan is a consumer credit granted exclusively to individuals for between 200 and 75,000 €. It is taken out for a minimum period of 3 months and up to a maximum of 84 months (i.e., seven years).

Taking out a personal loan for more than ten years is impossible. We advise you to turn to an assigned credit (contracted for a specific purchase) to obtain such a loan.

Each lending organization sets its conditions and can refuse you the granting of a loan, particularly if it considers that you are at risk (no stable job, income too low, debt too high). The duration of the credit, the amount of the sums granted, and the repayment method also vary from one lender to another. The lender will request supporting documents to validate your loans, such as proof of identity, address, or income. However, you will not have to provide proof of your use of the sum borrowed.

What happens when somebody couldn’t pay off personal loan

A single age limit is set: you must be 18 years old to apply for consumer credit.

To realize your project’s feasibility and the conditions the lenders would apply, carrying out a personal loan simulation may be interesting. You will know under what conditions you can borrow the amount you want and the overall cost of this operation.

Otherwise, the lender is obliged to provide you with certain information:

  • the total cost of the loan (application fees, ancillary fees, APR, etc.);
  •  the amount of compensation to be paid in the event of delay;
  •  your right of withdrawal etc.

In addition, the lender may require you to take out insurance to ensure that he will obtain reimbursement regardless of the situation in which you find yourself. 

How to take out a personal loan quickly?

Today, travel is no longer necessary to take out personal credit as the online offer has multiplied. More and more lenders allow online subscriptions in a few minutes, especially if the loan amount is small.

Affected credit and revolving credit generally take longer than a personal loan since one or more supporting documents are required to obtain them.

After making a personal loan simulation, you have decided and wish to subscribe to a lender. Most will be able to give you an agreement in principle now; then, you must provide personal documents to validate the loan. These documents can be:

  • a valid identity document;
  •  proof of residence (electricity, gas, water, or telephone bill for a fixed line);
  •  Proof of income (last tax notice, last salary, or pension slip). They are not systematically requested, especially if the amount borrowed is low.

What happens when somebody couldn’t pay off personal loan

Depending on your profile and request, you can obtain your loan in less than 24 hours! However, this will not be the case if you want to borrow €75,000. The sum being substantial, it is possible that a meeting with an advisor is required before any signature.

What duration of personal loan to choose?

Choosing the duration you wish to take out your loan is possible. This is generally a minimum of 3 months and can go up to 84 months (i.e., seven years). Be aware, however, that the choice of the duration of your loan is strategic. Each option – whether it is a long loan or a temporary loan – has its advantages and disadvantages:


Quick loan Faster repayment, lower interest rate, and cheaper cost of credit. Your monthly payments will be higher.

Long loan Lower and easier monthly payments each month In the long term: more interest charged and higher total cost of the loan

What are the advantages and disadvantages of a personal loan?

Like any consumer credit, the personal loan has many advantages; however, counterbalanced by some disadvantages that it is essential to know before contracting anything.

Thus, the advantages of the personal loan are as follows:

  • You can borrow up to €75,000;
  •  If your financial situation is fragile, you can take out a lengthy loan (up to 7 years) and repay it at your own pace. Be aware, however, that in the long term, your credit will be more expensive with this option (because more interest is paid);
  •  With this advantage, your monthly payments can be adjusted according to your income. If your financial situation is stable, you can thus pay large monthly payments to repay your debt more quickly;
  •  It is often possible to defer monthly payments free of charge.

What happens when somebody couldn’t pay off personal loan

While it has the disadvantages:

  • Unless you borrow a small amount for which the lender does not necessarily ask you for supporting documents, it may take several days before you can access the amount borrowed;
  •  If you opt for a long-term personal loan with low monthly payments, you will pay more in the long term because you will have repaid a lot of interest;
  •  If it is possible to repay your loan early, it is sometimes paid with certain actors. This is, therefore, a point to be attentive to before choosing a lender.

Prepayment of a personal loan: is it possible?

Do you have enough money to pay off your loan before its term? Early repayment of a personal loan is possible but generally not without consideration for the lender. This early repayment, partial or total, does not require any justification on your part and cannot be refused.

However, early repayment constitutes a shortfall for the lender, so you may be required to pay early repayment indemnities, also called early repayment penalties. Their conditions and amounts are defined in the initial contract.

They cannot exceed a specific limit set by the Lagarde law of 2010:

  • If the outstanding capital is less than €10,000, you have no compensation or penalty for paying your lender.
  •  If the capital remaining due is more significant than €10,000, the penalties are a maximum of 1% of the loan amount if you have more than 12 months of repayment remaining and 0.5% if you have less than one. Year of repayment.

How to renegotiate your loan?

You took out a personal loan four years ago and want to review the terms of your contract. To, for example, obtain a better personal loan rate. Over the years, the conditions have evolved and may even become more advantageous than they were. You are, therefore, right to want to renegotiate your loan!

What happens if you can’t repay a personal loan on time?

Before taking out a personal loan, consider your situation and your ability to repay the loan.

There can be severe consequences if you do not repay your loan on time:

  • Your lender may ask you to pay the total amount of the loan all at once
  •  If you have a secured loan, your lender may have the right to divest you of something you own, such as your car.
  •  Your lender may notify the credit bureaus if you miss a payment, which could show up in your credit history and affect your ability to get credit.
  •  Your lender will usually charge you an insufficient funds fee if you need more money in your account to cover a payment that needs to be paid by pre-authorized debit.
  •  Your lender could sue you for the debt.

Act quickly if you need help making refunds. If you can’t make the full refund, pay what you can. Contact your lender without delay.

File a complaint about a personal loan

If you complain about your loan, you should contact your lender.

All federally regulated financial institutions, such as banks and federal credit unions, must have a complaints procedure.

File a complaint with your financial institution.

Contact the regulatory body in your province or territory if a provincial or territorial government, such as an alternative or payday lender, regulates your lender.

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What happens when somebody couldn’t pay off personal loan

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