When should you change your car battery 2022 ?

When should you change your car battery 2022 ?

If the life of a battery is estimated at 4 to 5 years, this will depend on many other factors. A battery problem does not necessarily mean that it needs to be changed. Sometimes, simple gestures can increase its lifespan. This article will explain when to change your car battery and how to recognize its signs of weakness!

Summary :

  • 🗓️ How long does a car battery last?
  • ⚡ What is the lifespan of an electric car battery?
  • 🔎 What elements can impact the life of a car battery?
  • 🔧 What are the symptoms of an HS car battery?

🗓️ How long does a car battery last?

The car battery is the energy reserve of your vehicle. It is used to start the engine using the starter and supply the various electronic and electrical equipment on board (headlights, car radio, air conditioning, window lifters, etc.). Once the engine is turned on, the battery is recharged through the alternator, whose coil rotates and creates an electric current.

Your battery is considered to be a worn part of your vehicle. It should be changed regularly during use. It can last an average of 4 to 5 years. Unfortunately, this is not always the case because its lifespan depends mainly on the conditions you use. It is necessary to change it at the first signs of malfunctions at the risk that your car breaks down.

When should you change your car battery 2022 ?

⚡ What is the lifespan of an electric car battery?

Electric vehicles have a specific type of car battery, different from internal combustion engines: a lithium-ion battery, which has much better autonomy since it is the electric energy that entirely operates this type of vehicle.

On an electric car, the battery life is estimated between 8 to 15 years, but this varies according to the manufacturers. To avoid wearing it out prematurely, it is essential to respect the maximum number of recommended recharging cycles: 1000 to 1500 cycles, which makes it possible to provide between 200,000 and 500,000 kilometers depending on the vehicle’s range.

For a hybrid vehicle, the battery life is 5 to 7 years: it is in the middle between a heat engine and a 100% electric motor.

🔎 What elements can impact the life of a car battery?

Here are the situations that contribute to the wear of your battery :

  • Mainly urban traffic: starting, horn, and indicators use a lot of energy.
  • Extreme heat: Temperature rises can cause the liquid in your battery to evaporate and permanently reduce its capacity.
  • Cold periods: winter and frost periods can also affect the condition of your battery.
  • A vehicle immobilized for too long: if it is not used for an extended period, your battery will eventually discharge.
  • Electronic equipment: air conditioning, GPS, and audio system are very energy-intensive elements that, in the long term, wear out your battery.
  • A second-hand battery in poor condition: if you bought a second-hand vehicle, is it possible that its previous owners did not take good care of their car battery?

If your vehicle is concerned, it is inevitable that your battery will not last long, three years at most. Here are some tips for maximizing the life of your battery :

  • Avoid prolonged immobilization of your car.
  • Do not expose your vehicle to solid heat.
  • Park, if possible, in a dry location away from extreme temperature changes.

🔧 What are the symptoms of an HS car battery?

If your car battery is out of order, there are sure signs that can’t be mistaken. Here’s how to recognize the symptoms of a bad car battery :

  • The battery light is on your dashboard.
  • Your electronic equipment is having difficulty working: the windscreen wipers have trouble activating, the power of the headlights is weakened, the car radio does not work…
  • Your battery is discharging too quickly: for example, it is discharging overnight.
  • You cannot start your vehicle: your car does not start, especially in the morning or cold weather.
  • You smell a strange smell from the hood: If your car battery is dead, you may sense a rotten egg smell that results from the evaporation of the mixture of water and sulfuric acid.
  • A white deposit is on your car battery: in addition to the smell, it is also a sign that your battery is sulfated!

Before changing it, you must check that the problem comes from your battery. For example, if your vehicle does not start, the problem can come from other parts, such as the starter, the alternator, or even the glow plugs if you have a diesel vehicle. In this case, the best way is to test the voltage of your car battery.

  • With a voltmeter or multimeter: if the voltage of your battery is between 12.3 and 13.5 volts, then everything is fine. If it drops below 10 volts, it is most likely sulfated, and you will need to replace it. If it is above 15 volts, then your battery is overcharged.
  • Without a multimeter or voltmeter, you can, using another car and crocodile clips, a battery charger, or even a booster, try to start yours. If nothing happens, the battery is dead.

When should you change your car battery?

An essential element of the automobile, the battery, is unfortunately not eternal, and its lifespan is limited. It must therefore be replaced as soon as necessary under penalty of repetitive breakdowns, mainly linked to starting problems.

Do the batteries have a lifespan?

Yes. Any battery has an average life of 4-5 years, depending on its brand and quality. But this lifespan also depends on the use made of it. A highly stressed battery, for example, in the case of mainly urban journeys requiring numerous starts, discharges faster than usual. Carrying out only short journeys does not allow the battery to be recharged correctly, causing premature aging. On the other hand, a battery used mainly for long trips can last well beyond its average life, especially if it is well-maintained.

Good to know: beware of substantial temperature variations

Significant temperature variations significantly affect the life of a battery. Shallow temperatures, but also high temperatures, are natural enemies of your battery.

What are the signs that your battery is running low?

There are some noticeable signs that your battery is starting to wear down. This is mainly the case when the car is struggling to start in the morning or if the latter can no longer start the engine after a few strokes of the starter. If you notice the battery discharging too quickly, it’s time to replace it. Recharging can sometimes temporarily remedy the problem, but if the charge does not last long, it is better to change the battery. Also, be aware that a battery whose terminals are oxidized or in poor condition has difficulty recharging because part of the current produced by the alternator is lost. Using a voltmeter is reasonable to know the state or form of its battery. The ideal voltage, the engine stopped, is around 12.5 volts. If necessary, a short visit to your mechanic will allow you to check the state of charge of your battery without requiring an appointment.

Good to know: if your battery is recent, run the warranty

A current battery that discharges abnormally may have a manufacturing defect. If this is the case, do not hesitate to contact the retailer. Generally, the batteries are guaranteed for two to three years, depending on the brand.

Are gasoline engine batteries the same as diesel engine batteries?

No. A diesel engine requires more power to start. The spark plugs must also be preheated to allow the diesel to burn. All this requires a more significant electrical input and, therefore, a more powerful battery. If it is possible to install a diesel battery on a petrol vehicle, the opposite is not likely, at least in the long term. Using a “petrol” battery on a diesel vehicle would quite quickly lead to start-up power problems and the storm’s premature discharge.

If your battery is getting old, be aware that its life is limited, and it is better to change it before the appearance of problems related to its age. If your vehicle begins to have trouble starting after only a few days of parking, it is because the battery can no longer maintain its optimal charge and is starting to tire. This is one of the main warning signs of a tired battery.

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When should you change your car battery 2022 ?

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