What is the difference between AI and machine learning?

What is the difference between AI and machine learning?

It’s easy to confuse artificial intelligence (AI) with machine learning (AM). Although machine learning is an element of artificial intelligence, these two phrases refer to two concepts that can be difficult to distinguish.

Machine learning is a subset of artificial intelligence, a huge field of study.

But there is much more. We can distinguish AI and ML as follows:

Machine learning is an application of AI that allows machines to learn from data without being explicitly programmed. AI is a broader idea aiming to produce intelligent machines replicating human thinking ability and behavior.

Let’s get into the details and break down the main differences between artificial intelligence and machine learning.

What is the difference between AI and machine learning?


Artificial intelligence is a branch of computer science that aims to create a computer system that can think like a human. It is made up of the words “artificial” and “intelligence,” which together mean “human-made ability to think.” Consequently, we can define it as a technology that allows the building of intelligent systems that imitate human intelligence.

Artificial intelligence systems do not need to be pre-programmed. Instead, they employ algorithms that work in tandem with their intellect. Reinforcement learning algorithms and deep learning neural networks are examples of machine learning algorithms.

What is Artificial Intelligence (AI)?

Artificial intelligence is any human-like intelligence exhibited by a computer, machine, or robot. In popular usage, AI refers to the ability of a machine or computer to mimic the human mind.

That is, learning from experiences and examples, understanding and responding to language, recognizing objects, solving problems, making decisions, and combining these and other abilities to perform functions that a human being does, such as driving a car or greeting a hotel guest…

Having played a starring role in science fiction, AI is used in various areas of our lives today.

Artificial intelligence emerges from a large amount of data and the development of new computer systems that can process said information faster and more accurately than people.

It is likely to see how AI completes what we want when we type on mobile devices, provide street directions when driving, clean the house, and suggest what to buy.

Likewise, it favors applications such as analyzing human body images in the health sector

This presents a benefit for competent professionals in this area because they will be able to complete jobs more successfully and quickly.

Antonio Cangiano, a software developer at the IBM Digital Business Group, an AI evangelist, and a course instructor in IBM’s Applied AI Professional Certification program, said: “It’s hard to overstate the impact and scope of the AI ​​in the next decade.”

“The best way to conceptualize is by imagining the same question about electricity at the end of the 19th century. We have all witnessed the unimaginable modification of that time.”

What is the difference between AI and machine learning?

AI can be divided into three categories based on its capabilities:

Weak AI (narrow

AI) General

AI Strong AI

Most of the AI ​​we interact with daily is “weak AI.” Don’t be fooled by the name. “Weak AI” is anything but weak. Weak AI is defined by its narrow scope of application. Alexa, Amazon shopping suggestions, and smart chatbots are powerful examples of weak AI.

Machine Learning

The goal of machine learning is to extract knowledge from data.

Machine learning allows machines to learn without being explicitly taught from data or experience.

Machine learning allows a computer system to generate predictions or make decisions based on past data without being explicitly coded. Machine learning uses a large amount of structured and semi-structured data for a machine learning model to produce reliable results or make predictions based on them.

Machine learning uses algorithms that learn by themselves using historical data.

It only works for specific domains. For example, if we create a machine learning model to detect photos of dogs, it will only return results for photos of dogs. If we provide it with new data, such as a photo of a cat, it will not respond. The data sets used to train the machine are essential to ensure that the built model works.

Machine learning is used in various applications, such as online recommendation systems, Google search engines, email filters, and Facebook friend tagging suggestions.

It can be classified into four types:


Learning Semi-Supervised

Learning Unsupervised

Learning Reinforcement Learning

These four types of machine learning can be broken down into their subtypes. We’ve written a guide with more information on machine learning and the four types of machine learning that go into more detail.

What is the difference between AI and machine learning?

What is automatic learning (Machine learning)?

It is an application of artificial intelligence that allows systems to automatically improve and learn from experience without requiring programming.

Machine learning focuses on developing computer programs that gain access to data and use it to learn for themselves.

The learning process begins with experience and direct observations or instruction to look for patterns in the data and make good decisions in the future.

Its main objective is to allow computers to learn automatically without human intervention or assistance and to be able to adapt their actions accordingly.

Similarly, machine learning is used to rapidly process huge amounts of data through algorithms that change over time and get better at what they are intended to do.

A manufacturing plant could collect data from machines and sensors on its network in vast amounts, even beyond what any human could process.

Machine learning is used to detect patterns and anomalies, which may show a problem humans need to fix.

What is the difference between AI and machine learning?

Main differences between AI and Machine Learning

The difference between artificial intelligence and machine learning is that machine learning is a branch of AI, and machine learning is AI, but not all artificial intelligence uses machine learning.

For example, imagine a Russian doll; AI is the biggest, all-encompassing doll, and machine learning and neural networks as smaller and smaller subsets of technology.

AI offers extensive brushstrokes for machines that mimic human intelligence, but machine learning is the practical application of human-like information processing.

As a more general and comprehensive classifier, AI without machine learning manages to be a one-trick horse, even as it executes its singular task with superhuman ability.

How does artificial intelligence influence machine learning? More advanced AI developments are beginning to incorporate more human components, such as chatbots like Alexa and Siri, that learn to interpret human emotions and tones.

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What is the difference between AI and machine learning?

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