Why do my head itch, and my hair fall out?

Why do my head itch, and my hair fall out?

Although hair loss can occur without warning, usually when there is an itchy head or hair, the chances of hair loss increase, and it is that hair loss is a symptom that the scalp is irritated.

But why does my head itch? How does this happen? Let’s find out in this blog article!

  • 1 What is the scalp?
  • 2 Why do my head itch and my hair fall out?
  • 3 5 Causes of itching and irritation on the scalp
    • 3.1 Hair products
    • 3.2 Iron and dryer
    • 3.3 Hair fixatives
    • 3.4 Dehydration
    • 3.5 Sun Exposure
  • 4 How do I know if I have an irritated scalp?
  • 5 What are the problems of having an irritated scalp?
  • 6 How to prevent problems derived from an itchy head?
  • 7 Is there any treatment for an itchy head?
Why do my head itch, and my hair fall out?

All the skin that covers the part of the skull is known as the scalpThe follicles or capillary units settle there, which is why they greatly influence hair growth.

What is the scalp?

The scalp comprises several capillary vessels that help promote growth and feed the hair follicles.

Therefore, when a scalp is healthy, hair growth is guaranteed, and it looks great. Otherwise, the best-known consequence is scalp irritation.

Why do my head itch, and my hair fall out?

Usually, the itching in the head is related to seborrheic dermatitis, psoriasis, and fungus. But, in the mildest cases, it can only be irritated skinknown as mild dermatitis.

When any of these conditions occur, the risk of hair loss is increased since the hair follicles are weakened and unable to keep the hair strong.

But, it is necessary to clarify that the itching must be frequent to be seen as a problem since if it occasionally occurs, it is normal.

This way, it is necessary to analyze whether the itching is punctual or permanent. If so, there is no doubt that the blood vessels and follicles have a big problem.

5 Causes of itching and irritation on the scalp

Some of the causes that can cause an itchy head are:

Hair products

In most cases, hair products are responsible for the itchy head. Among the most recognized are hair dyes and shampoos with chemical ingredients since they tend to irritate the scalp.

Iron and dryer

When direct heat is applied to the scalp, it can cause serious damage, such as irritation. In this way, itching is likely to start because of this.

Hair fixatives

Some fixatives and lacquers have ingredients in their formula that are very harmful to the scalp, such as ethanol, alcohol, fragrances, and parabens, resulting in burning or itching on the head.


Dehydration of the scalp makes it dry and can cause hair loss. If you are in this condition, the itching in the head will not be prolonged.

  • Solar exposition

When a person exposes the scalp to the sun, it can burn it. For this reason, it is always advisable to protect it with caps or hats since it could cause a lot of pain and itching.

How do I know if I have an irritated scalp?

The symptoms of an irritated and sensitive scalp can be:

  • itching
  • Dryness
  • redness
  • Dandruff
  • burning and pain
  • Peeling.

All this indicates that the scalp is fragile and sensitive. However, it is important to mention that each person’s sensitivity level can vary. For example, those with oily or dry scalps are more likely to have dry hair.

What are the problems of having an irritated scalp?

An irritated scalp can cause the following problems:

  • Fine and more fragile hair.
  • Frequent itching on the head.
  • dandruff production
  • The appearance of alopecia.
  • Sensitivity on the part of the scalp.

How to prevent problems derived from an itchy head?

When it comes to preventing itchy head problems, the first thing to do is determine the cause. Starting from this, it is possible to make the appropriate changes so that it does not continue.

As it cannot be detected so quickly, the ideal is to go to a specialist for a hair diagnosis.

Is there any treatment for an itchy head?

Yes, there are several treatments for an itchy head. But, all of them must be indicated after a previous evaluation of your scalp since each is different.

The idea is to follow an effective hair treatment for each case.

As you can see, a slight itch on the head can be very common in many people, but if it occurs frequently, there is no doubt that it is more serious. Go to a specialist dermatologist to start a recovery treatment as soon as possible and thus be able to avoid hair loss.

Thinning Hair and Hair Loss – Symptoms, Causes, and Solutions


Thinning hair is a problem that can cause distress and affect one’s image. It is normal to lose hair every day; however, yielding a more significant amount may mean the hair is thinning. This problem affects both men and women; today, more people prefer not to suffer in silence and seek help.

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Signs and symptoms

Why do my head itch, and my hair fall out?


A wider natural parting of the hair can be a sign of thinning hair.

If the active growth or anagen phase of your hair becomes shorter, your hair follicles produce smaller, thinner, less visible hairs, leading to thinning hair. If this anagen phase stops completely, the affected hair follicles stop growing new hair altogether, resulting in hair loss.

Women are more prone to thinning hair, while men are more prone to receding hair, bald spots, or total hair loss.

Causes and Triggers


Hereditary hair loss is the most common form of hair thinning and loss in men and women. Also known as female pattern hair loss, male pattern hair loss, or androgenetic alopecia, it occurs when hair follicles have a genetic sensitivity to androgens (the male sex hormones) and dihydrotestosterone (DHT) in particular. When DHT interacts with hair follicles, this sensitivity causes hair growth to slow or stop, resulting in thinning hair or hair loss. In addition, especially in female pattern hair loss, other causal factors are involved.

Stress reduction can positively affect cases of thinning hair.

Why do my head itch, and my hair fall out?

Women are more prone to thinning hair than men.

You can inherit this trait from either your mother’s or your father’s side. Although it is often thought that hair loss or thinning hair only affects older people, the condition can start in their teens or 20s, or 30s.

Most people experience thinning hair as they age, but not everyone is affected to the same extent.

Men with baldness often develop a receding hairline, hair loss on the crown of the head, or both. Over time, men with hereditary hair loss can go completely bald.

On the other hand, women with female pattern baldness tend to develop thinning hair rather than total hair loss. This usually causes your hair to become thinner across the scalp, especially at the hairline. The crown of the head may be affected, but hereditary hair loss in women rarely progresses to total baldness.

Scalp micro inflammations are also significant contributors to hair thinning and hair loss. These occur when the skin around the hair follicles becomes inflamed, and the hair root becomes weak, making it more vulnerable to hereditary hair loss.

As hair growth is a highly energy-consuming process, it is also very susceptible to a shortage of energy supply in the hair follicle.

1. Microinflammation weakens the hair 2. Energy deficit 3. Hair growth slows down or stops at the roots, and hair thins

What are micro inflammations? They are mild inflammations of the skin. They are so soft that even clinical tests fail to detect them. But if we study skin tissue with micro inflammations, we can see the presence of inflammatory immune cells; in other words, the skin responds to irritation with inflammation, thus trying to repair itself. The skin can become a “true” inflammatory response if these skin cells are subjected to further irritation.

1. Healthy skin 2. Microinflammation 3. Inflammation (erythema)

How are they related to scalp conditions? There is growing evidence that micro inflammations of the scalp are involved in the most common scalp disorders, from thinning hair and dandruff to dry, itchy, and sensitive scalp.

If you experience sudden hair loss or your hair becomes brittle, you may have an underlying health problem, such as thyroid disease, iron deficiency, or an autoimmune disease. Some medications can also cause hair loss. In all cases, contact a dermatologist for more information.

Common Myths


Scalp massages have not been shown to reduce hair loss.

Some of the most widely spread myths about thinning hair and hair loss are:

  • Massaging the scalp with natural oils can treat hair loss.
  • Shaving your head will make your hair grow thicker.
  • Headstand promotes hair growth.
  • There are “miracle cures” that can regrow hair.

There is no evidence to suggest that any of the above is true.

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Why do my head itch, and my hair fall out?

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