15 platforms to work online and earn money from home

15 platforms to work online and earn money from home

Having a stable job in Colombia is an odyssey. After the crisis unleashed by COVID-19, which threatens the existence of several hundred jobs, the time has come to shake off and start acting to earn money from home by looking for job options that respond to current working conditions.

Earn money from home

Albert Einstein said in one of his interviews, which was recorded in the book Autobiographical Notes (2016): “In moments of crisis, only imagination is more important than knowledge.” That is why at Diners, we look for and test those options on the internet where you can find a space to work or do what you like and get paid for it.

You will find various options ranging from being a virtual assistant for hours, transcribing texts, teaching others about your skills, offering intelligence services to large companies, answering surveys, watching commercials, and testing games and programs on your computer.

See all the options we found below:

Before starting…

We recommend that if you are seriously interested in dabbling in these digital jobs, open your PayPal account so that your clients or companies can pay you through this platform, which you can then transfer to your bank account or for online purchases and thus earn money from home.

15 platforms to work online and earn money from home

1. Glassdoor

This platform offers millions of jobs worldwide, providing employee and employer reviews of jobs, skills, and must-have tools. Best of all, the salary information is presented without detours or advance payments. And if you are an employer, you can post jobs for free just by entering your email.

Currently, there are offers for video editors, developers, psychologists, editors, accountants, publicists, psychologists, psychiatrists, and even human resources personnel. Find decent work without leaving home with this platform. 

2 Remote OK

“Work and live anywhere in the world” is the slogan of this platform to earn money doing what you like best. As soon as you enter its official page, you will find a list of job offers with the average salary, the place of origin, and the level of experience you must have.

It also shows the hours or days the offer was published and the apply button. Of course, we tell you that most jobs are for developers and code programmers, although if you search well, you will find an occasional offer to be a copywriter, marketing, or campaign analyst. On the other hand, if you know English or at least have a level above B1, you can apply for hundreds of job offers without any problem.

3. Verbling

This is the page for you if you know the difference between an esdrújula, grave, and acute. With just three hours a day, I taught Spanish to hundreds of students worldwide. In addition to earning $10 to $50 an hour, you’ll meet people worldwide. 

To use Verbling, you should know English or French to make your teaching more direct and effective.

15 platforms to work online and earn money from home

4 We Work Remotely

This community prides itself on having remote jobs all over the world. With more than 3 million visitors, We Work Remotely has become a secure platform in recent years to find employment and analyze what the world market needs.

Google, Amazon, Basecamp, and other global companies use the platform for hunting for talent from around the world. Especially those from Latin America. Like Remote OK, you’ll find tech-savvy jobs here, but you can choose the employability category you prefer.

Then you can filter jobs for creatives, artists, or designers only. You can also see the daily offers for full-time employment or that offer a contract with all the formalities that an international-class job must have. 

15 platforms to work online and earn money from home

5 I’m a Freelancer

Unlike pages like www.elempleo.com, where you post your resume and have to wait for someone to take an interest in it, at www.soyfreelancer.com, you will find jobs that could demand a profile like yours.

Among the options to earn money from home are answering calls from a virtual office to designing a company logo during the day. Typically, social media design, programming, and management are the most sought-after positions.

This platform is enabled throughout Latin America, so it is common for you to accept a job for a Mexican or Guatemalan company.

On the other hand, unlike other job pages, registration and membership are free. The difference with your paid membership is that you can take on multiple temporary jobs simultaneously.

Pay varies by the job, but you will find options where you earn from $7 to $25 an hour, delivered through PayPal or Payoneer.

6. Kwai

Video app, which competes with TikTok with viral videos, offers money for spending more than an hour on this tool. However, only some know that you must refer someone new for the payment to be effective daily. If you have three successive days of friends who invite friends, they will give you up to 3 dollars per person.

It looks a lot like a pyramid, but in the digital world, it is entirely legal. Of course, it requires being a reasonably outgoing person to generate content and make your friends and followers download the application. 

15 platforms to work online and earn money from home

7 Remote Jobs

This platform to look for work and earn money helps you shape your career aspirations. First, it asks you to specify what you’re good at in customer service, recruiting, design, sales professional, or development. Remote Jobs will then show you an exclusive list of where you have the highest odds of getting the position and those with the best salary and hours of service.

Find a remote job and experience working from home or anywhere. 

8 Workana

Our second recommendation to earn money from home is quite similar to www.soyfreelancer.com. Workana postulates jobs that are not specially designed for a professional but more for people with enough time to work online.

Here you will find options for administrative support, call center, translation, transcription of texts, and even organization of theses and tests to test applications and web pages.

This tool, designed in Spain, is designed for all Spanish-speaking people. Keep in mind that although your registration is free, for each contract you have, the page will keep 15% of your payment, which they will deposit in your PayPal.

15 platforms to work online and earn money from home


For lovers of amateur photography, there is a social network where you can charge $0.57 for each view of your content. ClickASnap has over 1 million hits daily, offering you complete copyright control of your photos while automatically starting to generate revenue for you. Registration on the platform is free; you only need ten photos to start. 

A piece of advice: register photos of actions such as people in front of a computer or familiar places such as a typical Latin American bakery or butcher shop. These places are unique because people from all over the world look for the authenticity of businesses they don’t know, such as Colombia.

15 platforms to work online and earn money from home

10. Fiverr

“Bring the skill. We will make winning easy” this is the promise of Fiver, an English-speaking platform with job applications in Spanish and is looking for all kinds of talent. From a person who does voiceovers, interprets a character in a radio soap opera, a virtual assistant who organizes a computer file, to helping an entrepreneur brainstorm ideas for his following product.

There are more than 200 categories in which you can try your luck. The exciting thing is that you put a price on your skills. The application is responsible for communicating with a potential client who needs your services, and you discuss directly with him.

It should be noted that Fiver keeps 20% of commissions for their services, and in turn, they ensure that once they have finished their work, their payment is directly in their bank account.

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15 platforms to work online and earn money from home

11. Remote First

Find the job that best suits you on Remote Firsts, the job platform that shows you the salary range you can aspire to and the level of English you can have. And don’t be scared, because there are jobs even for the person who is learning up to now, as well as for the one who is a master in the English language.

The jobs most sought after by Remote Firsts users are marketing and branding experts, such as product design and creation. 

12 TDC system

As anything goes in the internet world, the TDC System is a platform in which you must sell online courses through a pyramid system in which, in other words: if you don’t sell, you don’t earn. Now is the opportunity if you were involved in these businesses that were so popular in Colombia but needed more time to work on them.

If you know how to sell and motivate others to do it, you can earn up to $100 a day, but be careful; it is the same model used by pyramid-selling businesses. You must invest more than 5 hours daily to maintain your earnings without having an employer pay your pension or health. The phrase “be your boss” is true.

15 platforms to work online and earn money from home

13 Amazon Mechanical Turk

Put your English skills to the test with this official Amazon site that offers the possibility of transcribing texts written on paper that machines cannot do.

Here you will find long or short transcripts, depending on the time you have to complete the task. Although it is worth clarifying that the longer the transcripts, the more money you will earn.

Here you will find two types of transcription, one that indicates the difficulty level and the estimated work time.

Amazon will pay the person after they submit the transcript, which is reviewed by a sponsor, who verifies that it’s a quality product. They will then pay you into your PayPal account. Here you can generate income from 5 to 20 dollars per hour.

15 platforms to work online and earn money from home

14 Tower

To the surprise of many, this Colombian company offers a robust network of work connections that will surprise you. The first thing to note is that you will find jobs where you only have to speak Spanish and salaries that easily exceed an average position (three minimum wages), according to figures from the Ministry of Labor.

Here you will find options for full-time, part-time, or flexible hours. You can also filter your preferences and post jobs completely free. It is also worth noting its counter that updates second by second; for example, there are currently 102,550 jobs available. Who will occupy them? 

15 A text

This Spanish company offers you to create, collect, annotate and transcribe all kinds of texts to improve the conversations generated by call center bots. You do not need experience or pass any admission exam for this transcription project.

Similar to Amazon Mechanical Turk, you will be paid based on the complexity of the texts and the difficulty of transcription via PayPal. The exciting thing is that before starting the experience, the page has a demo in which they teach you the easiest methods to transcribe and manage your time.

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15 platforms to work online and earn money from home

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