Best Auto Insurance Companies in the United States

Best Auto Insurance Companies in the United States

How Does Auto Insurance Work in the USA?

The operation of car insurance in the USA is relatively simple and is based on each user being protected whenever they are behind the wheel. To learn how car insurance works, you should start by finding an insurance company that you can afford and that suits your needs.

Best Auto Insurance Companies in the United States

Finding the right car insurance is easier than you think, especially when shopping online. You can search for coverage, get a quote and buy your insurance from the comfort of your home. So, if you are looking for auto insurance and don’t know where to start, ask yourself the following questions :

  • What kind of car do I have?
  • How many miles do I drive a year?
  • Where do I live?
  • What is my driving record?

Remember that auto insurance can help you pay for a part, certain medical expenses and even the rental fees you need. Likewise, each state within the USA has its own rules and requirements for requesting auto insurance. Therefore, your location is a key factor that will determine the type of coverage available to you and, above all, the final value of your insurance premium.

How do I know if I need Automobile Insurance in the USA?

Auto insurance is mandatory for free movement in all 50 states and US territories. In other words, everyone with a rented, borrowed or owned car must guarantee that the vehicle is insured.

You’ll have to pay expensive claims out of pocket without auto insurance. Also, if you do not have this type of insurance, you can face possible police charges for traffic accidents, DUI, speeding, personal injury, etc.

What is the Minimum Auto Insurance Coverage required by the USA?

Most states require drivers to have auto insurance. If you fail to do so, you are not only responsible for the costs of the claims, but you may also face fines, penalties, loss of license, and possible criminal charges.

Important: Car insurance is required in all states except New Hampshire. In this case, New Hampshire still requires financial responsibility from the cause of the accident, so you will want to be properly insured. 

Auto insurance laws may vary depending on your state of residence; In turn, this will indicate the minimum amount of coverage you need to move freely through the streets. Currently, in the United States, all drivers must have:

  • Bodily Injury Liability/Liability Coverage.
  • Property Damage/Collision Policy.

It will depend on you if you want to add more coverage to your basic policy. Remember that if you have more coverage, you can avoid paying out of your own money for possible property repairs or injuries to someone else.

As we mentioned earlier, almost all states have minimum insurance requirements, which can vary. That means you must have a vehicle to drive in, an approved driver’s license, and some basic insurance before you can legally hit the road.

How does the Car Model affect my Auto Insurance?

Your car’s model, make, and year directly affect the premium you must pay for insurance. Some insurers do not offer policies on used cars or those over 20 years old. On the other hand, the brand of your car can determine if it is an insurance policy for luxury cars; In this case, each insurer will assess the risk that your car represents for the company. However, each case is different, and you should consider it when quoting your possible auto policies.

Other Factors that affect my Auto Insurance

Although, you should keep in mind that when you get a quote, insurers use a calculator to determine its cost, and although the car model is a factor to consider, it is not usually the only one. Next, we describe other aspects that affect the value of your premium:

  • Driving history.
  • The location of the policy owner.
  • Coverage history.
  • Driving habits.
  • Deductible amount.

Types of Car Insurance in the USA

All car insurance in the USA offers one or more of the 6 main coverages or types of insurance that are:

  • Property Damage Liability (PD). Protects for damages that could be caused by the vehicle to other cars and property in case of being responsible for the accident. It is one of the mandatory insurances in most states, although with different coverages.
  • Bodily Injury Liability (BD). It also protects in the event of an accident for which you are legally responsible but for damages caused directly to people. It is also a mandatory requirement in most states.
  • Medical Payment. This insurance protects the necessary medical expenses for caring for the vehicle’s driver and passengers. It is required in New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, and Maine.
  • Uninsured Motorist (UM) Coverage. Protects the driver and occupants of the vehicle if another uninsured car is responsible for the accident. It is mandatory protection in almost half of the states.
  • Collision damage. Covers material damage caused to your vehicle in accidents under your responsibility.
  • Full Coverage. It includes other coverage for your vehicle, such as theft, fire, acts of nature, vandalism and collisions with animals.

Quote and Compare Auto Insurance in Cotizator

Before purchasing auto insurance in the USA, compare the various plans that could suit you at Remember that comparing options can help you save a significant amount of money.

Next, we leave you a comparative table where you can find a quote with 3 different insurers for a 2019 HONDA Insight car, whose owner is a 39-year-old man from San José, California.

Where to buy auto insurance in the USA?

Did you know that driving without auto insurance is illegal in most states in the United States? In addition, having a tourist status and not having auto insurance for the USA could bring many more complications in case you have an unforeseen event. Suppose you are thinking of going on vacation driving to the United States. In that case, it will always be an excellent idea to have auto insurance with the coverage you need to protect yourself, your family, and your wallet. So, you are interested in buying car insurance for the USA. In that case, we recommend you go to our comparator with the best car insurance to travel from Mexico to the United States. All you have to do is click on the one that suits you best and quote quickly and easily.

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What insurance is required when renting a car?

When renting any car, civil liability insurance is the minimum protection that needs to be acquired. But exactly how does this type of insurance work? This refers to an auto insurance policy that offers basic coverage but will vary depending on your chosen insurer. However, no matter how basic it is, civil liability insurance must always contain protection against third parties. This type of coverage includes protecting other people against physical and material damage, whether or not they are in the vehicle at the time of the unforeseen event or as a consequence of the traffic accident.


Although in most of the United States, only basic liability insurance is required, it is always a good idea to consider auto insurance for the USA with greater coverage since if the damage is caused greater than the liability coverage basic; this could be catastrophic for your wallet.

How much does car insurance cost in the USA?

The cost of auto insurance to travel to the United States will vary depending on what it includes and its level of coverage, and for example, if it includes complementary services such as legal expenses to the holder, roadside assistance services such as crane, or even rent a new car in case of theft or accident. 

What happens if a car does not have insurance in the United States?

Did you know that if you want to travel through the United States with your Mexican car but do not have car insurance, especially for travelling through the USA, this can cause you many problems? Let’s see just some of them below:

  • They could deny you entry to American territory since to be able to drive legally, you need car insurance for the USA.
  • You would face paying fines and penalties
  • Your car may be stopped.
  • You run the risk of losing your American visa.
  • In the event of an accident, you would face many legal and economic problems since the legal and medical costs could be stratospheric.

So, to avoid more problems and scares, we recommend that you discover the best car insurance to travel to the USA. Having auto insurance with coverage in the USA will be an essential requirement for you to enjoy your vacation fully, with all the security and all the confidence. Here you will find just the auto insurance for the USA that you were looking for!


If you are going to cross the border driving from Mexico to the United States, in addition to presenting your auto insurance policy to transit through American territory with Mexican plates, you must present the following:

  • Your circulation card
  • Correct packaging of your car
  • Passport and valid American visa throughout your trip.

In case of not meet these requirements, your vehicle could be confiscated by the US authorities or deny you access to the country.

How to get tourist car insurance in the USA?

You can get auto insurance from Mexico in advance to the United States. From the comfort of your home in Mexico, you can buy auto insurance for the USA. To obtain the best insurance for tourists and travellers to the USA, we recommend you visit our comparator with the best coverage and prices. All you have to do is the following:

  1. Go to our comparator with the best car insurance for the USA; you can find it at the top of the page
  2. Check all the options and choose the one that suits you best
  3. You can calmly check what each insurer offers you, its monthly payment, its characteristics and our opinion
  4. You can click “Consult” to start quoting your auto insurance for the USA.

And voila! It’s that easy to find just the right coverage and protection. And you, are you almost ready for your vacation?

What is needed to buy auto insurance?

If you are interested in knowing what requirements you need to process car insurance for the USA, you should consider that you always need to have the following documents:

  • Official identification includes a voter card, Mexican passport, professional license (the electronic version is not accepted), or INAPAM (National Institute for Older Adults) credentials. The identity documents you use must be valid.
  • Mexican driver’s license
  • State and area of ​​circulation of your car
  • Technical sheet of your car (certificate of a vehicle and its owner)
  • Pay the cost of insurance.

It would always help to consider these recommendations when driving a car with Mexican plates through US territory.

How much is the fine for not having car insurance?

Did you know a fine for not having car insurance in the USA is much more expensive than paying for the same car policy? If you don’t feel this is a clear sign that you should buy auto insurance for the USA, you should read this paragraph again.

The cost of a fine will depend on the American state you are in. Generally, the infraction is approximately $500 USD, but it can cost up to $5,000 USD in some American states such as Massachusetts and New Jersey.

Compared to the price of having auto insurance in the USA, which is around USD 40 per month, it is not a worthwhile risk. Having the insurance will free you from having to pay high amounts in fines and cover the expenses of any accident, breakdown or other inconvenience you may have in the country. Remember that the medical cost and all other services are higher in the United States than in Mexico, so the best option for your economy is to buy auto insurance in the USA.

What types of auto insurance exist in the United States?

Below you will find various types of car insurance that you can also consider when travelling by road to the United States:

  • Uninsured motorist auto insurance: This type of auto insurance covers medical bills and physical damage to your car in the event of an accident with a driver who does not have auto insurance.
  • Collision or collision car insurance: This type of car insurance for the USA help you pay for the repair or replacement of your car if it is damaged by another vehicle, fence or a tree, for example.
  • All-risk auto insurance: All-risk insurance is a policy that covers damage to third parties and damage caused to the car itself. Generally, these policies have much better coverage and are a little more expensive.
  • Full coverage auto insurance: Full coverage covers all damage caused to your car, such as theft or vandalism, flooding, and hail.

And here you have it. Now that you are better informed about everything you need to travel peacefully to the United States, find the best car insurance for the USA in an easy and fast way and just a few clicks! You can access our car insurance comparator for the USA at the top.

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Best Auto Insurance Companies in the United States

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