Best Heat Transfer Press: How It Works, 2023

Best Heat Transfer Press: How It Works, 2023

The heat press is the most suitable device for applying screen-printed transfers. This machine, often used in industry, is attracting more and more individuals who wish to start printing all kinds of clothing.

However, specific criteria should be considered when choosing your flocking equipment. Once the choice has been made, you will also have to learn how to use this device properly.

Discover the different types of heat presses available on the market and how to use them to enhance your t-shirts, sweatshirts and cotton bags.


The heat press  is a machine used for the flocking and sublimation processes. This device allows you to transfer your graphic designs onto a flat medium such as a t-shirt or a towel. The heat press is a modern and easy-to-use means of printing for the average person.

This device also allows printing artwork on a mug, cap, tote bag or puzzle. Now there are no limits when it comes to heat press sublimable items. The latter is also an excellent alternative to other technologies used only for screen printing.

Typically, a heat press has a metal surface called a platen. It is electronically heated; you only need a slight pressure on its heating plate to print your illustration. Printing is done at a high temperature (defined beforehand by the user), hence the hot press.

Best Heat Transfer Press: How It Works, 2022


To choose the heat press that will best meet your needs, it will be necessary to take into account the criteria below:


The first aspect to consider when choosing your heat press is the frequency of use. Indeed, some machines have great endurance to withstand intensive use. They can work every day without interruption. Everything will depend on your needs and the goals you want to achieve at the end of the month.

Some companies use their machine several times in the same day without intensive use. If your heat press will only be used occasionally (one or two days a week), there is no need to choose a device with a high frequency of use.


The choice of your heat press will also depend on the medium on which your artwork will be printed. Depending on whether it is only printing on t-shirts or sweatshirts, the needs that the machine will have to meet are pretty different. A device for printing on bags will be less effective in sublimating a cap.

The heat press must also be adapted to the dimensions and shape of the item you wish to sublimate. You will have to turn to specialized presses if you want to do flocking of caps, even more so if it is a large quantity. A versatile heat press would be ideal for those who have to work in multiple mediums (t-shirts and socks, for example).


Depending on the type of article to be pressed, the dimensions of the heating plates are also to be considered. To achieve the best poses, it is recommended to use a heat press with fairly wide platens on large textiles. However, what about companies that need to sublimate multiple types of items?

To meet these different needs, you can buy platens in several sizes and integrate them into your heat presses. It is also possible for those who wish to order a personalized tray.


The number of series is a criterion that complements the frequency of use of the heat press. In other words, you will need to determine the number of items in each series. For example, you have a series of 50 or 100 copies, considered minor quantities.

Some heat presses are particularly good at printing artwork on 100-300 items daily. This is an average amount. A series includes many articles when the number is more significant than 300 copies. This criterion varies according to the nature of the activity carried out.


The last point to consider before choosing your heat press is the amount to invest in acquiring it. It is natural to think that the price of the device will be a guarantee of its quality. This proves to be true in the case of heat presses.

However, it will be necessary to find the right balance between the amount spent and the needs this machine will have to meet. You can opt for a reasonably expensive heat press if it is used heavily and sublimate various types of items.

Once all these criteria are considered, choosing the heat press that best suits your needs will be more accessible

Best Heat Transfer Press: How It Works, 2022.


On the market, you will find three types of heat presses: the manual press, the automatic press and the special presses.


Manual presses, as their name indicates, are intended for manual use. They are equipped for this with two heating pads that stick together to apply heat to the support to be sublimated. The heat is distributed evenly over the entire surface of the items to be printed. This type of heat press also has two different categories of presses.


This heat press is a reasonably widespread device, and it is less expensive than other models. Its opening is done by raising the upper plate to spread the support to be printed. This is a portfolio opening, and this is done at an angle of 40° from the horizontal.

The angle-opening manual press is an easy-to-use device. Rounding off angles on different types of items is accessible on this device. Likewise, replacing the blades on this press is relatively easy.


As its name specifies, this type of press has an upper plate that pivots on its axis at the rear of the device. A swing-open manual press allows the user to save more space.

Thanks to the wallet opening, you spend much less effort each time you lift the heating pad to spread the article to be printed. In addition, swing-open manual press models allow you to increase your production quickly.


The automatic press is a machine often used in the industrial sector. It is relatively expensive but offers the user greater ease of use. As its name suggests, this type of press allows you to perform all your printing automatically. You will find automatic presses with a hydraulic opening on the one hand and a pneumatic opening on the other.


The automatic presses with hydraulic opening exert sufficient pressure on the supports to obtaining optimal results. This way, you can be sure that the graphic is correctly applied to the sublimated article. In addition, this type of press has a digital control screen. This allows the user to adjust the pressure force.

It is also possible to set the printing temperature on the control screen of your automatic press with a hydraulic opening. The heat used to print the support varies according to the latter’s nature.

Best Heat Transfer Press: How It Works, 2022


The automatic presses with pneumatic opening allow you to carry out work of optimal quality. This type of press ensures the easy application and take-off of your transfers. Also, various flocking can be carried out on many supports using pneumatic opening presses.

They are equipped with a large heating plate to sublimate your clothes, puzzles and ceramic tiles. This type of automatic press is ideally indicated for those who wish to carry out the flocking of mouse pads.


Printing on many media may require different presses unless you have a special press. Indeed, it is possible to choose a heat press adapted to the size and shape of the article to be sublimated. These are ad hoc presses made to meet a specific need.

For example, you have mug presses to print various illustrations on your mugs. It will be enough to use an adjustable ring to fix the paper on the face before proceeding to its sublimation.


Depending on the type of heat press, the settings and the mode of use may vary. Here are some procedures for using manual and automatic presses.

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After turning on your manual press without automatic opening, you must adjust the temperature. Similarly, the time required to apply the transfer must be set on the machine. This information is generally given via the installation instructions simultaneously with the screen printing transfer. The temperature and duration vary according to the nature of the support.

You will have to wait a few minutes for the heat to reach the optimal level. Once the heat press reaches the set temperature, you can place the item on the lower platen and then fold down the upper heating platen. A timer alerts you when the heating time has been reached. Your support is printed, and it’s time to remove it.

Best Heat Transfer Press: How It Works, 2022


Once the Double Platen Press with Auto Pressure is turned on, the temperature, time, and pressure will need to be set. This information is essential for a triumphant transfer pose.

On the lower plate of the device, it will be necessary to position the support and apply the silkscreen transfer you wish to print. As soon as everything is ready, lower the upper heating plate, so it is well placed above the support. Check that the two trays are parallel before folding them down completely.

The pressure is exerted automatically on this device, and the wafer rises by itself once the heating time has been reached.

Single or double automatic platen presses

Regarding the single press and the automatic double platen heat press, the mode of use is identical to that of the previous presses. Only, to manipulate them, you will have to operate a pedal or a push button. The upper heating plate will move automatically, and the transfer placement will occur in a few minutes.

Best Heat Transfer Press: How It Works, 2022


With a manual press with automatic opening, equipped with a pneumatic membrane or not, the mode of use remains relatively simple. First, you will have to make the various settings from the digital screen. On the other hand, some models are equipped with a wheel system.

The main settings concern temperature, time and pressure. Once the optimum heat has been reached, you can place the item to be sublimated on the lower plate. Then, it will be necessary to position the transfer on the garment to be printed. Finally, you will have to fold the upper plate and wait for the heating time to elapse. The top plate will then rise by itself.


The heat press is a relatively cost-effective device for any entrepreneur looking to get into the printing business. He can specialize in the flocking and sublimation of clothes or goodies (mugs, mouse pads).

Although to take full advantage of it, you will need to consider several criteria when choosing the heat press. Some are the frequency of use, the quantity of each series, and the purchase price. Also, the advantage of the heat press is that it assures you smooth graphic outputs, and it can print in different colours without any problem.

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Best Heat Transfer Press: How It Works

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