How do you pick an appropriate UPS battery for your house?

How do you pick an appropriate UPS battery for your house?

What is a Home UPS Battery?

Home inverter batteries can be any rechargeable or secondary battery or storage (electrochemical power source) such as a lead-acid battery, nickel-cadmium battery, or Li-ion battery. Unlike primary batteries used in flashlights and wristwatches, accumulators can be recharged hundreds of times. The ability to convert chemical energy into electrical energy and supply it on demand and accept electrical energy when the battery is charged (and storing electrical energy) are the primary functions of a battery inverter. Raymond Gaston Planté (1834-1889) invented the lead battery in 1859 in France. TA Edison invented the nickel-cadmium battery in the United States.

The most recent Li-ion battery has been a collective invention for decades. Inventors include Professor John B. Goodenough and Professor M. Stanley Whittingham, and Dr Akira Yoshino, among others. The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences has awarded Prof. John B. Goodenough, Prof. M. Stanley Whittingham and Dr Akira Yoshino the 2019 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for developing lithium-ion batteries.

How do you pick an appropriate UPS battery for your house?

Inverter battery 150Ah – charging voltage

Usually, the inverter, an electronic device, is connected to the AC mains with the 150Ah home inverter batteries. When there is a power outage, the battery begins to supply the inverter with direct current (DC) (at 12V or more, depending on the design of the inverter), which is then converted to alternating current (AC) by increasing the DC voltage to an AC voltage of 230 V. It also regulates voltage, current and frequency.

And as soon as utility power is restored, the charging circuit wakes up and begins charging the 150Ah home inverter batteries. Inverters typically do not fully charge batteries. The manufacturers limited the maximum charging voltage, which ranges from 13.8 to 14.4V for a 12V battery. A tube plate inverter battery from Microtex will have better charge acceptance with low internal resistance. Its tube sheet technology provides overload tolerance.

What is the difference between an inverter and a rectifier?

The difference between an inverter and a rectifier is that the second converts alternating current into direct current (for example, battery charging), and the first converts direct current into alternating current (domestic inverters). Converters/rectifiers can change the output voltage, for example, from 230 to 110 V AC and vice versa. This is necessary due to the diversity of countries using different mains supply voltages.

What is the difference between a UPS and an inverter?

Inverter and uninterruptible power supply (UPS)

The main difference between an inverter and UPS is the switching time. The switching time is of two types: from mains to emergency power and vice versa. Inverters are only a few milliseconds (8 ms on average), which will not be realized in practice. In contrast, inverters will be several milliseconds (during which the connected electrical and electronic devices will be switched off). When the UPS starts supplying power, everything turns on, such as fans and lights (not computers, which must be turned on manually).

UPS or inverter for the home?

A UPS is typically used to protect critical equipment such as computers, servers, data centres, telecommunications equipment, and other electrical equipment where an unexpected power outage could result in data loss or corruption of files. UPS units vary in size, from units designed to protect a single computer (for example, a 12V/7Ah VRLA battery) to large units powering entire office equipment. Larger inverters use higher voltage and larger capacity systems, from 48 to 180 V, and batteries from 40 to 100 Ah. Telecom towers use 48v battery bank systems for UPS.

The run time of most UPS sources is relatively short (10-20 minutes) but sufficient to start a standby diesel generator to shut down the protected equipment properly. The UPS also protects against mains power anomalies such as power surges, voltage fluctuations, voltage spikes, noise, etc.

Frayed battery cables – serious business

What is a UPS battery backup?

How do batteries work?

An inverter battery is an electrochemical device capable of converting chemical energy stored in its active materials into electrical energy using oxidation-reduction reactions. Batteries are classified into primary and secondary batteries, depending on whether the cell’s reactions are reversible.

The difference between a primary and a secondary cell is that the reaction is irreversible in the primary cell. In contrast, in the secondary cell, the reaction is highly reversible, so much so that one can obtain almost the same output after recharging the secondary batteries in the reverse direction. So while a primary battery must be discarded when it runs out, storage batteries can be recharged repeatedly, multiple times, until their capacity drops to 80% of rated capacity.

The ubiquitous lead-acid battery, still used as a starter battery in cars, was studied by Wilhelm J. Sinsteden as early as 1854 and demonstrated by Gaston Planté in 1859-1860. This battery has an operating principle similar to that of the voltaic battery exposed to air, but it was the first so-called secondary battery that could be recharged. The term secondary is derived from the early studies of Nicolas Gautherot, who, in 1801, observed short secondary currents from disconnected wires used in electrochemical experiments.

The term “primary” refers to the fact that the energy source is in the active materials contained in the cell, and the term “secondary” implies that the energy contained in the cell has been produced elsewhere. Some experts claim that the term “secondary” is derived from the early studies of Nicolas Gautherot, who, in 1801, observed short secondary currents from disconnected wires used in electrochemical experiments. Fuel cells are similar to batteries, but the active materials are not stored inside the battery but feed the fuel cell from outside when power is required. The fuel cell differs from a battery in that it can generate electrical energy as long as the active materials are supplied to the electrodes.

UPS Battery Components

All home inverter batteries are built broadly similar and also operate similarly. The fundamental unit of UPS batteries is a “2v cell”. A positive pole and a negative pole are visible on the outside of the battery, clearly marked with a + or – sign and usually painted red and green. Inside each battery cell, a few positive plates (say an ‘n’ number of positive plates) are connected to a common busbar or connecting strip. Similarly, a few negative plates (say an “n+1” number of negative plates) are connected to a common busbar or terminal strip.

These positive and negative polarity plates are separated by porous insulating sheets called separators (2n in number). These prevent electronic contact between the plates of opposite polarity but allow ions to pass through them. There is another essential component called “electrolyte”, which contributes to ionic conductivity. Generally, it is a liquid electrolyte conductor, either an acid or an alkali. The valve-regulated lead-acid battery (VRLAB) can also be equipped with a positive plate with gelled semi-solid electrolyte or fully absorbed electrolyte in highly porous absorbent glass mats (AGM) to make the battery impossible to dump.

The latter does not require the periodic addition of water to compensate for water loss due to electrolysis. It is also equipped with a one-way relief valve to protect them from a build-up of excessive internal pressures. Suppose it is a non-aqueous battery like the Li-ion battery. In that case, the electrolyte will be a mixture of organic liquids, or it may be gelled (gelled electrolyte) or maybe a solid porous membrane (solid electrolyte). The specially designed lead reserve in the electrodes guarantees the battery’s life.

Which UPS battery is the best?

Flooded flat plate or tube plate? What is the best battery for a UPS?

When choosing an inverter generator, it is essential to know the main differences. The flat battery is, by nature, a short-lived battery. Although flat inverter batteries are designed with thicker plates than regular flat batteries, their service life is low compared to tube plate batteries. Home tube plate inverter batteries provide robust performance, recover quickly from deep discharges and have a very long life.

Therefore, the tube plate battery is the best inverter battery for a home. I prefer to buy tall tubular inverter batteries for the home rather than short ones if space is available.

Should I buy an SMF or a flooded tubular battery for the home inverter?

UPS Battery Price

The SMF battery is a sealed, maintenance-free battery. Also called a VRLA battery, it works on the principle of recombination oxygen chemistry. Learn more about VRLA batteries.

Inverter battery cost, Compared with 150AH flooded tubular inverter batteries, the cost of a VRLA SMF battery is higher.

SMF batteries should be charged at 14.4V to compensate for sulfation inside the VRLA SMF battery while the oxygen cycle is operating and maintain the battery in the best state of health (SOH). But most home inverters are designed to charge at 13.8V so that the charge would be insufficient, and after a few months, the SMF battery might no longer provide its initial backup time.

The oxygen cycle process inside any lead-acid battery is an exothermic reaction. An exothermic reaction generates a certain amount of heat. It will tend to reduce the service life because the heat dissipation property in SMF inverter battery applications is not as good as flooded inverter battery due to the design of electrolyte starved in the SMF battery, with the exact volume of acid inside the porous glass mat separators. Unlike the SMF battery, the tubular home inverter battery has a large amount of flooded electrolyte, which keeps it always more relaxed and guarantees a long service life of the home inverter battery.

Hence, a flooded tubular battery was the best inverter battery in India in 2021! Here, even if it is a flooded battery, due to the low content of antimony alloy and calcium alloy, the frequency of recharging is very far from the subsequent recharging. This reduction in water loss is due to the hybrid alloy system. An adequately designed battery, used in modern batteries like the high-quality Microtex Inverter 150Ah batteries, will not require the addition of water even after 18 months; however, the electrolyte level may drop, remaining within the limits of the lower allowed electrolyte level. Tube sheets pick up deep discharges. Overload tolerance ensures long life.

Is a tubular gel battery better than an AGM battery as an inverter battery?

The tubular gel battery is the best inverter for home applications, whether a home inverter or a solar photovoltaic inverter. It is important to note that tubular gel and AGM batteries are both valve-regulated types; they must be charged at 14.4 V (for a 12 V battery). Therefore, your inverter charger setting must be set to the correct voltage for the SMF VRLA inverter batteries to be charged appropriately.

Will SMF Inverter Home Batteries charge appropriately with my current inverter setting?

It is not known that most home inverters have a 13.8V charger setting. Typically, 13.8V is insufficient to keep the inverter VRLA batteries in the best state of health (SOH). If there is a provision for boost charging in inverters, occasional higher voltage charging (14.4V) will help extend VRLA battery life by eliminating the effects of sulfation. Or, a charge every six months will help alleviate this problem, although it can be heavy.

Inverter Battery Size Calculator – Inverter for Home

How to calculate the battery capacity of an inverter?

For a home inverter, the total power connected to the inverter or UPS will help calculate the capacity of the inverter batteries for the home that is needed. In addition, the design of the inverter also plays a role; the inverter system voltage is essential. For example, if the inverter uses a 12 V battery, the battery capacity can be 150 Ah. But if it uses two 12V batteries, the battery capacity is halved.

How to calculate UPS battery size?

What should I do to estimate the load correctly? The parameters needed to obtain the capacity of the UPS batteries are:

Inverter Capacity (VA)

DC Conversion Efficiency (~0.90) and

Power Factor (cos θ, 0.80).

DC power required = inverter capacity x Cos θ / power factor

= 500 *0.8/0.9

= 444 W

Continuous current required for 1 hour = W/ Average voltage = A

= 444/ (12.2+10.8/2) = 38.6 A

Energy required for 1 hour = 38.6 * 12*1 battery = 444 Wh

Energy required for 3 hours = 38.6 *3* 12*1 battery = 1390 Wh

Therefore the usable battery capacity is 1390 Wh/11.5 V = 120 Ah. It must be understood that this 120Ah must be delivered over 3 hours, so we want a 120Ah battery at a rate of 3 hours.

A 100Ah capacity home inverter battery at a 10-hour rate can yield ~72Ah at a 3-hour rate (please refer to the table below).

So, if we need 120 Ah, then 120/72 x 100 = 1.67 x 100 = 167 Ah of battery at a rate of 10 h.

You can choose a 150 Ah or 180 Ah battery to obtain a continuous power supply of 444 W for 3 hours.

If the battery has a nominal capacity of 20 hours, an additional 15% capacity must be added if necessary (capacity conversion factor of 10h to 20h).

Then the battery with a capacity of 20 h will be 150 x 1.15 = 173 Ah.

Then the battery with a capacity of 20 h will be 180 x 1.15 = 207 Ah.

Therefore, batteries with a capacity of 20 h will be Ah or 200 Ah.

How to calculate the inverter load?

The most crucial point to remember before ordering an inverter or buying inverter batteries for the home is to calculate the maximum load at home that we will have to supply power from the inverter when the power goes out. The following can be considered rough guidelines.

If we have to use

  • 1 tubular lamp = 50 W
  • 1 ceiling fan = 75W
  • One computer with 32″ LED screen = 70 W
  • 7W LED lamps x 8 lamps =56/0.8 = 70W

The total load = 265 W

The table below gives the approximate power consumption of different electrical gadgets:

Electrical equipment power consumption (W)Power consumption with a power factor of 0.8 included.

Tube light 40 =40/0.8 = 50

Ceiling fan 60 =60/0.8 = 75

Computer 200 =200/0.8 = 250

32″ LED TV 55 =55/0.8 = 70

LED TV 42 80 =80/0.8 = 100

The average duration of use is assumed to be 2 hours.

Current for this Watts = 265/12 = 22 Amps

So we need = 22 Amps for 2 hours.

From the table, we see that

if we need 44Ah, 44/63*100 = 0.7*100 = 70Ah of battery at a rate of 10h.

A 75Ah battery can be chosen to obtain a continuous power supply of 265W for 2 hours.

The current is then = W required / V of the system

Ah required = (W/V)*hours for 2 hours

So we need to see the 2-hour capacity—the average capacity of 2 hours = 63%.

[(W/V)*h]*Capacity factor. The capacity factor depends on hours of use

[265W/12V*hours of usage]/0.63 for 2 hours, assuming 265W usage.

[265W/12V*hours]/0.72 for 3 hours

For others, please refer to the table below.

Discharge rate, cut-off voltage and percentage of available capacity of a tubular (conventional) battery [IS: 1651-1991. Reaffirmed in 2002

Discharge rate, hoursEnd Discharge Voltage, (Volts/Cell)Percentage of capacity (100 at the rate of 10h)

1 1.6 50

2 1.6 63.3

3 1.7 71.7

4 1.8 78.2

5 1.8 83.3

6 1.8 87.9

7 1.8 91.7

8 1.8 95

9 1.8 97.9

10 1.8 100

20 1.75 115

How to calculate UPS battery backup time?

This aspect is the reverse of the point discussed just above. We have already purchased UPS batteries for the home, suitable for areas where power cuts are frequent. Now we want to know how much backup time it can provide.

The following points must be provided or assumed:

Battery voltage and capacity (12V/150 Ah10 assumed)

Connected load in watts (3 tube lamps, two ceiling fans, 5 LED lamps of 7 W.). Total power in watts = 120 +120+35 = 275 W).

Duration to calculate.

DC Power = AC Power 275/0.8 = 345 W

Current = 345/(12.2+10.8) = 345/11.5= 30 Amps

Looking carefully at the table above, it can be seen that a 100Ah battery can supply approximately 78.2%Ah for 4 hours. Thus, a 150Ah battery can supply 150 x 0.782 = 117.3Ah to the C4. So 117.3 Ah / 30 A = 3.91 hours = 3 h 55 minutes

How to calculate the battery size of solar panels and inverters?

Solar inverter battery

A regular power inverter is an electronic device that uses switching, control, and transformer circuits to convert direct current from a battery to alternating current. This is the basic principle of any inverter.

The inverter takes the direct current from the batteries and converts it into alternating current, which the appliances use. The inverter batteries and the inverter cables are usually connected to the electrical connection of the house. The batteries are charged when power is available in a grid or grid. When power is unavailable, the inverter switches to battery mode and allows you to operate appliances and other essentials.

A solar inverter consists of photovoltaic solar panels, a charge controller, switching circuits, batteries and inverters. It has terminals to connect the solar battery and the solar panels. The solar battery is charged from the output of the SPV panels when the sun is shining. The current generated by an SPV panel fluctuates according to the sunshine. The SPV panel produces a variable direct current (DC) in a solar converter. The inverter converts this direct current to an alternating current to power the loads in homes. Here, there is no power supply network. This house depends solely on the sun and batteries.

It is now clear that the usual or ordinary inverter is a simple circuit with a battery and an inverter or UPS.

While the photovoltaic solar inverter receives direct current from the solar panels when there is sunshine and stores this energy in the batteries on demand (i.e. when a light bulb, fan, or TV is turned on), the battery supplies power through the inverter. As the solar energy produced during the hours of sunshine fluctuates (because it depends on the intensity of the solar radiation), a charge regulator is placed between the SPV panels and the battery. SPV panels can also be directly connected to the SPV inverter so that during sunny periods part of the solar energy can be used by the loads.


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How do you pick an appropriate UPS battery for your house?

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