How to cool the house without air conditioning

How to cool the house without air conditioning

With the arrival of high temperatures typical of summer, not all are advantages. Most of them enjoy wearing them while going to the beach or the pool, but, especially when night falls, and we cannot fall asleep, we find it necessary to know how to cool the house in summer, especially when the heat is on.

If you have air conditioning, you have it easy, but you have to remember that installing air conditioning equipment is a costly undertaking. In addition, it represents an increase in energy consumption and, therefore, in the electricity bill. Discover how to cool the house without air conditioning thanks to this OneHOWTO article, in which we offer you a series of effective tips and tricks to subtract degrees from your home’s temperature, achieving a much more pleasant environment.

How to cool the house without air conditioning


  1. Pull down the blinds and draw the curtains
  2. Close the windows at noon
  3. Create drafts
  4. Eliminate or replace textiles
  5. wet the ground
  6. Put ice in front of the fan
  7. add plants
  8. Connect cold and warm rooms
  9. turn off appliances
  10. Turn off the lights
  11. Place containers with water

Pull down the blinds and draw the curtains.

Undoubtedly, the first step to cool the house without air conditioning is to prevent the sun’s rays from entering and, with them, the heat. If the sun’s rays fall directly on the window panes and balconies from the first hour, the temperature inside the house will gradually rise so that it will be an ‘oven’ when night falls. Therefore, it is highly advisable to lower the blinds or draw the curtains if we need light.

Close the windows at noon.

The air in the house must be renewed every morning when it is usually cooler. Therefore, it is advisable to ventilate each room for a few minutes to take advantage of the fresh air and care for our health. However, by mid-morning, the sun begins to shine brightly, and the air becomes increasingly warm. Therefore, it is preferable to close windows again until nightfall.

When night comes, temperatures drop even slightly, so you can open the windows and doors again. Of course, if there is haze or gusts of hot air and the temperature in the house is colder than outside, you should keep the windows closed as much as possible, even at night.

Create drafts

One of the most effective and simple methods to keep the house cool in summer is to open the windows at night. In addition, it is best to open two opposite windows so that you can create a draft. If the air passes through a corridor or a little place, it is even better since it will cool down due to the ‘tunnel effect.’ This way, you will be able to cool the house naturally.

Eliminate or replace textiles.

When it is very hot, you must take several measures to adapt your home to the heat. A good way to lower the temperature of a house is by replacing the type of textile or even removing it from the room.

During the winter, certain types of textiles make any room cozier. However, the opposite happens in summer: they cause the heat to concentrate in the room. Remove rugs and thick curtains that are not essential for you. If you can’t remove the curtains because they protect you from the sun, a little trick is spraying them with water occasionally. Thus, with the help of a vaporizer, you can cool the room where they are placed.

In addition, it is a very good idea to change the duvet on the bed for a light bedspread or cover the sofa with a light-colored cover. It is one of the best tips for sleeping in hot weather. If you want to know more, watch this other article with a video on Tricks to sleep cool in summer.

Wet the ground

Even if the floor of your house is very clean, during the summer, it is always good to have a bucket with very cold water to mop before spending time in a room, for example, in the bedroom before going to sleep. The water will evaporate heat from the ground, making it cool. Thus, the room temperature will drop slightly but immediately.

Put ice in front of the fan.

Turning to the fan when the heat is pressing at home is one of the best alternatives to air conditioning. However, you should know that this device does not cool itself but moves the air in the room. If you want to know how to cool a room efficiently, place a container with ice and coarse salt in front of the fan, always at a safe distance.

With this simple gesture, you will ensure that the air moved by the fan ‘passes’ in contact with the ice and cools slightly, managing to refresh the room.

add plants

If you wonder how to cool the house in summer, you should know one of the most pleasant tricks: plants. These living beings not only serve to decorate and brighten up any corner, but they can also help you cool the house without having air conditioning. Therefore, a terrace or balcony with plants is always cooler than one without.

Indoor plants, especially large-leaved ones, naturally cool your home, especially if you water them at nightfall.

Connect cold and warm rooms.

As we have said, opening two windows to draw drafts and create a corridor of moving air is one of the best ways to cool the house without air conditioning. In the same way, you can open strategic doors in the house to ‘play’ with the different temperatures that may exist in each room, especially in large homes.

If you live in a house with an attic, that is the hottest place in the whole house. If you also have a basement, it’s much cooler than anywhere else. To cool the house, you must open doors to create a draft. The warmest and coolest temperatures will mix, making the house less hot.

Turn off appliances

Any running appliance gets hot and emits heat. Therefore, if you want to cool the house without air conditioning, limit its use whenever possible. In some cases, like with the fridge, you won’t be able to do it, but in others, you can.

Do not leave the TV on in the living room if nobody is watching it, and try to make summer recipes that do not require an oven or too much cooking time. Also, remember to turn off computers and other electronic equipment when you are not using them. If you manage to stop the heat emission from all this equipment, you can cool the house without air conditioning.

Turn off the lights.

Keeping the lights off at home not only serves to save on the electricity bill but also to lower the temperature. Do not keep the lights on when they are unnecessary, especially if they are halogen bulbs, since they get very hot and pass this accumulated heat to the air in the house, contributing significantly to heating the interior of our home.

Place containers with water

Due to its simplicity, it may seem incredible. Still, leaving water distributed around the house is quite effective for cooling the house without air conditioning. To do this, strategically place a few bowls with water and ice in the corners or under the windows where the hot air leaks. Try it because this advice, together with the previous ones, will come in handy when refreshing your home’s environment.


If we suffer from something in Spain, it is the heat during the hottest months of the year. While some try to flee the heat waves near the beach, others are forced to survive on snacks and willpower. Nothing is more unpleasant than being in your home and not knowing how to fight the heat. Believe it or not, some tricks help keep the house cool in summer.

As the price of electricity is, it is only sometimes worth turning on the air conditioning. In addition, its prolonged exposure can cause serious health problems. Nor is it viable to resort to cold showers… It is a short-term solution, which involves an added cost of water. That is why it is important to learn how to cool a house without air conditioning naturally.

How to keep the house cool in summer? Discover, with these simple tricks, how to keep your home cool in summer without resorting to electrical appliances naturally and sustainably.

Reasons why it is very hot at home

To properly address the problem, it is vital to know its origin. Certain actions or use of home furniture are likely causing the interior temperature to rise without you realizing it. Here are some reasons why it is very hot at home:

Use of upholstery, carpets, and synthetic textiles

Certain materials, such as synthetic leather, are bad for high temperatures. Although aesthetically, they give an elegant touch to your sofa or the upholstery of the dining room chairs, the absence of pores prevents them from sweating. This causes the thermal sensation when you sit to be elevated, and they transfer much more heat to you. To avoid this, place a cotton or linen fabric cover.

You should also eliminate all rugs, blankets, and winter decorations. They will concentrate at a higher temperature and cause it to be hotter at home.

Keep the blinds fully down.

It is one of the most frequent errors. Many people believe that to keep the house cool in summer, they should insulate it by lowering all the blinds in the house. Although it is advisable to prevent the heat from the street from entering the interior, you should never lower blind people down. Otherwise, you will prevent the current from accessing, generating an even hotter environment.

Have electrical appliances turned on

Another reason why it is very hot at home is due to the temperature given off by some electrical appliances and appliances. The fridge, television, or computer can increase the temperature inside the home by up to 1.5ºC.

power type

Your feeling of heat in summer does not only have to do with external factors. The type of diet plays a fundamental role. Heavy meals, large meals, or winter recipes such as hot creams or soups will increase your thermal sensation.

Also, avoid consuming alcohol, as it causes your body to lose the ability to regulate body temperature. Consumption of coffee will not help reduce your feeling of heat either since it produces greater fluid retention. It would help if you did not consume spicy dishes either, as they stimulate the thermosensors of the mouth.

Dishes that are difficult to digest, such as fabada, very fatty or pre-cooked dishes, products with a high protein content such as red meat, or the typical barbecue in the garden that includes bacon, chorizos, or entrecote will not help either.

How to keep the house cool in summer: 10 effective tricks

Do you want to know how to keep the house cool in summer without using air conditioning or other electrical devices? Put into practice these 10 effective tricks to cool a house naturally!

  1. Put wet sheets on the windows.

Few people know this trick. Placing wet sheets on the windows will not only help them dry sooner after washing. It will manage to cool the house since the air that enters will lose temperature after contact with the damp fabric. You can also choose to place any other garment you take from the washing machine. The effect will be the same.

  1. Ventilate in the morning and at night

During the central hours of the day, the interior of your house will accumulate heat. For this reason, a good trick to keep the house cool in summer is to ventilate twice a day. First thing in the morning, when the breeze is still cool, take the opportunity to open the windows. When night falls, ventilate again; thus, you will release the heat of the day.

  1. Use weather stripping on the doors.

The interior doors of your home can also act as thermal insulators between rooms. Weatherstripping is plastic strips placed on the skirt of the doors to close the gap that remains with the floor. You can find them at any home improvement store.

How to insulate a room from the heat? If you have an especially cool room, use them to insulate it from the rest of the house and prevent heat from entering.

  1. Minimize the use of lights.

Certain bulbs or lamps tend to overheat and emit more heat. Especially if you have halogen bulbs, minimize their use and turn them off when you don’t need them. In addition, you can reduce your electricity bill and save money every month.

  1. Surround yourself with plants and water them.

Did you know that plants can regulate your home’s temperature up to 5ºC? During the hottest days, remember to water them. You will be able to refresh the atmosphere loaded with heat. If you have plants or flowers on the balcony or in your garden, watering them will also reduce the temperature of the façade, cooling the interior of your house.

  1. Opt for summer decoration.

Opt for breathable materials that absorb less heat. Natural fibers such as cotton or silk will help you keep the house cool in summer. You can also adapt the decoration of your home for another kinder to the heat. Wooden furniture is capable of regulating the temperature and reducing it.

Please avoid the use of furniture in dark tones, as they absorb and retain more heat. Prioritize light colors. In addition, a soft color palette will help to improve your mood.

  1. Adjust your sheets and mattress.

The night is one of the worst times for the hottest people. If you are one of those who sleep badly during the summer, you must choose to change the sheets. Discard those made of synthetic fabrics such as polyester. Get some made with natural fibers such as silk or linen.

Remembering the mattress… Pocket-sprung and viscoelastic mattresses are ideal for high temperatures. They facilitate breathability and do not retain as much heat. On the contrary, you should eliminate foam or latex mattresses since they are not thermosensitive and retain temperature.

  1. If you cook, turn on the extractor hood.

In addition to avoiding odors, the extractor hood will get you to expel the heat emitted by the cooking plates. If you have a ceramic hob at home, this trick to keep the house cool in summer becomes even more relevant. The hood can eliminate residual heat that persists after use once turned off.

  1. Refreshes floors

Even if the house floor is very clean, wetting it occasionally is a good way to cool the temperature inside. The water will end up evaporating, making the room cool. Put this trick into practice in your bedroom before bed, and you will notice how you sleep more peacefully!

  1. Create fresh air currents at home.

Keeping the house cool in summer avoids the emergence of a desert microclimate inside the house. For this reason, causing currents will renew fresh air, reducing the temperature. Open two or more windows strategically to favor air passage through them.

Those windows that face interior patios are usually the ones that receive the coolest. Seek to combine them with others and create a current that refreshes your house.

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How to cool the house without air conditioning

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