How to solve problems with domestic hot water 2023?

How to solve problems with domestic hot water 2023?

Having problems with Uncategorizedone of the most uncomfortable situations we have all experienced. Opening the faucet and getting hot water to come out, whether it is to shower, brush our teeth or wash the dishes, has become essential in our daily lives.

The most challenging part of solving our problems with hot water is identifying the cause for which hot water does not come out or even not a drop of water comes out.

If you need urgent help, it is best to call a service to solve your problems quickly. However, we will tell you the leading causes of hot water problems and how you can solve them.

How to solve problems with domestic hot water 2023?

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  • 1 What are the leading causes of lack of hot water?
    • 1.1 The low water pressure causes me problems with hot water
    • 1.2 To combat the obstruction, we are going to clean the hot water pipes
    • 1.3 Problems with hot water are caused by the poor condition of the heater
    • 1.4 Why doesn’t hot water come out of the boiler?

What are the leading causes for your lacking hot water?

The low water pressure causes me problems with hot water.

Various situations are those that can generate low water pressure.

The cold water is what lowers the pressure. Therefore, you must first identify if the problem is in just one key or the entire house.

If this line has low pressure, check how the water supplied by the boiler is coming out of the house. The solution is straightforward; if there are any leaks or obstructions, do not cause them.

Get an intelligent water pump that increases pressure. It will help you maintain the pressure levels you need so that everything works correctly and you don’t have any more problems with hot water. In addition, it removes the inconvenience of not being able to open two showers simultaneously since it will regulate the water pressure so that it flows appropriately regardless of your consumption.

If problems with the water pressure occur at a single point, you should only clean the device through which the water comes out. To clean the faucet, you must disassemble it and wash the parts, and in the case of the shower, you only have to remove the head to clean it well.

If the low water pressure continues or you have the problem in the whole house, and it was not before, it may be that a blockage is causing the damage in the pipe. The best thing to do in this case is to leave this problem in the hands of experts because it is most likely that you will have to handle certain chemicals to repair it.

To combat the obstruction, we will clean the hot water pipes.

The most common reason why we have hot water problems is clogged pipes. They can be blocked by mud, lime and other impurities, usually in the water, reducing the flow and return diameter.

If you want to try a homemade solution before seeking the help of a professional, we recommend pouring in half a cup of baking soda and then a cup of white vinegar. After half an hour, add 3 litres of boiling water. This mixture may be less efficient if your jam is lime.

For a lime jam, we recommend using caustic soda and hot water. You must be very careful as it can burn your skin, so wear gloves and safety glasses for excellent protection.

In a 3-litre container of water, dilute 3 cups of caustic soda and pour the mixture into the clogged pipe. Wait about half an hour and pour hot water into the line, and you will decalcify.

If your pipe continues to be clogged and the problems with hot water persist, you can resort to a decalcifying chemical. For your safety, we recommend contacting pipe decalcification experts since these chemicals are very toxic, and an accident can quickly occur due to their misuse.

The biggest enemy of our pipes is the passage of time. The speed with which our network deteriorates will depend on our pipe type. For example, if it is made of galvanized steel, it will begin to rust, and you will be able to galvanize the quality of the water that arrives; in some places, it will be dirty.

The poor condition of the heater causes problems with hot water.

When the boiler turns on but does not heat the water, it can be due to different problems. Chief among them may be due to lack of maintenance.

To find out if the problems are with the gas heater,  first check for signs of corrosion on the body. After this review, you must replace the oxidized metal parts; remember that you must also examine and corrode internal components.

Another of the signs of deterioration can be the change of colour of the water, through the tap or rusty water under the heater.

If you notice any moisture in the heater, the best thing you can do is replace it. This situation indicates a leak or that an area is flooded. Even if you fix the heater, this signal warns us that it will stop working at any moment, and we will continue with the problems with hot water.

Keep in mind that the useful life of your heater is from 8 to 15 years; everything will depend on the brand and the care you give it.

Why doesn’t hot water come out of the boiler?

With the boiler, it is much easier to identify if it has a fault that is causing us problems with hot water. When your boiler does not heat or light and only produces sparks, before calling a professional, you should check the gas system and ensure there is no gas in your boiler.

On the contrary, if your boiler is electric, you should check the pilot lights to find out if the root of the problem is electrical and check if it is fixed by resetting the boiler.

Electric boilers notify us on their screen when they have an error showing the message “error display” with a number that if you give it to the technician, you will facilitate and speed up the repair since, with this, he will know how to act.

The main difficulty when repairing a boiler is identifying the problem. We will tell you about the most common issues that cause us problems with hot water, although it is generally better to contact a specialist.

A prevalent fault is the failure of the pump or the temperature probe, and to solve this damage, we only need to change the part that stopped working.

Another problem is the obstruction of the smoke outlet, this error will appear with a specific code on the electronic panel, and it is explained in the instruction book for prevention, a boiler specialist should only fix it.

To avoid having problems with hot water, the best thing you can do is never postpone the maintenance of the boiler, the heater or the pipes.

How to solve problems in the domestic hot water network?

Enjoying an excellent sanitary hot water (ACS) service in the home is essential for the well-being of families. Opening the tap and having hot water to wash, shower or brush your teeth is a typical gesture in thousands of homes.

However, in some residential buildings, problems will likely appear over time in the domestic hot water supply, among them that the water needs to reach the critical temperature or the adequate flow rate. It can even happen that the water arrives with particles and yellowish colouration. What could cause these problems?

Obstruction of domestic hot water pipes

Obstruction of pipes is generated when, due to the passage of time, the internal diameter of the supply and return decreases due to the encrustation of lime, mud and other impurities carried by the water.

This phenomenon, which occurs in all water pipes, is more pronounced in hot water pipes since the high temperature favours the dissolution of these substances and their subsequent decantation when there is no consumption.

hydraulic imbalance

The hydraulic imbalance is a problem that originates in the design phase of the installation if this needs to be done correctly.

Some factors that can cause hydraulic imbalance are the diameters, the distribution of pipes or the choice of the return pump is inadequate. Or that the interconnection between the outward and return circuit is poorly made, generating air accumulation that prevents water recirculation through any of the columns.

Over time

As with all things, the passage of time is essential to consider in the deterioration of pipe networks, especially those made of galvanized steel. This material ends up deteriorating and oxidizing with time, and the inhabitants of the houses can notice it when the water arrives dirty at the points of consumption.

In addition, over the years, the building’s piping network has likely had to carry out specific arrangements that, in some cases, have generated new problems. For example, if copper arrangements have been made in a galvanized iron pipe and the joints have not been made correctly, breaks and oxidation can occur at specific points in the pipe network.

Solutions to enjoy a good supply of domestic hot water.

To the problems we have previously detailed, there is only one solution: renewing the pipe network.

Although it is common for this process to involve carrying out civil works that affect common areas and some private areas, when civil results inside homes are expected to be complicated, it is possible to clean the existing pipes with an abrasive system and subsequently coat the inside of the line with an epoxy resin that gives the existing installation the durability and performance of a new facility, ensuring that the entire building once again enjoys an excellent domestic hot water service.

For the whole process to be carried out successfully, it is recommended:

  • Do not postpone reforms. When the pipe network shows a high degree of deterioration, delaying the renovation only increases the risks of failures and, consequently, increases the costs of dealing with new shortcomings.
  • Trust in qualified professionals who carry out a personalized diagnosis of the needs of the pipe network. The pipeline network renovation project must be well-designed and sized, with quality materials.
  • The company that carries out the reform offers a comprehensive service for greater peace of mind for owners, and companies such as Remica provide a complete service for renovating the pipe network. We can both correctly size the installation and supply the appropriate materials and mounting accessories. We carry out the insulation of pipes using suitable thicknesses (at least, the insulation established in the RITE must be met). We take care of the shut-off valves and the hydraulic balancing of the installation. And in addition, we assist in essential masonry work and ensure that everything works properly when starting up the building.

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How to solve problems with domestic hot water 2023?

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