Top Cybersecurity Trends For Future 2023

Top Cybersecurity Trends For Future 2023

The importance of cybersecurity in companies and institutions is growing by leaps and bounds. 

The growing technological development we are witnessing today has several advantages. However, it also entails some consequences, such as cyber-attacks.

In the last three years, 20% of organizations have been subject to cyberattacks on devices in the Internet of Things (IoT) field. This trend could be extended if we consider that the current number of IoT devices will grow by 9% until 2025.

With the increase in cyberattacks, organizations are beginning to focus on improving the cybersecurity of their devices. But will past and present practices continue to be relevant in the future? Or will the advancement of new technologies also drive the implementation of new forms of cybersecurity?

Top Cybersecurity Trends For Future 2023

Keep reading our article and find out:

  • What technological advances could challenge cybersecurity in the future;
  • The main cybersecurity trends for the future;
  • How this could be a competitive differentiator in your company.

What technological advances can we expect in the future of cybersecurity?

According to Forbes and Gartner, these are some of the most emerging future technologies:

Digital Me

When we talk about Digital Me, we mean an Artificial Intelligence agent that can scan anyone’s knowledge and even take their place in some circumstances. In other words, it is as if each person created their own “Avatar” who can take charge of some simpler or routine tasks.

Algorithmic confidence

We will see a substitution of trust models based on responsible authorities for algorithmic trust models. They guarantee the privacy and security of data and the identity of people and things.

Beyond Silicon

More sustainable materials in the construction of chips are replacing silicon. With these new materials, faster and smaller technologies can be achieved.

Wearables and Augmented Humans

Have you heard of the technology that can be incorporated into clothing, everyday objects, or even into the body as a tattoo or implant? Its goal is to increase our response capacity to certain situations, allowing us, for example, to hear sounds that we don’t hear daily or to send information directly to our brains.

With the appearance of increasingly immersive technologies, cybersecurity has added importance. Companies have transformed and have made their businesses increasingly digital, using virtual networks and platforms and storing their data online.

Therefore, the greater availability of data and its easy accessibility leads to a greater need for Protection, which all companies must be aware of. Other issues, such as remote work, also pose weak points in organizations’ security systems, thereby increasing their concern about this issue.

These technological advances that we have talked about, together with the current panorama, allow us to identify what will be the biggest cybersecurity concerns in the coming years. And, consequently, identify the points in which it should develop further. According to Forbes, preventing and responding to cybersecurity threats is the key to success in the next decade.

Learn about future cybersecurity trends and how you can keep your most sensitive data and information safe.

What are the top 8 cybersecurity trends for the future?

More complex legislation

Like technologies, cyberattacks are becoming more complex. Faced with this reality, companies, and organizations will face more complex legislation and obligations, with a new focus on digital sovereignty.

Greater Protection in the Digital Supply Chain

In the future, many large companies will see their systems compromised by their Digital Supply Chain, as increased connectivity between companies increases the attack surface.

Large companies and organizations will have to protect connections with smaller companies with which they may be connected. Why? Because they have fewer cybersecurity resources and are more vulnerable to attacks by cybercriminals.

Blockchain as a Service (BaaS) technology could be a solution by providing a decentralized database for businesses. In the event of a data breach, BaaS technology also helps minimize damage by being able to track who last accessed certain information.

Security Awareness Programs

The human factor is the one that most often puts information at risk when discussing cybersecurity. We can say that it is “the weakest link” in an organization’s security chain.

This is because, within companies, employees often put their digital security at risk. Some of the most common behaviors are sharing passwords, using computers on external networks, and opening emails or programs from unknown sources.

It will become increasingly important to invest in security awareness. This preventive education will help to minimize risk behaviors that cause vulnerabilities in cyberspace.

Cyber ​​Resilience

Companies must be prepared to continue their operations today and in the future, even when faced with a less favorable environment. This prior preparation is called cyber resilience or cyber resilience.

Cyber ​​resilience consistently prioritizes cybersecurity in organizations, and not just when there is a data breach.

Cloud security systems

Cloud security systems offer companies a more centralized platform to monitor and manage security operations and will be a major cybersecurity trend in the future.

In addition to being easier to install and providing companies with real-time insight into their security operations, they can identify threats more quickly.

Digital identity care

The volume of data hosted in the cloud has been growing. Therefore, it is necessary to create more sophisticated access control systems that identify suspicious behavior. The goal is to ensure that only authorized people enter the network and access the data.

Dark Web Monitoring Platforms with Artificial Intelligence

The Dark Web can contain numerous threats to businesses. To prevent any attack, artificial intelligence (AI) platforms have been developed that use natural language processing and machine learning to monitor the Dark Web for any sign that information or data is compromised.

The information collected through these platforms makes it possible to determine if the company is at risk, the type of data compromised, and what can be done to solve the problem.

Creation of cybersecurity committees

Organizations are increasingly attentive to the issue of cybersecurity, and there is a trend toward the creation of specialized teams and committees.

The objective is to form a task force to raise employees’ awareness about existing risks. At the same time, you must be able to identify and resolve potential weaknesses or, in more extreme cases, apply contingency plans to protect your organization’s data.

How can cybersecurity be a competitive factor for companies?

Ensuring the security of a company’s data and cyberspace is an increasingly pressing concern. Customers expect their data to be 100% secure when they use an external service or product.

To guarantee this security to your customers, you must adopt cybersecurity habits as soon as possible, even without identifying risks. By adopting these practices, you will be protecting your business and giving your customers a sign of trust by showing them that the security of their data is also your concern.

Cybersecurity trends 2022

The continuous improvement and development of technology and the recent cyber threats have triggered a change in the cybersecurity trends of 2022. Here are the most important ones.

Zero Trust

Imagine a castle and a moat. The threats are left out if we are inside the castle since the perimeter outside the moat remains protected. If we transfer this metaphor to a digital environment, the problem comes when a user assumes that they can move freely through the system with the correct access credentials and trust that nothing will happen.

This is the most common scenario: no matter how many security defense organizations put in place, as soon as an unsuspecting user clicks on a malicious link or attachment, they allow cybercriminals to compromise systems. It is the reason why phishing and ransomware are so harmful.

The zero trust model restricts network access to only those who need it. Relying on contextual awareness, access is granted to authorized users using patterns based on identity, time, and device. Default access is removed. Everything must pass security protocols such as access control steps and user identity verification.


Ransomware and malware threats are increasingly causing many companies to seek cloud security solutions as a service. These solutions are typically provided by a Managed Service Provider (MSP) or Managed Security Service Provider (MSSP).

This modality offers a larger team of technology experts with a broader and more diverse knowledge of products and processes. In addition, the cost is reduced since for the same amount of a permanent IT professional, the services of a security expert, an OS, virtualization, network administrator, ad hoc problem solving, etc., are obtained.

User awareness and training

An Infosec report indicates that around 97% of people worldwide do not know how to identify a phishing email. Therefore, human error remains one of the main factors in many data breaches, showing that traditional digital security awareness approaches are ineffective. And as cyber threats become more aggressive, organizations are taking other steps to strengthen their security.

In addition to implementing more sophisticated firewalls and IT protocols, companies are now advocating upskilling their staff with training. Awareness campaigns have become obsolete; now, a new safety culture (SBCP) is promoted, new ways of thinking are taught, and new behaviors are incorporated that generate safer working methods. Even many companies are creating policies focused on how employees handle and share sensitive corporate data.

Machine Learning

It is one of the newest trends in cybersecurity, but the role of machine learning is growing, and it has become more proactive. One of the reasons is that, with Machine Learning (ML), cybersecurity becomes simpler, more effective, and less expensive.

This technology relies on sophisticated data to produce effective algorithms. It develops patterns and manipulates them, anticipating and responding to active attacks in real-time. In other words, the implementation of ML allows cybersecurity systems to analyze threat patterns and learn the behaviors of cybercriminals, thereby helping to prevent possible similar attacks in the future and reducing the amount of time needed by security experts. Cybersecurity to perform routine tasks.

cloud security

More companies are migrating to the cloud thanks to the great advantages cloud solutions offer. However, for it to be secure, an innovative model of predictive security must be adopted to combat cyber attackers.

This model can identify threats before attackers start their move. As a result, companies implementing the predictive security cloud have exponentially increased their ROI. And, if we talk more broadly about sectors, they have also joined in taking advantage of multi-factor authentication to strengthen security.

GDPR Compliance

The general regulation of data protection is one of the most important tools of the European Union in the management of data privacy. It can be extrapolated for the inhabitants of a member state and for all companies that sell goods or services to EU residents. Therefore, the GDPR has a major impact on global data protection requirements.

It enforces a uniform and consistent data security law, eliminating the need for each state to write its data law, further protecting consumers.

Distributing Decisions

Faced with a possible cyber attack scenario, business cybersecurity needs and expectations are maturing and changing towards a more agile security model. Therefore, the scope, scale, and complexity of digital business require cybersecurity decisions, responsibility, and accountability to be distributed among organizational units—far from a centralized function.

That is why the role of the CISO (Chief Information Security Officer) has changed from that of a technical subject matter expert to that of an executive risk manager. But, as we discussed above, a single, centralized cybersecurity function is not agile enough to meet today’s business needs. CISOs must reconceptualize their roles to empower business leaders, making it easier for them to make their own informed risk decisions.

cybersecurity mesh

The security product consolidation trend is driving the integration of security architecture components. However, there are still some fringes to be defined in terms of consistent security policies, enabling workflows, and exchanging data between consolidated solutions.

Therefore, a Cybersecurity Mesh Architecture (CSMA) helps provide a common, integrated security framework and posture to protect all assets in data centers and the cloud.

Future of cybersecurity

It has yet to be determined exactly what the future holds for cybersecurity. Many industries are still trying to figure out how to strengthen their networks amidst the current chaos.

These 2022 trends may alarm many organizations, but they also give us insight into what we can expect in the coming years. More than $100 million is forecast to be spent on protecting organizations alone, an amount is never seen before. This makes it clear that security software developers and administrators will be very busy in the coming years.

We encourage you to see the ‘Cybersecurity Day 2022 – Tech & Talent’ event, of which we were sponsors and which included a talk by our colleagues Iván González Vilaboa and José Francisco Gallardo Bernal as experts in Protection of information in the cloud with Microsoft Information Protection.

Ten cybersecurity training tools in 2023

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Top Cybersecurity Trends For Future 2023

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