Improving Garage Safety: A Guide for Homeowners 2023

Improving Garage Safety: A Guide for Homeowners 2023

Do you want to know the best tips to increase security in private garages? This is the question we are going to answer in this post.

Living in a single-family home is becoming more and more common. It’s more. Due to the pandemic, many people are considering buying them.

And those who can afford it for work reasons are willing to live in urbanization or isolated country houses to avoid social contact and contagion.

Improving Garage Safety: A Guide for Homeowners 2023

Whether you live in a single-family home or are considering buying one, it doesn’t hurt to have a private garage.

The garage is an excellent solution because it protects your vehicle from inclement weather and extends the life of your engine.

In addition, you already know that your insurance likes cars to sleep in a garage so the policy will be cheaper.

In this construction, security in private garages is crucial because they often also serve as storage rooms, and valuables are left.

For example, you can leave the lawnmower if you have a plot with grass or the most varied objects.

Also, remember that the private garage is a gateway to your home. This is why increasing security in private garages of this type is essential.

So it is essential to have state-of-the-art automatic doors and technologically advanced automation to prevent the entry of thieves.

But there are other tips to keep in mind in private garages.

Improving Garage Safety: A Guide for Homeowners 2023

What should you do to increase security in private garages?

Improving Garage Safety: A Guide for Homeowners 2022

Let’s go now with some tips you must consider to avoid robberies and scares.

  • If the garage is attached to the house, it will most likely have windows that act as a vent. It is essential that these windows are opaque and that they prevent a stranger from seeing if there are valuables inside.
  •  We also advise you to put iron bars on these windows even if you can’t see them inside. The harder you make it for thieves, the better.
  •  In any garage, whether private or public, it is always essential to have a pedestrian side door. It helps you get in and out of the garage when you don’t have to use the vehicle or in the event of a breakdown. This side door must have a latch and a lock, and you must ensure it is permanently closed.
  •  The automatic door must have the most resistant materials on the market. Currently, there are “bomb-proof” armored doors. The automatic gate that you hire must always have CE Marking.
  •  Be careful with the controls. Only use those offered by the company that installed the automatic door. They are the ones that will guarantee that they cannot be cloned or that the friends of the alien capture their frequencies.
  •  Hire automatic garage door maintenance services for an annual review to ensure all the automation works appropriately. This small investment can save you a lot of trouble, mainly because it will prevent breakdowns.

Prevent Security Systems   

Improving Garage Safety: A Guide for Homeowners 2023

It is common to think that our car will be safe by parking in our garage, but this is not always the case.

The garage can be easily accessible if it is not well protected. Therefore, thieves will feel more comfortable carrying out the robbery inside since, inside it, they will not be able to be surprised by patrol cars, they will find fewer traffic people, and, in the unlikely event that they run into a neighbor, they will have multiple places to hide.

Vehicle theft is not the only risk in a community garage. By breaking into the garage, thieves will also obtain valuable car parts such as the battery, tires, steering wheel, or rearview mirrors for later resale. In addition, once in the garage, thieves will be able to access the storage area to rob them easily.

The biggest security threats in community garages are outdated or deficient security systems and carelessness on the part of users.

Actions that put garage safety at risk:

Some time ago, in our blog, we talked about actions that can harm coexistence in community garages or cause conflicts, such as parking two vehicles in the same parking space, occupying an area that is not ours, or using our parking space to store various items in it.

However, there is another series of things that, although not so severe, can seriously compromise the security of the community garage and our vehicle inside.

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Leaving the garage door open:

The rush could be better, counselors. When entering or leaving the community garage with our vehicle, we must wait for the door to close, ensuring no one sneaks in behind us.

Do not cancel the lost controls or former tenants:

If we rent our parking space and change tenants, we must cancel the control or card of the old tenants.

The more people outside the community have copies of the commands, the more likely an intrusion will occur. In the same way, if we lose our garage remote or suspect that it may have been stolen, it is essential that at the same time that we request a new device, we unregister the previous one.

Leaving cards or remotes for access control inside the vehicle:

It is another common practice that will make your garage less secure because if thieves obtain the garage access card or remote, they can make copies to access it whenever they want. Also, if a car is stolen with the garage key or card inside, it will help them get out of the garage without raising suspicion.

Leave the car unlocked:

Although it seems like a prominent piece of advice, sometimes when we get home heavily laden with shopping or suitcases, we can leave the car’s trunk open. Or, in summer, when the heat is more intense, leaving a window open is not so strange. Being careful with these things will make us stop being an easy target for thieves.

Leaving valuables in plain view in your vehicle:

When we arrive at the community of neighbors, we feel safe and at home and let our guard down. However, we must bear in mind that not only intruders are the ones who can perpetrate robberies.

If we leave a valuable object in plain sight in our car, we can get the unpleasant surprise that one of the authorized users of our garage is a friend of others.

More security measures in private garages

What we have told you so far are the basics. But you can adopt many other security measures for your peace of mind:

  1. A great idea, although economically expensive, is the placement of motion sensors inside the garage. If someone enters, the alarm will be activated, and the Police will be notified immediately. You can also opt for surveillance cameras.
  2.  These sensors and surveillance cameras are installed in most community garages with a high density of neighbors. It is a measure that is present in public garages too.
  3.  Another good idea is to place stocks inside your private garage. Imagine that someone enters intending to steal your car. If he sees that he has a trap that prevents him from passing, he will give up his idea. Garage traps are a very efficient and inexpensive solution.
  4.  All access to your house from the garage must be completely closed. If, after all the security measures, the thief manages to enter, he cannot enter the house. This can give you valuable time to notify the members of the State Security forces and bodies.
  5.  If, despite all your efforts, your car has been stolen, install a locator that makes it easier to know its whereabouts.

Garage Safety Tips

Improving Garage Safety: A Guide for Homeowners 2023

Another important source of risk for theft and other security problems is garaged.

To continue with this topic, we have some ideas that we want to share with you so that you can improve the weak security points in your car park.

  1. Make sure you enter alone: â€‹â€‹access from the outside is difficult for thieves. Once inside, it is much easier to guarantee the exit by using the emergency opening systems in community garages that can be activated from the inside. If you find a stranger waiting to enter the garage, reapply the criterion of suspicion we mentioned in our security tips in storage rooms and wait before entering.
  2.  Check that there are no cars queued or parked waiting. This technique is widely used by thieves who remain parked at the garage entrances until you arrive with your vehicle and take advantage of your access to sneak in, skipping having to activate the door.
  3.  Wait for the door to close: this action will not take too long, and it will give you personal security to avoid a physical attack inside the garage and material security by preventing the theft of your car or the from other owners.
  4.  Ensures that the lighting is correct: as we have already mentioned in the case of security in storage rooms, if the space – in this case, the garage – is well-lit, it can be a deterrent point for thieves who have their greatest ally in the dark not to be seen and recognized. Sensor lighting systems are even more deterrent than those with manual activation.
  5.  It is forbidden to leave the garage remote control in the car: this case is just as serious as in storage rooms. Think that leaving a remote or garage access card in the car could be the way for thieves to get hold of a duplicate that allows them to roam freely. If it is lost or stolen, immediately notify the property administrator or the garage community so they can change the keys or deactivate them.
  6.  Please do not leave the windows down or the car opens: we know this advice seems like a platitude, but in reality, you would be surprised to know how often it occurs due to carelessness or negligence.
  7.  Valuables out of sight: leaving this type of object inside the car and giving anyone who passes by is a risk and, of course, a call to steal if the person who sees it is a thief.
  8.  Do not rule out and do not trust anyone: it would not be the first time that in a community in apparent harmony, there lives someone friend taking over the property of others.
  9.  Additional security systems help: here, we refer to video surveillance, access control, or even alarm systems connected to the Police, which are the star elements for deterring thieves and reinforcing the security of garages. Seeks that the equipment is approved and complies with the existing regulations in each case.
  10.  Trust professionals: or rather, be wary of personnel not technically qualified to install the different security systems in garages. An incorrect installation can directly ruin all the protection offered by the equipment. In this case, other risks due to fire, alarms due to accumulation of CO2, entrapment in access doors, etc., are added to the risks due to theft.

Always the five senses. 

All these measures we have told you will reduce the risk of being robbed. But you always have to have all five senses on guard.

For example. If you live in urbanization and you see someone hanging around that you don’t know, notify the rest of the neighbors or call the Police. Do the same if you see someone suspicious inside a community garage.

It would help if you did not leave valuables in your car. It is the best claim. Not even an umbrella.

The remote controls must be outside the vehicle because it is the best way to facilitate thieves’ escape.

In this post, we give you tips to increase security in private garages. Keep that in mind. Especially now that many people are considering moving to single-family homes to avoid social contact during the pandemic.

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Improving Garage Safety: A Guide for Homeowners 2023

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