Ten cybersecurity training tools in 2023

Ten cybersecurity training tools in 2023

Protecting your company’s digital assets and information is becoming increasingly important as employees work on laptops that can be taken out of the office anytime. In this article, you’ll find different cybersecurity training tools to help educate your teams on avoiding, detecting, and responding to cyber risks.

#1 Cybersecurity Training Tool – app

Sometimes it cannot be easy to provide training on compliance with regulations on topics such as cybersecurity, but the app makes it easy for you. As an award-winning blended training solution, EdApp can easily serve as a cybersecurity training tool. The training software for companies has a course library with more than 1000 interactive and engaging training courses that you can automatically deliver to employees in a matter of minutes.

This library has several cybersecurity training courses: Cybersecurity, Cybersecurity Awareness, and Cybersecurity and Insider Threats. All three courses will give your teams an overview of cybersecurity, ways to identify threats and attacks, and practical tips to prevent further risk. These courses are presented in short lessons that students can complete in minutes. They also come with quizzes to help increase retention of the information.

Enrolling your employees in these courses gives you access to actionable reporting and analytics dashboards. Take instant action with your data and easily get your learners back into your courses through push notifications. You can eliminate the hassle of chasing employees and get higher course completion rates.

Ten cybersecurity training tools in 2023

Cost: Free


  • combined training
  • course library
  • Cybersecurity courses and tests
  • Analytical and actionable reports
  • notifications

Cybersecurity Training Tool #2 – ESET

ESET offers several Internet security tools that protect your emails, keep you safe from phishing attacks, and prevent hackers from accessing your company computers. When it comes to training, they offer both free and paid training sessions. Your training goal is to make your employees aware of cybersecurity and give them tips on recognizing threats and staying safe.

In your cybersecurity training courses, your employees will learn more about what to look for, what to avoid and what to do regarding email, social engineering, passwords, etc. This cybersecurity training tool includes a phishing simulator, progress dashboards, email reminders, and interactive elements.

Ten cybersecurity training tools in 2023

Cost: Free and paid plans


  • Cybersecurity training
  • phishing simulator
  • Progress Dashboards
  • Email reminders
  • interactive elements

Cybersecurity Training Tool #3 – Hook Security

If you need a complete toolkit to create a culture of cybersecurity in your workplace, then Hook Security might be the one for you. You can offer your employees unique and personalized training experiences that are entertaining and memorable. With the built-in phishing simulator, you can send simulated emails to your employees, provide instant feedback to those who click on them, and track their training progress over time.

If employees fail phishing tests, you can automatically enroll them in training courses. You will have access to a complete catalog of videos and courses that you can send them to take at any time. Hook Security also has its own Learning Management System (LMS), so you can deliver your training and manage your employees in one platform. But if you are already using an LMS, Hook Security courses can work on your system as long as it is SCORM compliant.

Cost: Payment plans


  • phishing simulator
  • Feedback and progress tracking
  • Catalog of courses and videos
  • Learning Management System
  • SCORM-compliant

Cybersecurity Training Tool #4 – Phised

Get full authority on your company’s cybersecurity training with Phased. This adaptive learning platform comes with automated phishing simulations and preset learning paths to take the pain out of security training. Phased has a vast content database with interactive courses that can be edited to fit your company’s brand.

Measure and track training progress and take action with reporting modules based on collected data. You can offer additional training when needed or preferred by your students. You can also schedule this training according to your employees’ preferred schedules.

Cost: Request a quote


  • Automated phishing simulations
  • content database
  • Measurement and monitoring
  • Programming

Ten cybersecurity training tools in 2023

Cybersecurity Training Tool #5 – SafeTitan

SafeTitan offers cybersecurity training with several cybersecurity training tools. They boast behavior-based training, fully automated simulated phishing attacks, SCORM-compliant training, and an extensive library of courses, videos, and quizzes. These learning contents are short and efficient and are made to be enjoyed with their interactive training.

Analytical reports are available for easy and digestible training management. Safelite also has integrations for other Microsoft solutions such as Outlook, Teams, 365, and more. As a bonus, SafeTitan also offers protection against advanced security threats such as phishing, ransomware attacks, and CEO phishing. With SafeTitan, you can deliver training and protect your company’s digital systems on a single platform.

Cost: Request a quote


  • behavior-based training
  • Simulated and automated phishing attacks
  • content library
  • integrations
  • Integrated protection against cyber attacks

Cybersecurity Training Tool #6 – Proofpoint

If you’re looking for a targeted, data-driven approach to making your employees resilient to cyberattacks, then Proofpoint is the solution for you. Your employees will be trained on a holistic approach to cybersecurity awareness and education and a proven framework that drives behavior change. With this tool, they will receive reduced-size training that will give them more time to be productive with their work.

With its real-world threat-based USB and phishing simulations, knowledge assessments, and reports, you’ll be able to assess your students’ training progress. Proofpoint also offers an email security solution that gives your employees contextual alerts and alerts them to suspicious emails. And with its real-time reporting, you’ll have great visibility into your most vulnerable employees.

Cost: Request a quote


  • Holistic approach and frameworks
  • USB and Phishing Simulations
  • knowledge assessments
  • Reports
  • Email Security Solution

Cybersecurity Training Tool #7 – KnowBe4

KnowBe4 is the world’s largest integrated solution for security training. Combined with simulated phishing attack testing, training content library, and results in the dashboard, you can rest easy knowing your teams will receive high-quality training on this platform. KnowBe4 offers AI-recommended training, giving admin users training suggestions based on employee phishing test results and enabling personalized training experiences.

All training content in this cybersecurity training resource is bookmarkable and optimized for mobile devices. You can also localize the interface and training programs, as KnowBe4 has translated the content for global teams. Plus, you no longer have to struggle with compliance training as you can automate enrollment and remind learners with follow-up emails.

Cost: Request a quote


  • simulated phishing attacks
  • Content library and translated training content
  • mobile website
  • AI Recommended Training
  • automated enrollment

Cybersecurity Training Tool #8 – IRONSCALES

Train your employees to protect their data and company information with IRONSCALES. As a cloud-based anti-phishing platform, IRONSCALES works to provide companies with a comprehensive training program for business email security. Its integrated security awareness training and phishing simulation testing modules comprise most awareness training programs.

IRONSCALES has over 100 training videos to help employees identify phishing emails and improve general cybersecurity awareness. These videos are available in nine languages ​​and are quick and easy to digest. With user management, you can customize individual and group training. You can also streamline the training process, track participation and results, and easily generate detailed reports with different statistics and graphs.

Cost: Request a quote


  • Integrated training and phishing simulations
  • video training
  • User Management
  • Analysis and reports

Cybersecurity Training Tool #9 – Infosec

Infosec aims to update and certify its employees with its on-demand courses and practical laboratories. You can enroll them in a boot camp for live, instructor-led training. Your employees will have unlimited access to 1,400+ courses, 190+ pre-built learning paths, and various performance metrics. Test your knowledge, maximize engagement, and help train your teams in the best possible way with all of Infosec’s flexible training options.

Infosec will guide your students through realistic scenarios within operating environments they would encounter on the job. They will learn everything from common lane fundamentals to advanced adversary techniques. Similarly, they will discover how to write secure code and defend cloud-based applications. You can also integrate learner data into your existing LMS with the Infosec API.

Cost: Starting at $299 per year


  • à la carte courses
  • Live training camps
  • Realistic training scenarios
  • API integration

Cybersecurity training tool #10 – Cofense

The last cybersecurity training tool on this list is Cofense. Thanks to collective intelligence and machine learning, you can offer your employees more than just awareness training. Its phishing simulator allows your employees to immerse themselves in these types of risks and cyber-attacks in a controlled environment. Trust that your employees receive high-quality scenario training with Cofense’s award-winning behavior conditioning software.

Cost: Request a quote


  • phishing simulator
  • Collective intelligence and machine learning

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Ten cybersecurity training tools in 2023

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