“The future of computing is in the cloud” 2023?

“The future of computing is in the cloud” 2023?

In the last ten years, cloud computing has significantly changed business processes in companies. The most obvious example is document and file collaboration, which has moved entirely online. The cloud has accelerated digital transformation, with companies actively using web applications to automate processes and manage teams.

Analytics migrated to the cloud. The tasks associated with processing large amounts of data and machine learning can only be solved with virtual servers and high-capacity cloud storage systems.

Cloud infrastructure has become a staple for entertainment content providers. For example, Netflix migrated to the cloud in 2015. The service constantly evolves; many new resource-intensive features appear, and data volumes are increasing. With the elasticity of the cloud, Netflix adds virtual servers and thousands of petabytes of storage in minutes.

Everyone is switching to subscription consumption, from content to email newsletters. Computing resources are no exception: a consumer of cloud services, such as virtual infrastructure, can always unsubscribe or change the tariff.

“The future of computing is in the cloud” 2023?

What is cloud computing?

Cloud computing is the provision of computing resources on demand over the Internet. Resources include servers, storage systems, data networks, software, and platform services.

Cloud service providers distribute computing resources among different clients. Each client receives the required capacities or services from a pool, which is scaled if necessary.

From a financial point of view, cloud computing is convenient for the consumer because:

  • There are no cap costs of such for own and local equipment for it – only operational;
  • The service is paid for use, for example, by the number of resources allocated or by the capacity used during a certain period;
  • The amount of resources increases or decreases when the need arises. That is, there is no problem with equipment or service downtime.

How the cloud market works

The demand for cloud computing is growing every year. According to the analysis agency Gartner, the global market for public cloud services will reach $308.5 billion in 2021. This is $40 billion more than 2020 and $90 billion more than in 2019.

Gartner also notes that cloud computing has become a catalyst for business innovation. Analysts recommend that IT leaders continually adapt their IT strategy to accommodate the cloud.

According to the agency’s forecasts for 2021, more than half of domestic companies will implement an integrated cloud strategy by 2021, when the local infrastructure in their data centers is expanded and developed using cloud resources.

Where is cloud computing used?

At the corporate level, cloud computing covers a wide range of services, from virtual infrastructure (Infrastructure as a Service, IaaS) to business applications (Software as a Service, SaaS). Thanks to the cloud, services that employees previously only got in the office using a work PC are now accessible from anywhere with an Internet connection.

Clouds are used in almost all high-tech industries: software development, IoT-based projects, big data analytics, etc. More specialized tasks are also solved in the cloud, for example, real-time speech processing. Using artificial intelligence 

What are the advantages of clouds?

There are seven main advantages:

  1. You don’t need to buy and maintain your IT infrastructure: equipment, services, operating system, and other software.
  2. You don’t have to think about upgrading and upgrading your hardware and operating system – the cloud provider does it.
  3. The burden on full-time IT specialists is reduced because the vendor assumes most infrastructure support tasks.
  4. With the help of cloud computing, you can test projects without large upfront costs, increasing or decreasing rented resources as the need arises.
  5. Cloud infrastructure and services are quickly deployed, unlike the traditional approach that involves purchasing hardware and software.
  6. A consequence of the previous point: a company can bring new products to market faster than competitors using its infrastructure.
  7. Resources scale quickly, for example, when an app gains popularity and the user base grows.

What the experts think

Lee James, hosting provider Rackspace CTO, believes that the future of cloud computing is multicolored (or hybrid cloud), a model that involves using multiple clouds from different providers simultaneously. James first links this to the widespread growth in the popularity of public clouds: 81% of companies use them in one way or another. Second, with the increasingly popular Kubernetes containerized application system, which is convenient for multi-cloud use.

At the same time, Lee James notes, many companies continue to invest in private cloud solutions, preferring them over public ones. Private clouds have more options to customize and secure the infrastructure.

Stephan Fabel, Canonical’s director of products, believes that the cloud is the best choice for IT infrastructure for start-ups. Companies starting businesses on a tight budget, Fabel says, require an environment to experiment with the latest technology. A public cloud is best suited for this.

Patrick O’Keeffe, Quest’s vice president of development, is cautious in predicting a move to the cloud. O’Keefe believes that the full transition to cloud infrastructure has been frustrating for many companies, primarily due to the high operating costs and inflexibility of public clouds. Therefore, says the expert, these companies can move to hybrid clouds.

What’s new in cloud computing

We see three new areas that are expanding the reach of cloud computing. These addresses are more correctly considered trends because they have yet to be used as widely as, for example, cloud storage systems.

Internet Things (IoT). The number of devices (things) connected to the Internet is growing: smartphones, TVs, smart watches, home appliances, systems like smart home sensors, smart cities, and more. All these devices exchange information with each other or the control software, often without human intervention. The further away, the more IoT becomes an autonomous system, the Internet within the Internet, accumulating vast amounts of data in real-time.

Gartner predicts 25 billion IoT devices will be connected to the Internet by 2021. The cloud is an excellent infrastructure for IoT because it provides unlimited storage space for the information it collects and high availability, performance, and scalability.

Serverless computing. This type of Platform as a Service (PaaS) is becoming increasingly popular in software development. The customer does not have to worry about server hardware and operating system management: compute resources scale automatically as load increases or decreases.

An example of such a service is AWS Lambda. This Platform works on the principle of event-driven computing: the set of necessary resources is allocated in milliseconds in response to an event, for example, when a new code module is added.

Quantum computing. Quantum computers are the next step in the evolution of traditional supercomputers. These computers are intended to be used primarily for working with large amounts of data. At the same time, both the data and the computing resources themselves (qubits) can be placed in the cloud.

In 2019, IBM made its quantum computer available as a cloud service. Anyone can connect to the machine and run your experiment. Rams program.

Which professions are relevant to the cloud industry

TechRepublic marks the 15 most in-demand cloud computing careers based on job market analysis. The first three places in decreasing order of demand are occupied: software engineer, software architect, and DevOps engineer. Last on the list is a backend developer.

Why cloud computing is the future

  • Speed and flexibility. Traditional infrastructure needs to improve to cope with the speed of market change. It usually takes weeks or months to allocate the right resources. Cloud resources can be obtained in less than an hour and the required amount.
  • Innovation. To remain competitive, a company must rapidly develop new products and services, assess its market potential, and implement them. Cloud computing is, in this sense, more efficient than local IT infrastructure.
  • Savings. The company that leases the cloud resources only bears the operating costs. Predictable pricing helps you plan your IT budget.
  • Fault tolerance. For cloud providers, customers The high level of resilience of int services is a must because many customers pay attention to SLAs first. Competition between providers forces them to improve the quality and reliability of the infrastructure.

Types of cloud computing: the future of cloud computing

Cloud computing, more commonly known as ‘cloud computing or programming,’ is already part of our lives and our day to day. Despite being a booming technology, it is also very new, so it still has great potential for improvement. 

The different types of cloud computing are moving in different directions, creating the need to meet a growing demand for professionals with specific and up-to-date training to fill new jobs.

In 2019, according to Internet World Stats, which collects different statistics on the world population, Internet users reached 4.4 billion, of whom a vast majority used some cloud service. In the business world, according to the State of the Cloud Report published in 2019 by the technology company Flexera, 94% of companies already use the cloud regularly.

Data shows that its use is advancing at a rampant pace and that it will become increasingly important in our society. Security, easy access, simple maintenance, and high flexibility are some advantages that make this technology one of the most promising for the future. 

All this means that the demand for experts in this field continues to grow and, consequently, increases the need for specific training. For this reason, the  Santander Tech Scholarships | Emerging Technologies Programs by MIT Professional Education, designed by Becas Santander, in collaboration with MIT Professional Education and, specifically, the  Cloud & DevOps: Continuous Transformation course, are a great opportunity for university graduates and professionals from any field who have up to eight years of work experience, are between 25 and 32 years old and want to discover from scratch what this technology consists of.

What is cloud computing?

Cloud computing is a computer service that uses external resources to run software or store information. We have the most common example in the palm of our hands: smartphones connect to the cloud to automatically back up our photos or conversations.

Therefore, the great advantage of this technology is that a remote computer is in charge of executing the actions and managing the resources so that everything works properly. In this way, the need to execute processes locally ceases, which is a great advantage in logistics.

The different types of cloud computing cover such important needs for companies as the storage of information, the execution of business management applications, or the making of backup copies.

Types of cloud computing

Currently, the different types are classified in two different ways: according to the types of networks used and according to the service provided. Next, we will look at both in more detail.

Cloud computing according to network types

  • Public network: the provider makes its services freely available to anyone who requires them, both for personal and business use. The most obvious examples are the clouds of Google, Amazon, or Microsoft, which anyone can access without paying for the resources consumed. According to a study by Flexera, in 2019, 91% of companies used the public cloud.
  • Private Network â€“ Privately, more powerful and higher capacity resources are provided. The fee varies depending on the resources used. According to this same Flexera study, 72% of companies use the private cloud.
  • Hybrid network: This is a mixture of public and private networks. A part of the service is offered in a public and limited way. The rest of the resources are paid.

Cloud computing, according to the service provided

In addition to cloud privacy, the different types can be differentiated based on the service provided. The great advantage of cloud computing is the scalability of the service according to the needs of the company at all times in an easy and fast way:

  • IAAS (Infrastructure as a Service) â€“ A cloud infrastructure is offered where companies can manage everything from scratch. Virtualized servers are used in which the client only has to worry about the software configuration part since the hardware remains in the hands of the provider. Resources can be flexibly modified. According to Lasting, in 2019, the forecast was that the investment in IAAS would exceed 72 billion dollars.
  • PAAS (Platform as a service): in this service, both hardware and software are offered directly; it is a model in which everything is ready to be used. The client remotely accesses the contracted services to get up and running without worrying about maintenance or configuration of hardware or software. It has a complete management system ready to use. According to a KPMG study, investment in PAAS grew 56% in 2019. An increase of 24% since 2016.
  • SAAS (Software as a Service) – This is software hosted in the cloud that is immediately accessible. The technical part is completely opaque for the end user; he only accesses the application to use it without extra installations or configurations. It is the most used service. According to Trend Micro, in 2019, SAAS brought in $20 billion quarterly to software vendors, which is forecast to grow 32% each year.

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“The future of computing is in the cloud” 2023?

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