This year we were lucky enough to tour Australia for three months, which turned out to be one of the best trips of our life. So exciting and so full of surprises that it left us wanting more! So yes, we will return to continue exploring this immense country sooner or later. Throughout this time, we passed through many incredible places and many others that we could not visit. If you are planning a great trip to the land Down Under, today we are going to tell you about the 20 best things to see and do in Australia :

1. Rent a car (or better yet, rent a van ) and explore the Great Ocean Road, one of the most beautiful scenic roads in the world. Wild koalas, bizarre rock formations, endless coastlines, and a few more surprises await—our road trip on the Great Ocean Road and tips for touring the Great Ocean Road.


2. We finally didn’t go to Uluru, but you don’t have to be a guru (I did rhyme!) to know that this sacred site for Aborigines is one of the things that we all (ahem) should see on our trip to Australia. We will be back. Sure.

3. Our gateway to the country was Perth and Fremantle; for that reason alone, we have a particular affection for them. Indeed, Perth does not have anywhere near as much to offer as Sydney or Melbourne, but it is a charming city with beautiful surroundings. Fremantle, for example, is well worth it: here you can sleep, as we did, in one of the oldest prisons in Australia and…

4. …Take a ferry to explore one of the places that made us fall in love with Australia: Rottnest Island, the island of the quokkas. And it has some fantastic beaches, huh. See how we did on Rottnest Island.

5. And speaking of beaches, the one we liked the most of our entire trip to Australia was undoubtedly Lucky Bay. And not only because it has turquoise waters and white sand, but because some super-cute kangaroos roam freely in it. This was the night at the Lucky Bay campground.

6. If you are a beach person, you also have to visit Hyams Beach without excuse, which always appears on the list of the most beautiful beaches in the world. And yes, it is lovely for a while, with its famous fine sand and an almost radioactive white (although it has too many houses attached to it, which, of course, takes away some of its charms). This is how we visited it on our road trip.

7. We ended our trip to Australia in Sydney, which was the perfect finale. We thought it was spectacular, a place that meets everything that can be asked of an ideal city: neighborhoods full of personality, wild beaches, a wide gastronomic offer, and many atmospheres. A trip to Australia without going through Sydney would be incomplete. See all you can see and do in Sydney.

8. Although we have our hearts divided, and we disagree on this point. Because Melbourne is the other city that made us consider leaving everything and moving here for a long time, that’s how it is: Rober is more from Melbourne and Lety more from Sydney. But we agree on something: we loved the Fitzroy neighborhood, although Melbourne is much more. Here we tell you everything to see and do in Melbourne.

9. Something strange happened to us with Byron Bay: we arrived thinking that it was going to seem like a place that was too hippy-hippy-touristy, and we loved it. It has something special, almost magnetic, that makes you want to stay longer than planned—the best things to do in Byron Bay.

10. Where we did go with high expectations (not disappointed at all) was Tasmania. This little island-state knew how to hook us from the beginning with its waterfalls, Bay of Fire, and wild nature. If you have the chance to go, don’t miss it. Of course, we recommend you spend at least seven days there.

11. The road trip we did through the Nullarbor was one of the best experiences of the trip. Hundreds and hundreds of kilometers make you feel lost in the middle of nowhere. Said like this, it seems that it has no attraction, but nothing could be further from the truth: we were able to enjoy immense and vertiginous cliffs (the Bunda Cliffs are a must), sunsets of fire, ghost towns and we even saw wild dingoes. Yes, sometimes getting lost is cool!

12. The Blue Mountains National Park, close to Sydney, is a perfect getaway from the city or an almost mandatory step on any road trip along the east coast of Australia. Many trails and viewpoints will leave you speechless. Learn more about the Blue Mountains.

13. Another city that we advise you to visit is Adelaide. It has a lot of charm and a lot of nightlife, although we especially liked its Chinatown, you know how we are with Asia. Suppose you are one of those who want to try the local wine in its surroundings. You will find the best wineries in all of Australia. We recommend exploring the nearby (in Australian distances, of course) Eyre Peninsula, which has a few charming corners. This is what you can’t miss in AdelaideAnd our passage in a van through the Eyre Peninsula.

14. Spending a few days in the Daintree Forest, north of the east coast, in a wooden cabin in the middle of the jungle, surrounded by spiders and near rivers where the terrible Australian crocodiles live, was both fantastic and exciting. If you like little adventures… you have to go. And don’t hesitate to take a boat tour on the Daintree River to see the dreaded crocodiles up close. 

15. One of the most impressive sections of the road trip was the one that goes from Perth to Esperance, which goes through the entire southwest coast of the country, where for us the best wild beaches we saw on our trip. If we had to choose two places, it would be the Green Pools with the Elephant Cove and the Ocean Beach Road, two truly awe-inspiring areas. 

16. If you need a few days of relaxation on your trip to the east coast of Australia, we have the perfect plan: Magnetic Island. Koalas in freedom, beautiful and wild beaches to access after some other trekking, nights of talks over a beer and a pizza, and some fantastic landscapes. Travel Guide to Magnetic Island.

17. Australia’s animals are one of its greatest wonders. With any luck, it won’t be long before you see kangaroos in the wild jumping on the sides of the road (well, it took us five days!), but if you want to visit a fantastic place, point to this name: Moone Beach Natural Reserve. We enjoyed one of the best sunsets of the trip here, and we did not do it alone, but we were accompanied by dozens and dozens of kangaroos (two of them fought, haha). 

18. As for the other animal symbol of Australia, the koala, we have to tell you that it is somewhat more complicated to see them in the wild, but they look, eh. We could enjoy them in South Australia, on the Great Ocean Road, and west coast areas. If you can’t see them, a recommended place to do so is the Port Macquarie Koala Hospital, where these animals are rescued and treated. 

19. Although Australia had reserved two gifts for us: the first to see a mother dolphin swim with her calf in the port of Whyalla, a few meters from us. The other, and if possible more special, was coming face to face with two cassowaries in Etty Bay, and although we don’t have photos, we keep them in our memory as if they were our most precious memory.

20. One of the experiences that we will never forget is flying over the Great Barrier Reef and the Whitsunday Islands. There are several ways to do it, both by boat and plane, although we recommend the latter. 

Top 40 things that you can not miss in australia

Please make yourself comfortable and fasten your seatbelt, not only because now we are going to go through, one by one, the 40 places to visit in Australia. Also, you likely want to stay and study in one of them.

But there will be time for that. Now enjoy this virtual trip because you will be amazed by our selection!

  1. Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park

Urulu-Kata Tjuta National Park is one of Australia’s iconic landscapes. Located in the great central desert, it is an Australian World Heritage Site for its breathtaking rocky settings and the wealth of Aboriginal nations that inhabit it.

The Anangu, one of the peoples who live there, say that the unmistakable monoliths in the park were born at the beginning of time. They are the dwellings of mythological beings, typical of the Australian aboriginal culture, who protect the region’s inhabitants

Urulu, also known as “Ayers Rock,” and Kata Tjuta, are this Australian national park’s main points of interestHere you can enjoy various adventures:

  • camel trek
  • Helicopter ride
  • Excursion to see the sunrise
  • camping under the stars
  • 4×4 Tours

Blue Mountains

Two hours from Sydney is one of the essential nature reserves to see in Australia. We mean the Blue Mountains. These are mountains with forests so dense that the English settlers used them as prisons.

The story goes that an ex-convict was the first European to cross this impenetrable jungle. His journey was fascinating, as he lived with Aboriginal tribes, and when he returned to Sydney, he acted as an intermediary between them and the settlers.

In addition to the eucalyptus forests, other of the main attractions in the Blue Mountains are:

  • The Giant Stairway
  • The three sisters,
  • The Jenolan Caves
  • The Katoomba railway is one of the steepest in the world.

Sydney Opera House

When we think of Australia, one of the main images that come to mind is the famous Sydney Opera House. Today it is the main hall in the country for concerts, theater, opera, and many other shows.

The innovative style of this building, the work of the Danish Jørn Utzon, has made it one of the emblematic buildings of the 20th century. It is even considered an Australian World Heritage Site. For all these reasons, it is a place to see in Australia that should not be missing from your list.

If you want to visit the Opera House, attend one of the scheduled shows. Or, if you prefer, you can hire an excursion and tour inside the building, showing you some of the behind-the-scenes curiosities.

Cape Le Grand National Park

The Cape Le Grand National Park, about 45 minutes from Esperance, impresses with its coastal landscape of enormous granite cliffs, paradisiacal beaches of fine white sand, and intense turquoise waters.

This park is also home to two amiable Australian animals: pygmy possums and western gray kangaroos â€¦ Typical Australian species that you will fall in love with. It is easy to find them on the beaches.

And if you’re lucky, you’ll have iconic shots to be the envy of Instagram. Along the shores of this park, you can enjoy activities for all tastes, from taking a simple walk on the sand to surfing or snorkeling.

Daintree National Park

Daintree National Park belongs to the joint denomination Wet Tropics of Queensland, a World Heritage Site by Unesco. It is the oldest tropical forest on Earth, 135 million years old. It is also one of the forests with the most incredible diversity of plants and animals.

We can assure you that it is one of the important places you must see in Australia!

This forest is crossed by the Daintree River, a navigable river that can be used for various excursions. But if yours is on the mainland, don’t worry; there are plenty of routes for hiking and enjoying flora and fauna, including some 13 species of birds endemic to this forest.

For an immersive experience, you can count on the explanations of a local guide from the Kuku Yalanji tribe, who will tell you how their ancestors lived, fed, or even healed themselves thanks to what this forest provided them.

Fraser Island

The Aboriginal name for Fraser Island is K’gari, which means paradiseSo now you can get an idea of ​​what we will find in this fabulous place. It is the largest sand island in the world. It is a place to see in Australia that you should not miss for anything in the world.

It is an island of overwhelming beauty and which, due to the tides, is constantly evolving. On this island, you can find streams and lakes with transparent waters. Birrabeen and Boomanjin lakes are beautiful, and in rivers like Wanggolba Creek, the water is so clear that you can clearly see the sandy bottom.

Bonus fun fact: On Fraser Island, one of the last communities of purebred Australian Dingoes living in the wild. It is not allowed to bring pets (especially dogs) to the island to avoid crossings with this species.

Melbourne graffiti

Melbourne is one of the Australian cities preferred by travelers from all over the world. What is the reason? The main one is, without a doubt, its high quality of life and vibrant cultural scene, which have given it the title of the cultural capital of Australia.

Another characteristic that attracts this city’s attention, which makes it one of our 40 places to see in Australia, is its outstanding commitment to urban art.

It is one of the world capitals in urban art, and it is common to see impressive graffiti when you walk through its streets, especially along the famous Hosier Lane. A walk through these streets is like walking through a gallery of modern art!

The support of local institutions for this artistic modality is clear: it is considered an essential element of urban culture and is therefore allowed, respected, and preserved. You can see it with your own eyes by studying in Melbourne and being part of this cultural ecosystem.

Kangaroo Island

As explicit as its name is,  Kangaroo Island is much more than just an island with kangaroos to see in Australia. Australia’s third-largest island has a unique natural environment and spectacular geography.

Here you find koalas, sea lions, penguins, wallabies, many species of birds, and kangaroos. There are almost twenty national parks on the island, and with the Kangaroo Island Tour Pass, you can enter many of them.

The caves, the cliffs, the bays, and the picturesque rocks of « Remarkable Rocks Â» are also some of the attractions of this island, a place you have to see in Australia to be impressed. It is advisable to spend at least two days getting to know all the wonders this island treasures. Are you going to miss it?

Port Arthur

What to see in Australia to learn a little more about its history? Port Arthur prison can give us an exciting perspective of the process of European colonization of this continent.

Port Arthur is one of the most exciting prisons in Australia. In it, new ways of treating convicts began to be tested. In addition, it was considered “the prison from which you could not escape,” and the most dangerous criminals were locked up in it.

Today you can walk around the prison. If you hire a guide, you will be able to learn the exciting stories of some of the prisoners who tried to escape. For example, there is the case of Martin Cash and two other prisoners who escaped by swimming through the waters…infested with sharks!

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Whitehaven Beach

Whitehaven beach is possibly the most famous beach in Australia. Its beauty is exuberant due to the pure white of its sands and the crystalline turquoise of its waters. If when asking what to see in Australia, you mean dream beaches, this is the place!

With an extension of about 7 kilometers, walking through it, having a picnic, or enjoying any water activity is quite an experience. To get to this earthly paradise, you have two options:

  • Across the sea in a boat
  •  A quick helicopter or seaplane flight

If you choose this second option, you will have the chance to see the barrier reef from above: fantastic!

Nor can you miss Hill Inlet, an area located in the extreme north where a river runs between the white sands of the beach from the island’s interior.

The Great Barrier Reef

At around 2,300 km, the Great Barrier Reef is the largest coral reef. In it, we will find hundreds of different species:

  • sharks
  • turtles
  • mollusks
  • manta rays
  • Corals.
  • saltwater crocodile

No seabed in the world is more varied and abundant on the planet, which is why it is the favorite place for divers and oceanographers from all over the Earth.

The Coral Reef is accessible from numerous points along the Queensland coast, from which boats depart daily. Some of these boats have a transparent floor, so we can better appreciate the interior of the waters or small submersibles.

But for those who want to closely observe this beautiful coral garden and feel it like from nowhere else, you can snorkel. There is also the possibility of taking a seaplane tour and watching from the air what this wonder is.

Even the astronauts from the International Space Station point it out as one of the most recognizable points on the planet. In short, you can’t miss it!

The Atherton Tablelands Falls

A landscape of ancient trees, mountains, dairy cows grazing on the green hills, sugar fields, and exotic animals such as the platypus is what we will find in the Atherton Tablelands.

But above all, this place is known for its beautiful waterfalls:

  • ninja falls
  • Zillie Falls
  • Millaa Millaa Falls

It is no coincidence that tourism is the second economic engine in the area!

The best way to visit this place is by car or organized tours. Many of them are designed for young people who want a great time. And if your visit falls on the last Saturday of the month, you can enjoy the Yungaburra market.

Without a doubt, it could not be missing from our list of places to see in Australia. But let’s continue.

King’s Canyon

Kings Canyon is rising above thick palm forests, a remote sandstone canyon in Watarrka Nature Park in northern Australia. Around 600 species of flora and fauna are preserved in it, some of which are unique worldwide.

The star excursion to get to know this rock formation is the Kings Canyon Rim Walk route, which lasts approximately three hours and consists of surrounding the canyon. Its route is a challenge, but the beautiful views of the gorge, with the so-called Garden of Eden 200 meters below, are worth it.

The Kings Creek Walk is the ideal option for those short on time. For approximately one hour, it leads to the lower part of the canyon among thick vegetation until reaching the walls of the rocky platform of more than 100 meters in height.

Something to see in Australia is incredible and offers different options for all kinds of people!

The Twelve Apostles

Off the coast of the Great Ocean Road, in Port Campbell National Park, rises a row of limestone spires known as “The Twelve Apostles .”Of course, there have never been twelve “apostles” or rocks, but initially, there were nine.

In 2005 one of the needles collapsed, leaving eight currently standing. Anyway, it is something to see in Australia wonderful.

Viewpoints and helicopter rides allow you to see the “apostles” from above. But what is impressive is seeing them from below and how small we are in the face of such great works of nature.

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Despite being overshadowed by Sydney and Melbourne and not being well known in the world, Canberra is still the country’s capital and is something to see in Australia that is worth a visit. You are in for a pleasant surprise.

In it, we will introduce ourselves, above all, to the democratic history of Australia with these monuments:

  • The Parlament
  • Australian Democracy Museum
  • National Gallery of Australia
  • National Portrait Gallery
  • Australian War Memorial

If you prefer to enjoy a more natural environment, we have:

  • Mount Ainslie viewpoint has excellent views of the city.
  • Lake Burley Griffin is located in the center of the city and is ideal for cycling around.
  • The Blacks Mountains, in the Canberra Nature Park.
  • The Cockington Green Garden is a romantic miniature village with replicas of famous world landmarks.

Riversleigh and Naracoorte Fossil Sites

The Riversleigh and Naracoorte sites, to the north and south respectively of South Australia, constitute some of the most important fossil deposits in the world. They reflect the evolutionary process of the peculiar fauna of the country, isolated from other continents and, therefore, with unique species, such as platypuses and marsupials.

  • Riversleigh is home to various fossils from different mammals, birds, and reptile species. It is a treasure for science, and if your inner biologist is wondering what to see in Australia, here is a curious and impressive gift.
  • Naracoorte is famous for its caves, declared a World Heritage Site by Unesco. In them, we can enjoy an abundant collection of fossils, these fossils constituting a thick layer of 20 meters. In addition, for the more adventurous, caving can also be practiced here.

Jervis Bay

In Jervis Bay, we find some of the most beautiful beaches in the world. The most famous of these is Hyams Beaches, which can boast the whitest sand on the planet. On its shores, you can practice all kinds of water activities: snorkeling, kayaking, surfing… Or simply lie down on its special sand and sunbathe.

Because Jervis Bay is located in the Booderee National Park, we can enjoy fantastic excursions and camping in the middle of beautiful interior landscapes.

In the latter, we can find kangaroos and spectacular coves at the end of the trails. It is a beauty that must be seen in Australia, yes or yes!

Kakadu National Park

At 20,000 km 2 (no more and no less than the size of Israel!), Kadaku is Australia’s largest National Park. Its ecological and biological diversity has made it a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

And since we mention it often… Did you know that Australia is home to 19 World Heritage Sites? It is not strange if, by now, we have already seen wonder after wonder of nature. But let’s continue.

Movie buff fact: This is where the famous 80s movie Crocodile Dundee was shot, so it’s the perfect place to feel like the adventurous lead. Not for nothing; along the way, we will find several signs that warn us that there are crocodiles nearby, be careful!

The Yellow Water Pond stands out among its beautiful landscapes, which can be visited on a cruise. Another particularity of Kakadu is that it houses cave paintings up to 50,000 years old, some of the oldest in humanity, so it has significant archaeological value.

Magnetic Island

This island inherited its curious name when the famous British explorer James Cook realized that his ship’s compass had been altered when passing through this area. To this day, no explanation has been found for this mystery!

But what does have great magnetism are the island’s beaches, some 23 in total. You can enjoy more than 300 days of sunshine a year, see koalas and join 3,000 people at the Full Moon party, which is held every month on its beaches until dawn.

You can also enjoy beautiful forests since most of its space is a national park. Don’t wait any longer and discover this natural treasure in Australia.


It often goes unnoticed by tourists, but this city in New South Wales has a lot to offer. It is the site of the Australian Gold Rush. His constructions, even today, continue to refer us to that stage. It is a unique excursion.

Also, you cannot stay without doing the following in Bathurst:

  • Seeing Tyrannosaurus Rex from the Australian Fossil and Mineral Museum, preserved almost entirely from a vision, is impressive.
  • Stroll through Machatie Park and stop at the plaque commemorating Charles Darwin, who visited the site in 1836.
  • Take an excursion to the Jenolan Caves, whose surroundings of beautiful limestone will not leave you indifferent.
  • Speed ​​across the Mount Panorama circuit.

As you can see, it is a visit that promises a lot! Stop imagining and start preparing for your trip to Aussie lands.

Wallaman Falls

These impressive waterfalls are located in the Girrigun National Park, and the waterfall is a thin trickle of water that falls 275 m. Tall. This makes it Australia’s tallest waterfall in free fall.

In addition, this waterfall is surrounded by a rocky landscape and lush green vegetation that leaves no one indifferent. It is possibly one of the most magical and natural Australian settings you can enjoy.

Lake Hiller

This peculiar lake is located on an island of only five and a half km in length, called Middle Island, in South Australia. The measurements of the lake are about 600 m. long by about 200 m. comprehensive, and it is surrounded by thick vegetation forests where eucalyptus trees reign and the plant called melaleuca.

  • Why pink? It was discovered in the Fiddlers expedition in 1802, which would last 40 years, and it has already been reported that the lake was saturated with salt. So much so that practically no marine species can survive, although we cannot say the same about bacteria.

The former contains beta-carotene, a reddish-yellow substance, and the latter uses the bacterioruberin protein to carry out photosynthesis, which is reddish in color. United, they give the lake that characteristic pink color.

Margaret River

A road runs from Perth in Western Australia to the sleepy little seaside town of Margaret River, which has probably one of the best scenic views.

Margaret River attracts all kinds of people, from surfers looking for some sound waves to wine connoisseurs who come crazy to see the vineyards in the area.

Foodie fact: apart from wines and good coffee in the area, you can visit the greedy Margaret River chocolate factory and enjoy its free samples. At night, the best thing is to find a place with live music and enjoy.

The Great Ocean Road

There are many roads in Australia, but one is worth traveling in its entirety, and that is the Great Ocean Road. It has a total of 243 km. and was built by Australian veterans in World War I as the world’s largest memorial to fallen soldiers.

Over the years, the natural beauty that runs along the road has led to this road becoming one of the best places to see in Australia.

Purnululu National Park

In this national park, located in Western Australia, are the Bungle Bungle. They are several mountains of quartz sandstone and incredibly jagged. Something that makes it worthy of being among those 40 places to see in Australia without hesitation.

It has been standing for some 350 million years, and for more than 40,000 years, it has been revered by its locals. This incredible place is also a World Heritage Site. Although it was a secret until the end of the last century, it is one of the favorite attractions in Kimberley and Australia.

Bungle is a sandstone maze with orange and black stripes. You can travel through the air by helicopter, on foot and camping, or in a 4×4, where you will cross this labyrinth and encounter rare fauna, fields with cattle, and tropical pools.

Nambung National Park

This park in the middle of the Australian desert is very close to the city of Cervantes, in the pure west of Australia. This western area is the wildest in the country, so the routes and places here will be in direct contact with Aussie nature in its purest form.

And it is within the Nambung National Park where we find the so-called Pinnacles, an area in the middle of a vast sandbank and dunes in which pinnacles of limestone clearing emerge from the fragility of the sand. A brutal contrast.

The shape of these pinnacles is irregular, so you may have the sensation of seeing beings with ocher or reddish skin. It’s time to start your adventure and include Nambung on your list of must-see places in Australia!


Launceston, Tasmania

The landscape of Launceston will evoke some feeling in you, but it can’t leave you indifferent. It is one of the places to see in Australia that you should go to if you want to discover one of the most beautiful and unique corners of this country.

Located in Tasmania, this city brings you imposing and captivating mountains and crystal clear waters. But that is not all:

  • It has the longest one-way cable car worldwide, located over the Cataract Gorge river gorge.
  • You can also visit City Park to see the Japanese snow monkeys.
  • About a 2-hour drive northeast of Launceston is the Bay of Fires, where you can swim in its clear waters.
  • There is the Cradle Mountain National Park to the west of the city.

Hobart, Tasmania

Hobart is located on the southern Australian island of Tasmania, separated from the Australian coast by the Bass Strait. On this island, what there is in nature. Here you can admire it in its purest state. You will see mountains, lakes, lonely beaches, forests, and jungles.

Its fauna is also extensive. About 10,000 years ago, it separated from Australia. For this reason, it still preserves some rare species of marsupials, such as the famous Tasmanian devil, which is currently in danger of extinction.

Byron Bay

Byron Bay is a place as small as it is beautiful and enigmatic. It is one of the favorite tourist destinations in Australia, and it is not for less. Byron Bay is known for its lighthouse and its beaches for all tastes, some perfect for surfing and others practically deserted.

But it also has hidden gems in its interior mountains, with waterfalls, pools, and beautiful and wild trails. For example:

  • Walk the Minyon Falls trail to end up taking a good swim.
  • Climb to the top of Mount Warning (don’t be intimidated by the name), where you can see a movie sunrise.
  • Head into Killin Falls for more hiking (with bathroom included).
  • Tour the Natural Arch, which is also perfect and easily accessible for adventure.

But in addition to the adrenaline and dopamine generated by the landscapes of Byron Bay, it is also a great option to study English and other courses that go with the vibe, without a doubt. Take a look and remember to fill in your details for more detailed information. And we’ll tell you everything!

Hyam’s Beach

Hyams is a unique beach because of the color of the sand that stains it. It has nothing more and nothing less than the Guinness Record for the beach with the whitest sand in the world. If you add to that the turquoise color of the water, the contrast is brutal!

This fantastic beach is located about 2.5 hours from Sydney and 3 hours from Canberra. If you wonder why the color of the sand is so white, it is because of the granite of magnesium that the corals give off from its waters.

On this beach, people are often seen snorkeling or diving. And if you are in the area, we advise you to go yes or yes to visit the Jervis Bay and Booderee Natural Parks. They are simply amazing.

Hamlin Pool

Hamelin Pool is a living ecosystem of fossils and a gem of sustainable tourism to see in Australia anyway. It is located in Shark Bay on the Australian west coast. Not in all countries can you see a natural phenomenon like this.

This bay is formed by several natural pools of high salinity, which are at the mercy of the tides, occupied by the entire surface by stromatolites. They are small rock formations built by microscopic beings that descend from the very first forms of life on planet Earth.

Brisbane Beach on the South Bank

This park is in the suburb of South Bank and is a must if you are in Brisbane for 1 or 2 days. An artificial beach doesn’t appeal to you? You will surely change your mind when you discover its barbecue, playground, picnic and games areas.

Palm trees, waterfalls, and all kinds of vegetation are not lacking. In one of the areas, some markets are also set up with all sorts of stands (clothes, jewelry, painting, decoration). Without a doubt, the artificial beach of Brisbane is one of the best and most curious things to see in Australia.

But we are talking about the third-largest city in the country of koalas. Here you can also live and find study and work offers to have the perfect excuse and explore it easily.

Ningaloo Reef

Western Australia has its Barrier Reef, and this is it. The most astonishing thing about this place is that, from April to July, you can swim with whale sharks. Do you dare? We also.

Or, if you prefer, you can also swim with the humpback whales. The best season to go on a trip next to these marine giants is between June and October.

In addition to this, which is undoubtedly the star attraction, you have the possibility of doing many more activities that you can see on the Western Australia website itself. You can also check the Ningaloo Reef website, where you will see the options you have to explore the area.

This marine park of about 260 km. It is home to more than 200 species of hard coral, 50 species of soft coral, and more than 500 species of fish. It is located about 1000 km. from the city of Perth. Oh! And in 2011, it was named a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Lizard Island

Lizard Island is a truly magical place you must see in Australia. The way to access this island paradise is from Cairns, by a small plane. You also have the option of arriving by boat from Cooktown.

The star activities that are a must if you visit this island are diving and snorkeling. But you also have:

  • Playa Tortuga is an ideal place to see sharks, turtles, giant clams, and some striking rock formations.
  • Sirena Grove has the best coral you must be careful with if you dive in the area.
  • The Marine Biology Station is open one day a week and conducts site tours.

Add to that the 24 beaches of fine white sand to explore, a giant resort, camping areas, and the national park that covers about 10 km2. Did you already write it down on your tour? Let’s keep going.

Rottnest Island

What to see in Australia that immediately makes you smile? Welcome to the island of the quokkas, those charming and friendly little animals that will steal your heart at first sight.

In addition, Rottnest Island is home to some spectacular beaches; The Basin is one of the most famous on the island, with calm and transparent waters to enjoy practically for yourself if you go in the early hours of the morning.

One of the most beautiful areas is the area that goes from Henrietta Rocks to Parker Point, southeast of the island. It is probably the wildest and most spectacular area on Rottnest Island. The best thing is that you tour this island by bike to enjoy the landscape at ease.

Rottnest Island separated from Western Australia about 7,000 years ago due to rising seas. Despite this, it is straightforward to access from Perth.

Flinders Range

This semi-desert mountain range is another must-see in Australia that you should not miss if adventure is in your blood. To traverse it, you can hike the Hayden Trail, drive an ATV over cliffs, or fly over Wilpena Pound in a helicopter.

In this mountain range, you can visit the Akaroola Natural Sanctuary, where you will see this region’s rock wallaby and unique birds with your own eyes. In its wake, don’t miss the moonscapes in the Simpson Desert, the opals and fossils of Coober Pedy, and a host of sacred sites with Aboriginal rock art.


Adelaide has a vibrant and exciting cultural life on the southern coast of Australia. There are weekly events, festivals, markets, concerts, and art shows. In addition, there is a boom in vineyards and craft breweries that you are going to love.

  • A walk by the Glenelg sea,
  • Walk the Waterfall Gully.
  • Reach the top of Mount Lofty for views that will steal your heart.

Karijini National Park

Karijini National Park is the second-largest park in Western Australia. It is composed of a large number of cannons. Inside them, you discover spectacular chasms, marble tunnels, pools of fresh water, and impressive waterfalls.

Karijini is situated in the Hammersley Ranges and is best accessed by 4×4. It sounds complex, but it is a place that you have to see in Australia because you will not regret it. You will hallucinate its emerald-colored pools, waterfalls, or profound gorges.

We highlight the pronounced Hancock Gorge, which we recommend you enter with a guide. And the overlooks above the junction of 4 gorges: Red, Hancock, Weano, and Joffre.

Important fact: Be prepared for the Australian climate in this area. In summer, they reach up to 40 ºC, and in winter, especially at night, it freezes.

Mornington Peninsula

Located an hour’s drive southeast of Melbourne is the Mornington Peninsula. It has been the preferred place for excursions and getaways to disconnect from the city by residents of Melbourne and, in general, of the state of Victoria.

In this peninsula you can find, apart from beautiful beaches:

  • National Parks
  • Panoramic views
  • vineyards
  • relaxing spas
  • Labyrinths to get lost
  • Golf courses and camping in case you feel like spending the night.

The conjunction between the wide range of activities and the proximity to the big city makes this corner one of the favorites for locals. It increasingly arouses more interest and curiosity for tourists.

Cable Beach

This beach, located in Broome, in the Kimberley region, is a 22 km stretch of pure white sand, cut by its reddish cliffs on one side and the turquoise waves of the Indian Ocean on the other. This is truly one of those places to see in Australia that leaves you speechless.

Cable Beach is perfect for swimming, sunbathing, and walking. At the beach’s southern end is Gantheaume Point, where dinosaur tracks are visible at low tide. Its lighthouse is a beautiful place to admire the sunset.

Fun fact: The name of this beach is due to the telegraph cable installed between Broome and Java in 1889. This installation connected that region of the northwest with all of Australia.

What to see in Australia | by cities

It is worth reminding you that Australia is one of the countries with the best quality of life in the world. Not for nothing, all the wonders to see in Australia are very well preserved. This strikes a perfect balance with the modernity of the metropolises.

If you did not notice the links mentioned above, here are the main Australian cities you can visit and tour. Best of all, in them, you can study and work. Discover them!



Gold Coast




Sunshine Coast




Alice Springs




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