What is Amazon Web Services AWS and advantages ?

What is Amazon Web Services AWS and advantages ?

We all know perfectly well what Amazon is; however, the normal Internet user does not know that the American technology giant has a line of business called AWS or Amazon Web Services, which companies such as Netflix and NASA are taking advantage of. , or Spanish like FC. Barcelona or Mapfre. Do you want to know exactly what it is? What advantages does it have? As well as how your business could be used. Here I tell you. Don’t miss it.

Amazon Web Services or also known as AWS, is Amazon’s set of cloud computing tools and services. These services range from storage to virtual image management or mobile application development.

What is Amazon Web Services AWS and advantages ?

The exponential growth of many companies has forced them to look for new infrastructures more in line with their new needs, which help them increase their productivity and reduce costs. That is precisely what can be achieved through AWS.

The service was launched in 2006 and embraced by companies as powerful internationally as Reddit or Netflix. Today, the number has multiplied, and the results obtained through its use continue to improve.

Amazon Web Services Tools – AWS

The trend of this cloud-based platform is for the user to have as many tools as possible through it. Like Microsoft and its Azure cloud platform, AWS has a wealth of business management tools.

The fantastic thing about AWS is that it is designed for both large companies and SMEs or freelancers since it has different plans depending on the specific needs of each company.

Based on this, AWS offers tools in the following categories:

  • Cloud computing. Here we find the star service of Amazon Web Services, that is, Amazon EC2 or Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud. This service allows you to create virtual computing environments in the cloud. This is accomplished through a web interface that connects to an Amazon Machine Image or AMI.
  • Databases. The Amazon cloud allows you to deploy through the cloud various types of databases to choose from, such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, SQL Server, and Amazon Aurora or DynamoDB for NoSQL, as well as transfer those that are already installed in a local network. This particular service is through Amazon RDS or Relational Database Service.
  • Creation of virtual networks. Through Amazon VPC (Virtual Private Cloud), you can create virtual private networks to which only company members can access; they are also fully configurable: IP, gateway, and subnets… thus allowing complete control over the information that is managed.
  • Business applications. Amazon WorkMail, WorkDocs, or WorkSpaces are some of Amazon’s cloud-based applications. In the case of WorkMail, it was born to fight with Gmail or Exchange. The main advantage over its competitors is in the security protocols that Amazon uses, having a very high level of encryption, whose encryption keys would only have the users.
  • Storage and content management. Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service) is a cloud storage service based on object architecture. These objects can be files normally found on any computer: documents, zip or rar compressed files, multimedia files, etc.
  • Business Intelligence (BI). In addition to helping you store and manage data, Amazon allows you to draw conclusions from it, thanks to the business intelligence of enterprise data and other services for managing data flows.
  • Web application management. The management, creation, testing, and maintenance of mobile applications through the cloud can be easily done with Amazon Mobile Hub. This includes a variety of tools that allow you, for example, to track app analytics, manage end-user access and storage, configure push notifications, deliver content, and create back-end services, among other things.
  • IoT (Internet of Things). To store the data collected through the devices connected to the Internet and analyze it, AWS helps you take advantage of the Internet of Things.
  • Developer tools. To store code, deploy it automatically, or even publish software through a continuous delivery system.
  • Security and access control. AWS allows you to manage users and their access rights.

As you can see, AWS has many services related to cloud infrastructure, related to data, and its use for any business of any size and sector.

Interesting? Let’s see what the advantages are.

Advantages of Amazon Web Services – AWS

According to some examples of Spanish companies published in some specialized media, the migration of a company’s systems to a cloud platform, such as AWS, can mean that the usual rate of incidents decreases by 20% on average, increasing the performance of the systems up to 40%. This happened to the company Serunion, which started using AWS in 2017, obtaining positive results after two months.

It is to take it into account. I am going to tell you a little more about the project.

This company was growing very important, and they realized that their infrastructure needed to support that amount of data and clients. Therefore, they decided to migrate everything to the cloud, in this case, to AWS. Thus, they passed their Oracle 11g database, SAP BI, SAP Business Objects, and web services.

In just six months, they even migrated their Sharepoint, Human Resources solutions, other databases, and print queues and software. This meant higher performance, fewer incidents, and time savings.

Now that you know this example, I will list AWS’s main advantages.

#1. It is a Low-Cost platform. Amazon has raised this platform from a low-cost perspective; the more users use it, the cheaper it will be.

#two. No commitment. Whether you need a server to host a small website, a data warehousing service, or a Hadoop cluster for your Big Data needs, AWS only bills you for as long as you use it. The moment you stop using a server, for example, you will stop billing.

#3. Quick acquisition. Purchasing a new server, for example, can take anywhere from several hours to 8-10 days, depending on whether your infrastructure is on-premises, co-located, or partnered with a hosting provider. The same is true if you need to purchase software licenses. However, AWS allows you to activate new servers in a few minutes without purchasing licenses.

#4. security. One of Amazon’s main obsessions when setting up AWS was related to physical and Internet security. The main aspects to highlight about security are:

  • The data centers are operated 24/7 by trained security guards, and access is strictly authorized.
  • It is available in different geographical regions, allowing you to be active in possible natural disasters in one of the geographical areas.
  • Ability to configure built-in firewall rules, from fully public to fully private, or somewhere between, to control access to instances.
  • It allows you to track each user and activity through Identity & Access Management (IAM) and CloudTrail.
  • It has encrypted data storage.

#5. Flexibility. Amazon Machine Images (AMI) allows you to create clones in different regions for multiple environments in just minutes, eliminating the need to repeat configuration steps each time. In this way, you can build a self-managing infrastructure closely aligned to the actual need based on traffic and resources.

#6. It is the global leader. According to Gartner, AWS has more than five times the compute capacity in use than the aggregate total of the remaining 14 service providers in the Magic Quadrant, where Gartner has placed AWS.

#7. Best-in-class PaaS offerings. AWS has built highly scalable managed services for databases, caching, data storage, transcoding, storage, backup, infrastructure management, and application management, reducing the overall time and effort spent configuring and infrastructure management and, therefore, significantly shortening the time-to-market cycle for end customers.

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What is Amazon Web Services AWS and advantages ?

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