Why does your e-commerce business need its mobile app 2022 ?

Why does your e-commerce business need its mobile app 2022 ?

Mobile commerce should become as important as e-commerce. Therefore, having a mobile shopping site store is no longer a luxury but an inevitable aspect. While most businesses have already started upgrading their sites to an entire mobile store, a significant gap exists. Are you still on the fence about trying your hand at m-commerce? Here are some statistics that can convince you of the same.

In a world with a lot of competition at every step, having a website will not get you the revenue you want. You may have optimized your website to be mobile-friendly, but have you ever thought about having a mobile e-commerce app? Are you still on track to try your hand at mCommerce? Here are some stats that may convince you to have your mobile e-commerce app.

  • Statista says e-commerce purchases via mobile devices have sharply increased since 2013. At the end of that year, it was around 961 million. This figure is expected to exceed 1 billion in 2018.
  • Around 60% of online shopping is done using mobile devices.
  • According to Google, 80% of customers start their purchase on one device and finish on the other.
Why does your e-commerce business need its mobile app 2022 ?

Why does your e-commerce business need its mobile app 2022 ?

Change in consumption behavior

Along with the stats mentioned above regarding buyer buying behavior, mobile commerce numbers are something e-commerce store owners need to keep an eye on. M-commerce is expected to represent up to 50% of total online purchases. In addition, Google highlighted the ‘right now’ expectations of mobile phone users have increased. According to a report shared by thingwithgoogle.com, “53% of visits are abandoned if a mobile site takes more than three seconds to load. … We’ve seen that for every second the site is delayed, conversions drop 12%.” Keeping this in mind, a mobile app is one solution to changing customer behavior.

The mobile experience can affect your brand image.

The latest research has proven that mobile brand experiences are crucial for customer satisfaction. Speed, relevance, and personalized content affect the overall user experience. Also, people today interact with brands twice as much on mobile devices than on other mediums such as desktops, TV, and others. Thus, the mobile application is one of the most intuitive media for e-merchants to build brand equity. Every time a consumer has a good experience with your mobile store, they raise the bar for your brand image.

Moreover, it even increases the expectations of consumers. Countering this expectation is easier with an app. easy navigation, simple navigation, filters, and site search save time and effort. Thus, boosting the brand recognition of the store.

Cultivate customer loyalty

Customer interaction and engagement are among the best ways to build customer loyalty. This loyalty is, in turn, the critical factor in customer retention. Bringing the entire e-commerce store into customers’ pockets is one of the best ways to engage them. Options like reward points, gift cards, and the like are some features built around cultivating loyalty. Online shoppers are increasingly making last-minute plans. Keeping pace with the expectation of customers who want everything at their fingertips is nearly impossible without an app store. Additionally, 46% of consumers say they would buy if they found the mobile experience uninterrupted.

Tap the following target audience

Online businesses need to focus on the younger, tech-savvy generation. They are the marginal part of the target audience. Problems such as big-finger problems and others are not a concerned for next-gen buyers. This is when a mobile app can come in handy for eCommerce store owners. Along with factors like loading time and easy navigation, many other expectations can be fulfilled with the help of a mobile app. Voice search technology, location-based searches, and inbuilt GPS are some features that can be handled using a mobile store. So, enhance your site with a robust eCommerce mobile app maker and tap into that customer base.

A better promotional tool

Handheld devices are the fastest way to reach customers, making them the most proactive marketing tool. Also, the mobile app includes the push notification option. Some may consider it boring, but it is still the most effective promotional tool. Other than that, social sharing options can enhance your store’s visibility on the social media platform. Some mobile apps can even work offline. Thus, it provides a 24/7 interface to inform customers about your store’s offers.

Outperform competitors

The number of e-commerce websites is on the rise. However, not all sites are upgraded for the mobile platform. Thus, store owners who have already dabbled in the m-commerce scenario have an indefinite advantage. Mobile apps not only boost business, but they can even help you find a competitive edge. With the ease of online transactions and personalized marketing strategies, you can outrank your clients who have not yet entered this field effortlessly.

Apps vs. mobile sites

A mobile website is perfect if your goal is to deliver user-friendly content to the broadest target audience. Mobile websites have a wider reach and are accessible across all platforms. Online shoppers want web pages to load quickly. However, mobile browsing is generally accused of being slow. This is one of the reasons that give an edge to native mobile apps. In addition, the hardware features of mobile devices are accessible with applications. Similar features and animations, and high-resolution images may take a little longer to load when it comes to websites. The app is an easy way to integrate them.

Excellent direct marketing channel

One of the major positives of mobile apps is that it provides a direct market channel for store owners. With an app, you can constantly stay in touch with your potential customers. Moreover, eCommerce mobile app push notifications are a much easier option to reach shoppers regarding different store offers. Investing in a mobile e-commerce app will undoubtedly cost you a lot initially, but your benefits will be innumerable as a long-term investment. In addition, cost-effective solutions allow CMS-based sites to have their mobile application. There is an eCommerce mobile app for Android/iOS for Prestashop, Magento, OpenCart, and other platforms. Prestashop Android/iOS mobile app builder, Magento mobile app builder, and OpenCart eCommerce mobile app maker can easily create eCommerce mobile for the respective platforms.

Why does your e-commerce business need its mobile app 2022 ?

Better connectivity with your customers

The motive of your business is to convert visitors into customers, which can only be done by keeping them actively engaged with your site. When you design a mobile e-commerce app, you can stay in touch with your customers. If you look closely, you can keep in touch with your customers through push notifications regarding the great offers currently being offered to customers. Personalized offers and discount coupons are some mobile apps that keep your customers coming back whenever you want.

10 Reasons Your Consumer Goods Business Needs a Mobile App

No one needs to be convinced of the importance of mobile phones. A whopping 7.26 billion cell phones are currently in use, which equates to 91% of the world’s population. Companies also have processes and operations that make extensive use of mobile solutions. Consumer goods companies are also catching up with this trend and building digital transformation strategies around mobile solutions.

Starting with an online ordering solution and then moving to advanced analytics, artificial intelligence, and other new technologies is a great way to get there.

Have you adopted a mobile ordering solution for your consumer goods business?

Why does your e-commerce business need its mobile app 2022 ?


With the pandemic, new ways to reach the consumer have emerged, and mobile ordering has become the new normal. Many consumer goods companies have their apps or products listed on marketplaces, allowing retailers to order products online.

The online ordering experience for your products will delight retailers and reduce reliance on field representatives for orders.


Data shows that the effectiveness of personalized offers is at least twice that of an average mass promotion conducted by consumer goods brands. A mobile solution from your company will collect data daily to give you access to what’s happening in the field. You can leverage your mobile application’s retailer demographic and behavioral data to run personalized marketing campaigns.

Why does your e-commerce business need its mobile app 2022 ?

Strategic Pricing

As a consumer goods company, you can design your pricing strategy based on production costs, competitor prices, market dynamics, and other factors. The rise of e-commerce platforms has recently added another data point to price discovery due to the price differential on these platforms. You may need to moderate pricing across channels to achieve KPI-based supply segmentation. Data collected from marketplaces, e-commerce platforms, and mobile apps used by field reps can help you derive channel-specific products and prices.

Minimum errors

Go digital, and you’ll first notice dramatically less time spent cleaning data between processes. Eliminating pen and paper in warehouses will significantly reduce errors, save time and provide transparency between systems. Reducing errors also facilitates reconciliation for stakeholders.

Why does your e-commerce business need its mobile app 2022 ?

Transparency in stock availability

With sales of consumer goods passing through multiple channels on different platforms, it is nearly impossible to manage accurate inventory availability manually. You’ll access real-time information with an online solution to manage inventory across all channels. With your reps, supervisors, and distributors empowered to access it on the go, you’ll benefit from improved transparency, efficiency, and productivity. The availability of inventory information will also help you identify demand and supply patterns to optimize warehouse inventory.

Data Power

As a consumer goods company, the data collected through the mobile app and other digital solutions will give you visibility into unseen aspects of your business. Data will also be more relevant with real-time updates. Before digitization, consumer goods companies collected data from retailers every 4-5 weeks. By the time the data reached them, it was already redundant and could not provide any actionable insights.

Easy tracking

With digitization, tracking consumer products has become easy and transparent. From production to shelving, we can accurately identify the location of any product with solutions like Ivy’s Distribution Management System. This tracking helps manufacturers release inventory based on production and expiration dates.

Delivery management

New technologies like Ivy’s Direct Store Delivery and Marketplace allow retailers to choose delivery slots based on their preferred schedules. These solutions help retailers reduce stockouts, manage orders, and monitor merchandising from a single mobile app.

Digital payments

Embrace mobile phones; you’re just a click away from digital payments. These payment apps will help consumer goods companies keep tabs on all transactions and keep systems transparent. They can also manage distributor credit limits and direct costs and calculate taxes when things go digital.

Upgrading Salespeople to Consultants

Sellers can now save time with guided selling apps that help them decide faster, make better choices, and get more done in less time. These solutions provide salespeople with calendars and to-do lists, helping them get more done without problems or obstacles. They also guide retailers on SKU recommendations and other insights from past data, all on their mobile app.

When considering the digital transformation of your consumer goods business, you must first strategize around the problems you want to solve. Consumer goods companies can achieve quick wins by identifying the root causes of waste in their operations: embracing mobile and cloud-based solutions for disproportionate efficiencies.

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Why does your e-commerce business need its mobile app 2022 ?

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