16 extra income ideas without leaving your job

16 extra income ideas without leaving your job

  • Do you need to quit your job to generate extra income? No.
  • But it is not about working hard, but about doing it intelligently.
  • If you can win $1,000, you can make it to $10,000.

Do you want to earn money online? 

Do you want to make millions of pesos almost effortlessly? Generate extra income? Sure, many advertisers would have you believe that the good life is just a few steps away. They tell you that your path to digital wealth is just around the corner, thanks to this secret they are about to discover. The best of all? They will only share it with you because you are part of their inner circle. You are the chosen one—part of the lucky ones.

But we all know how the story goes. The desire to make a profit and leave corporate life is powerful, so strong that this easy money system is so attractive that you have to do it. And then you make the decision and do it. You are now sitting in front of this magical course; all you need to do is take it and implement it.

Although few work out, only take the course if we implement it. However, we hear a lot of people talk about rushing. Work hard, they say. Strive. Could you give it a Work all night? Sure… this comes from our parents and their good intentions. They want to equip us with the best tools to succeed. But trying hard and working hard doesn’t always mean success. You can generate extra income on the Internet if you work tirelessly. But will you be free from corporate life? Most likely not.

16 extra income ideas without leaving your job

How to generate extra income online without quitting your job

For most, the goal is freedom. Financial freedom. Freedom from a job they no longer want to have. They want the space to go where they want when they want, and with whom they wish to—not having to report every movement and behavior. But before you do, you need a plan. Sure, you could burn your cards, quit, and give it a try. It might work for some, but for others, there’s a real panic about not making it.

Here’s the truth, though: Most people overthink it. Do you need to quit your job to earn extra income? No. And the best thing is that once you find a way to make money online, you must scale your efforts. Will you be a billionaire doing it? Most likely not, but you could certainly be a millionaire. All you need is to start trusting yourself.

Today, all you need to do is choose a path. How are you going to make money online? How much time are you going to dedicate to this cause? You will need some level of immersion to be able to do it. But it is not about working hard, but about doing it intelligently. We’re talking about four hours a week of intelligent work. And that means that you are going to hire third parties. Choose your main path and hire help for the rest. You don’t need to be an expert at everything; you must be very good at the main activity you choose.

Everyone has to start somewhere, and while money shouldn’t be your primary goal, if you want extra income, then your goal is clear. Focus on your first 1,000 pesos. If you can win $1,000, you can make it to $10,000. Don’t worry about all the things you have to do. Start small and get to work. But be aware that it will take time; it won’t happen overnight. Don’t let yourself down by setting idealistic expectations that millions will magically appear in your bank account.

Start selling stocks online image:

One of my mentors, Jeremy Delk, one of the most successful people I know, started from scratch. It was worse than that. He had taken $30,000 his father had inherited on his 18th birthday and turned it into a portfolio worth more than $1.2 million by selling shares. This was before the .com bubble burst. He was so self-assured at the time that he took $800,000 of margin. He was flying high. He was 22 years old, in college, and he earned much more per day than his teachers made per year.

When that bubble burst, he lost everything. The collections began, and the money disappeared; the worst thing was that he had lost his inheritance. But he always tells me that pain gave him the proper foundation. During those years, he learned a lot. And when the market recovered, he found a way to position himself again, now selling houses. This set him on the path to starting his own business and eventually becoming a highly successful entrepreneur generating over 100 million dollars a year.

His advice? Start small. Learn to move the nuts and follow your passion. You’re not going to be great at anything; you’re going to be below average, but you’ll get better over time. You have to have the right mindset and take the first steps. Persistence and action are necessary for every company, but especially in those with capital at risk and where you don’t know what you are doing. Making money online is not accessible by any means. You have to pay attention and be smart with every move.

Delk says you should open an account at a large institution and start selling small stocks, being cautious and not taking significant risks as you learn to do so. But the most important thing is to focus on the reason for this, beyond the money. Money is incredible, but we do more for the important than the shiny objects. This way, you will not only be able to earn some money without giving up your job, but you will also be able to cut off that union with the corporate world forever.

16 extra income ideas without leaving your job

Create an e-commerce business

Some of the most inspiring entrepreneurs I know have started e-commerce businesses with their eyes wide open. The best thing is that there are so many options; you can sell anything without having your own product. You can sell on Amazon, Shopify, or any of the platforms out there.

Jaime Cross, the founder of MIG Soap, prayed for years to find a way to make money. She was a stay-at-home mom raising kids, and she was struggling financially. They were so bad that she wasn’t enough for them, even for food. She tells me that it was the most challenging moment of her life. But one night, in a dream, she had a vision. She saw herself and other homeless people mixing soaps like chemists on a life-or-death mission.

It’s been seven years, and he’s making millions of dollars a year selling his handmade soaps from natural and organic ingredients. She tells me that there are tons of harmful chemicals in the products we buy, so she created products so organic you could eat them. Her path is proof of what can be achieved when you put your mind to it. Many people give up too quickly instead of going the extra mile and putting in the effort.

16 extra income ideas without leaving your job

Enter the network marketing fight

Network marketing sounds almost rude, but some people are doing well with this way of generating extra income. Ray Higdon, owner of Rank Makers, leads a massive team with hundreds of recruiters and clients served. But Higdon started like everyone else: he wanted to make money online without quitting his job.

Starting small, he found an excellent opportunity to promote. Then, she started using social media as a recruiting tool without investing in guidelines. He tells me that his videos helped him attract prospects effortlessly. Something happens when you go out and give content to your audience. This occurs when you already have a certain income; from there, the shift towards serving others instead of yourself happens.

Higdon is proof of this. His energy is contagious. The truth is that whatever method you choose to make money online, you have to stick with it; you can’t go from opportunity to opportunity and expect it to work for you. Get right in there, and eventually, things will start to work. This is how real money is made.

16 extra income ideas without leaving your job

Become a small business consultant

Occupations that are conquering the network are coaches and consultants. The best thing is that it does not require much time and that you can certainly do it and earn extra income while you have your full-time job. Also, everyone is familiar with consultants, and businesses know they need help and advice from others to succeed. The reality is that most companies have yet to learn how to grow. The truth is that they would be very willing to have someone else help them rather than make costly mistakes.

Plus, it’s much easier to get businesses to pay you for this. Of course, you will have to learn how to turn the screws, and you will need to have a positive ROI for your clients. Businesses will likely want to keep paying you when you deliver results. That’s pretty obvious, so make sure you give them value and don’t just walk away with promises.

Katie Richardson has just become a full-time coach. Years ago, she created a company with her husband, Ben Richardson, which was an ingenious invention for bathing newborn babies. But after selling the company, she decided it was time to help others build her business. So she settled on an audience of women and put her all into creating a business that empowers her clients to reach the next level.

16 extra income ideas without leaving your job

Build websites or sales funnels

Websites and funnels are trending. If you want a service business, you can do that to earn money without quitting your job. You will need creativity and understanding that it is very competitive. Even in the beginning, you will have to offer some services at low cost or free to have positive reviews. But it will be worth it.

Sell digital courses

Digital courses are the future. Most successful entrepreneurs teach through digital courses. Do you have to be an expert? No, not. All you need is to be a few steps ahead of your audience. That is all. Digital courses can be built in many ways and on various platforms, but you must understand how to promote them.

There are platforms like Udemy, but you would be risking a large part of your income, and you would not have control over discounts or promotions. They can easily take your 2,000 peso course and sell it for $100. And while this works very well for Udemy, there are better options for people who invested a lot of money and time making the course. The best thing is to build your system on your platform and promote it in digital webinars.

16 extra income ideas without leaving your job

Start your blog

Blogging is one of the most profitable fields; you don’t need to be a professional to start yours. You can start wherever you want. However, you do need to be passionate about the subject. Building your audience takes time; if you think it will happen overnight, think again because it won’t. It will take months, if not years before you see results. But eventually, it will become a great form of passive income.

How to start? Pick a topic. Investigate. And make sure you find a healthy niche that gets a lot of traction and attention. Refrain from following trends. Focus on healthy eating, health, or interpersonal relationships. That’s where the income is. And you can sell various related products through affiliate marketing and other ads in your content.

16 extra income ideas without leaving your job

Start an agency

Whether you focus on FacebookYouTubeInstagram, or Google ads, there is a lot of money to be had in starting an agency, and you can continue your job to generate extra income. Also, you can do it from home, even on your cell phone. But you have to learn how to do it right, and there are plenty of training resources. Take a course or learn from YouTube tutorials. As long as you are engaged, you can learn any skill for free.

All the information is there for you to take. Most people buy courses because it is an organized way to consume information. Usually, it is done step by step. This is very useful when consuming it. Earnings can be unlimited. You can charge a fixed fee or a percentage of the investment, and if you give your clients good results, that extra income can multiply to the sky.

Other less complex ways, but that, in the same way, will help you generate income without leaving your job can be the following: 

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Change your electronic wallets for money

Dig through your purses, bags, and drawers, and you’ll find some forgotten gift cards. You may even have received some Christmas gifts you will not use or prefer to exchange for money. In various currently available sites, you can exchange your electronic wallets for an amount of money that can be transferred directly to your electronic payment accounts.

16 extra income ideas without leaving your job

Check if no money belongs to you in any institution.

When people leave money in financial institutions or companies (such as savings accounts, security deposits, taxes, etc.), the government runs an unclaimed property program and a series of global reserves. There are billions of unclaimed pesos out there, so it would be a good idea to search in the Treasury, banking institutions, savings, and retirement funds.

Drive on your off hours

Would you like to drive when you have time? Consider taking people to their destinations with car-sharing apps. If you prefer to be a courier instead of a driver, you can sign up for courier and food delivery platforms.

16 extra income ideas without leaving your job

Take care of children and dogs.

If you like children, you can always consider ​​offering your services as a babysitter or babysitter on your nights off; it can be with your friends and family or looking for opportunities with acquaintances and on social networks. But now there is also the opportunity to take care of dogs, either for a few hours to take them for a walk or taking care of them while their owners go out of town. You can register your profile on some available platforms and earn extra money taking care of pets.

  1. Sell your old cell phones and gadgets.

There are various places where you can turn your old gadgets like phones, tablets, and computers into money. You can also sell video game consoles that you no longer use, DVDs, CDs, and books.

16 extra income ideas without leaving your job

  1. Watch movie trailers and earn money.

InboxDollars sells information to big brands like Netflix, Target, Walmart, and many more and then pays consumers for digital activities like surveys, emails, surfing the web, or watching videos and movie trailers.

It is usually a little money, but it is something extra you can earn from the comfort of your chair with minimal effort. According to a company representative, if you spend about 30 minutes a day on InboxDollars, you can earn from $50 to $100 a month (check the task you are going to do before you start it because some 20-minute playlists can pay only 10 cents on the dollar).

  1. Transcribe texts remotely

In the information age, there is no shortage of people who need text transcriptions, and it is an excellent way to earn extra income without giving up your job. The payment usually varies depending on the length of the audio and the time it takes you to transcribe it, but you can register on different platforms for this purpose.

16 extra income ideas without leaving your job

  1. Sell your photos

On websites like Shutterstock, you can apply to become a contributor, upload your photos, and earn money when someone buys an image that belongs to you. In terms of money, you can make from 15% to 33% of the value of your photo, depending on the image bank. Just read the fine print in the contract to fully understand the exclusivity clauses (some companies prohibit uploading the same picture on different platforms).

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16 extra income ideas without leaving your job

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